
PsychoPy® is used worldwide. Starting with v1.81, many parts of PsychoPy® itself (the app) can be translated into any language that has a unicode character set

A translation changes the language that the experiment designer sees in the PsychoPy® app while creating and running experiments

As a translator, you will likely introduce many new people to PsychoPy®, and your translations will greatly influence their experience


Translations here do not refer to what the participant in a study sees, nor what is seen in documentation (help files, etc.)

What you need to know already

In order to translate the PsychoPy® app to another language, you need a thorough understanding of at least three things:

  • PsychoPy itself, as an experiment designer yourself

  • the English language

  • the language you want to translate into (e.g., Korean)

You will also need an understanding of two more things. But in contrast to the above, these can be learned in less than a day.

  • how to contribute to the PsychoPy® project using Git via GitHub

  • how to use the free app Poedit

To help you along with Git and GitHub, you should read through the instructions on how to do so. However, we explain how to use Poedit in the tutorial directly below.


For a more step-by-step tutorial for translators, please see the materials from our 3-hour translator workshop. You can go to the workshop slides, or the workshop webpage. The information is identical in both.

What you need to have already done before you begin

Importantly, everything in the rest of this tutorial assumes you have already done the following:

Again, see the instructions on how to contribute to PsychoPy if you are unclear on how to do any or all of this.


If you are also working on things other than translations, consider creating a new branch based on the release branch, but rename it according to what you are going to do (e.g., translate-spanish). This will help you keep things organised in your own workspace. But if you are only doing translations, then just stay on the release branch.

The big picture

PsychoPy® uses gettext and wxPython to allow for translations into other languages.

When PsychoPy® starts, it consults a .mo file, which was generated automatically from the respective .po file during the latest release of PsychoPy®.

There is one default .mo file (US English), along with any languages for which .po files exist.

Translators modify the .po file, not the .mo file, which is binary and unreadable.

Image of how .mo files interact with PsychoPy, and how .mo files are generated from translations provided in a .po file

Finding the .po file you need for your translation

What you, as a translator, need to understand here is that in order to add any particular translation to PsychoPy®, you need to work on a particular messages.po file.

The messages.po file for any given language is stored within a unique subdirectory within the following directory in the repository:


The list of subdirectory names you see at that location are locale names from the ll_CC system in gettext. The naming convention works as follows:

  • For any given language, the first pair of letters, ll_, is replaced by an ISO 639 pair of lowercase letters that identify that language

  • For any given country, the second pair of letters, _CC, is replaced by an ISO 3166 pair of uppercase letters that identify a country.

For example, for German, ll_CC becomes de_DE, and refers to the German language (de, for deutsch) as it is used in the country of Germany (DE, Deutschland). Together, they index the dialect known as High German or Standard German (the upland dialect used as the official language in Germany).

Once you understand the naming conventions for language folders, your first order of business is one of the following:

  • finding the directory that corresponds to your language (in cases where it is already there), or

  • creating a new one (in cases where it is not).

If your language is not listed and you need to add it (or even if you are unsure whether you should be using the one already listed), scroll down to the section on Creating a new language subdirectory to learn more about what to do. Then return here when you are done.

If the appropriate language subdirectory is already listed, then proceed to the next section.

The translation process in Poedit

Open the relevant ll_CC directory. You will see a subdirectory titled LC_MESSAGE. Inside that subdirectory are two files. The one you work on as a translator is the .po file: messages.po. The other file is, an un-editable binary file that actually turns out to be the file that PsychoPy® will use during operation.


The .mo file is compiled during major and minor releases of PsychoPy®. It is also listed in the .gitignore file. So you should not waste your time compiling it yourself within Poedit.

There are a number of tools you can use to edit the messages.po file, but the rest of this tutorial assumes that you are using the free app Poedit. It is cross-platform, and very user-friendly. If you haven’t done so already, download Poedit and install it in order to continue.


How to translate the start-up tips in PsychoPy® is covered below under the section titled Step 3b: Translating Start-up Tips. It involves a related, but somewhat different process. First however, please read through the section directly below.

Step 1: Initial setup

If you are starting Poedit for the first time:

  • Go to File > Preferences (on a PC), or Poedit > Settings on a Mac.

  • Go to the General tab

  • For convenience, make sure that the box with the following label is UN-checked:

Automatically compile MO file when saving


As noted above, this is not strictly necessary as we have placed all files in the .gitignore file, but compiling this file upon saving the .po file would place an unnecessary burden on your computer.


Don’t add your name and e-mail address. Doing so would just unnecessarily make your name and email public on GitHub.

  • Go to the Advanced tab

    • Double-check to make sure that the following are set correctly

      • Line endings:

        • set to Unix (recommended)

      • Preserve formatting of existing files

        • make sure this box remains checked

If you are the first person to begin translations on a particular .po file (i.e., you have just created a new language subdirectory)

  • Open the .po file for the language in the subdirectory you just created.

  • Go to Translation > Properties

    • Under the tab labeled Translation properties

      • Project name and version: Type in PsychoPy followed by the PsychoPy® version you are working on (preferably the most recently released version of PsychoPy®)

        • (Note that this is not strictly necessary; having the wrong version here will not affect anything else)

      • Language: Scroll to and select the appropriate language or language variety (language + country; see above)

      • Charset: Set this to UTF-8.

    • Under the tab labeled Sources Paths

      • Base path: Set this to the path on your computer that leads to the psychopy directory within the cloned repository on your computer. Assuming you forked and cloned the psychopy repository in the usual way, this path would appear as follows on your computer: ..THE/PATH/ON/YOUR/COMPUTER/TO/psychopy/psychopy

    • Under the tab labeled Sources Keywords

      • Additional keywords: Make sure that the keyword _translate is listed in that box. If not, type it in.

  • Save your work (File > Save)

Start your preferred text editor (e.g., TextEdit, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm)

  • Open psychopy/app/localization/mappings.txt in the repository

    • Find or type in the appropriate ll_CC code at the appropriate line (entries are listed alphabetically)

    • Add the 3-letter Microsoft code that refers to the language. These can be found in the rightmost column (Language code) on Microsoft's list of Language Idenfiers and and Locales.

    • At the far right, make sure that there is a label for the language (and possibly country) that should be familiar to people who read that language, followed by the same in English, but in parentheses. The purpose is to highlight the name of the language (and possibly country) as written in the non-English language itself. For example:

      • español, España (Spanish, Spain)” (not just “Spanish”)

      • עִברִית (Hebrew)” (not just “Hebrew”)

  • Save the altered mappings.txt file in your editor


In some language varieties, like the example of Spanish above, you might find it appropriate to include the country of the locale as well. This is conceivably important for Spanish since there are varieties that differ significantly (e.g., Argentinean Spanish, Mexican Spanish). But notice that writing Hebrew, Israel would probably not be necessary since there is only one variety of the language that anyone would ever expect to see in a software program.

Step 2: Generate a list of strings to translate

  • In Poedit, go to the Translation menu and select Update from Source Code. As long as you added _translate to the keywords (see above), you should subsequently see a list of strings that need translating in your language. An example is shown below (from Swedish, which does not yet have any translations).

Screenshot of untranslated strings that appear after the user selects "translation" from the menu in Poedit, followed by selecting "update from source code." The example is from Swedish. The highlighted source text is "Your stimulus size exceeds the {dimension} of your window." The window on the right is blank since, as of the writing of this, no strings for Swedish had been translated.

Step 3a: Translate the strings

  • From the list, select a string that you want to translate.

  • Once selected, you should see it appear as English in the Source text box below the list.

  • Type in your translation to the box under Translation. A screenshot of the relatively complete file for Japanese is shown below.

Screenshot of translated strings that appear after the translator adds translations. The example is from Japanese. The highlighted source text is the PsychoPy string "Cannot calculate parameter," with the Japanese translation to the right of it.

  • If you think your translation might have room for improvement, toggle the Needs Work button to the right of the Translation header

  • You can also add notes (to yourself and others, if any) by clicking the Add Comment button to the lower-right of the app window if you have the sidebar visible.

  • Save your work (File > Save).

Some important notes

  • Technical terms should not be translated: Builder, Coder, PsychoPy®, Flow, Routine, and so on. (See the Japanese translation for guidance.)

  • If there are formatting arguments in the original string (%s, %(first)i), the same number of arguments must also appear in the translation (though their position in the translation would be dictated by the word-order rules of the language being translated into).

  • If they are named (e.g., %(first)i), that part should not be translated – here first is a python name.

  • Sometimes, you will not understand what a particular function does in PsychoPy®, and you may be unable to translate it. There are a few possible things you can do in this situation.

    • Ask

      • Go to the PsychoPy Forum on There are friendly, useful experts there.

        • Click + New Topic

        • Choose Development as the category

        • Type in translation as an optional tag

        • Type in your question in English, of course

        • The reasons for the category and the tag is to alert the people more involved with the underlying code of PsychoPy®

    • Determine it yourself

      • Place your mouse over the relevant string in the Source text box and right-click it (control-click on a Mac). You can see where the string is defined under Code Occurrences with the file(s), followed by a colon, :, then the respective line number. You can then go into that file (or those files) to determine the function. Naturally, you need to understand Python quite well to take this approach.

    • Do nothing

      • If still in doubt, just leave out the translation until you do understand. There is nothing wrong with this approach. It is, by far, preferable to mis-translating a string. Use the Needs Work or Add Comment in Poedit, if you feel it is appropriate.

Step 3b: Translating the Start-up Tips

Instead of being translated as a set of strings in a .po file, all of the start-up tips in US-English are stored in a separate, single .txt file called tips.txt. This file is then generated as a string under Source text - English in the .po file. If there are translations of these tips for another language, they are stored in a separate .txt file in the same directory, but with a different name (e.g., tips_es_ES.txt). This new file is then listed as the translation for tips.txt in Poedit. This is explained next.

The default Start-up Tips file (in US-English) is named tips.txt and is located in the following directory psychopy/app/Resources/.

To create the same file for another language, do the following:

  • Go to psychopy/app/Resources/

  • Copy tips.txt to a new file

  • Rename the new file according to the ll_CC convention (or possibly just ll) consistent with the language you’re working on, whichever is appropriate (e.g., tips_zh_CN.txt for simplified Chinese, or tips_ar_001.txt for Modern Standard Arabic)

  • Open the new, renamed file using your preferred text editor

  • Translate the English-language tips by replacing them entirely with those of the language you are working on


Apologies for stating the obvious, but it would be a good idea not to delete any English entry in the new .txt file before you have completely translated it, or decided it is not appropriate. Rather, type in the relevant translation below the English entry first, and then delete the English entry only when the translation on the new line is complete.

  • Save your work

  • Open Poedit

  • Find the string tips.txt under Source text - English (the easiest way is Edit > Find > Find: tips.txt)

  • Where you would normally provide a translation for it, simply provide the name of the new .txt file that you just created. See the screenshot below for the case of Japanese.

Screenshot of how to provide text in the form of "tips_[ll_CC].txt" instead of a translation in Poedit of the string "tips.txt" The example is from Japanese.


Some of the humor in the Start-up tips might not translate well, so feel free to leave out things that would be too odd, or include occasional mild humor that would be more appropriate. Humor must be respectful and suitable for using in a classroom, laboratory, or other professional situation. Don’t get too creative here. If you have any doubt, it is better to leave it out. It goes without saying that you should avoid any religious, political, disrespectful, or sexist material.

Step 4: The git commit and the pull request

  • Commit the files that you have changed

    • Usually, this is at least the .po file

      • But it could also comprise or include other relevant files (e.g., tips_[ll_CC].txt, localization/mappings.txt)

    • The commit-message prefix for translations is always DOCS:

      • For example: DOCS: Swahili translations

    • Use the prefix DOCS: in your commit message

  • Push the commit to your repository on GitHub (aka origin)

  • From origin on GitHub, make your pull request to the release branch of the PsychoPy® repository as outlined in how to contribute to PsychoPy

If necessary, create a new language subdirectory

The default list of languages we have provided is clearly not exhaustive. (Current estimates on the number of languages in the world suggest that there are between 6,000 and 8,000 human languages in the world, depending on how you define language!) So you may indeed find it necessary to create a new directory containing the .po file necessary to enable PsychoPy® to operate in the language you want to translate into.

If this is the case, feel free to add your language or language variety. Below is an explanation of the easiest way to do this, followed by finding the most appropriate label for your new subdirectory.

The easiest way to do this

The easiest way to get started is to copy and paste one of the other ll_CC directories, then rename it. Then you can make adjustments to the messages.po file inside. How to do this is covered up above in the section called The translation process in Poedit.

The immediate question, however, is what to rename it to. This may require some forethought involving linguistic and cultural appropriateness.

What to name the new directory

Whichever ll_CC label you use, please be as inclusive as you possibly can, within reason. Naturally, you are the expert here since you actually know the language, its varieties, and any political implications involved. Make sure, however, that you are highly proficient in whichever one you choose.

If in doubt, please feel free to discuss this with the PsychoPy® team directly, or on the forum under the Development category. The same is true if you cannot find your language at all in the list of languages at Gettext: Please talk with the PsychoPy® team to find a solution.

  • Chinese

    • Chinese is a good example of when locale matters a great deal. The simplest distinction is that Simplified Chinese characters are used in mainland China (zh_CN), whereas traditional Chinese characters are used in Taiwan (zh_TW).

  • Arabic

    • Most readers of Arabic are going to expect to see Modern Standard Arabic, which has the slightly odd ll_CC code of ar_001 as it is not the native dialect of any particular country. Spoken regional varieties of Arabic in the written form are only ever seen in specialized contexts.

  • English

    • Another example is English. The default variety of English for PsychoPy® is American English (en_US). One could include a translation for British English (en_GB), but the effort required of such a translation with such minor (mostly spelling) differences hardly seems worth it.

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