psychopy.iohub - ioHub event monitoring framework

ioHub monitors for device events in parallel with the PsychoPy® experiment execution by running in a separate process than the main PsychoPy® script. This means, for instance, that keyboard and mouse event timing is not quantized by the rate at which the window.flip() method is called.

ioHub reports device events to the PsychoPy® experiment runtime as they occur. Optionally, events can be saved to a HDF5 file.

All iohub events are timestamped using the PsychoPy® global time base (psychopy.core.getTime()). Events can be accessed as a device independent event stream, or from a specific device of interest.

A comprehensive set of examples that each use at least one of the iohub devices is available in the psychopy/demos/coder/iohub folder.

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