#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A class representing a window for displaying one or more stimuli"""
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
import ctypes
import os
import sys
import weakref
import atexit
from itertools import product
from collections import deque
from psychopy.contrib.lazy_import import lazy_import
from psychopy import colors, event
from psychopy.localization import _translate
from psychopy.tools.systemtools import getCurrentPID, registerPID
import math
# from psychopy.clock import monotonicClock
# try to find avbin (we'll overload pyglet's load_library tool and then
# add some paths)
from ..colors import Color, colorSpaces
from .textbox2 import TextBox2
haveAvbin = False
# on windows try to load avbin now (other libs can interfere)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# make sure we also check in SysWOW64 if on 64-bit windows
if 'C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64' not in os.environ['PATH']:
os.environ['PATH'] += ';C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64'
from pyglet.media import avbin
haveAvbin = True
except ImportError:
haveAvbin = False
# either avbin isn't installed or scipy.stats has been imported
# (prevents avbin loading)
except AttributeError:
# avbin is not found, causing exception in pyglet 1.2??
# (running psychopy 1.81 standalone on windows 7):
# File "C:\Program Files (x86)\PsychoPy2\lib\site-packages\
# pyglet\media\avbin.py", line 158, in <module>
# av.avbin_get_version.restype = ctypes.c_int
# AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
# 'avbin_get_version'
haveAvbin = False
except Exception:
# WindowsError on some systems
# AttributeError if using avbin5 from pyglet 1.2?
haveAvbin = False
# for pyglet 1.3
if not haveAvbin:
from pyglet.media.sources import avbin
haveAvbin = True
except ImportError:
haveAvbin = False
except AttributeError:
haveAvbin = False
except Exception:
haveAvbin = False
import psychopy # so we can get the __path__
from psychopy import core, platform_specific, logging, prefs, monitors
import psychopy.event
from . import backends, image
# tools must only be imported *after* event or MovieStim breaks on win32
# (JWP has no idea why!)
from psychopy.tools.attributetools import attributeSetter, setAttribute
from psychopy.tools.arraytools import val2array
from psychopy.tools.monitorunittools import convertToPix
import psychopy.tools.viewtools as viewtools
import psychopy.tools.gltools as gltools
from .text import TextStim
from .grating import GratingStim
from .helpers import setColor
from . import globalVars
from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
import Image
import numpy
from psychopy.core import rush
reportNDroppedFrames = 5 # stop raising warning after this
# import pyglet.gl, pyglet.window, pyglet.image, pyglet.font, pyglet.event
from . import shaders as _shaders
from pyglet import media
havePygletMedia = True
except Exception:
havePygletMedia = False
# lazy_import puts pygame into the namespace but delays import until needed
lazy_import(globals(), "import pygame")
DEBUG = False
retinaContext = None # only needed for retina-ready displays
class OpenWinList(list):
"""Class to keep keep track of windows that have been opened.
Uses a list of weak references so that we don't stop the window
being deleted.
def append(self, item):
list.append(self, weakref.ref(item))
def remove(self, item):
for ref in self:
obj = ref()
if obj is None or item == obj:
list.remove(self, ref)
openWindows = core.openWindows = OpenWinList() # core needs this for wait()
[docs]class Window():
"""Used to set up a context in which to draw objects,
using either `pyglet <http://www.pyglet.org>`_,
`pygame <http://www.pygame.org>`_, or `glfw <https://www.glfw.org>`_.
The pyglet backend allows multiple windows to be created, allows the user
to specify which screen to use (if more than one is available, duh!) and
allows movies to be rendered.
The GLFW backend is a new addition which provides most of the same features
as pyglet, but provides greater flexibility for complex display
Pygame may still work for you but it's officially deprecated in this
project (we won't be fixing pygame-specific bugs).
def __init__(self,
size=(800, 600),
color=(0, 0, 0),
bpc=(8, 8, 8),
These attributes can only be set at initialization. See further down
for a list of attributes which can be changed after initialization
of the Window, e.g. color, colorSpace, gamma etc.
size : array-like of int
Size of the window in pixels [x, y].
pos : array-like of int
Location of the top-left corner of the window on the screen [x, y].
color : array-like of float
Color of background as [r, g, b] list or single value. Each gun can
take values between -1.0 and 1.0.
fullscr : bool or None
Create a window in 'full-screen' mode. Better timing can be achieved
in full-screen mode.
allowGUI : bool or None
If set to False, window will be drawn with no frame and no buttons
to close etc., use `None` for value from preferences.
winType : str or None
Set the window type or back-end to use. If `None` then PsychoPy will
revert to user/site preferences.
monitor : :class:`~psychopy.monitors.Monitor` or None
The monitor to be used during the experiment. If `None` a default
monitor profile will be used.
units : str or None
Defines the default units of stimuli drawn in the window (can be
overridden by each stimulus). Values can be *None*, 'height' (of the
window), 'norm' (normalised), 'deg', 'cm', 'pix'. See :ref:`units`
for explanation of options.
screen : int
Specifies the physical screen that stimuli will appear on ('pyglet'
and 'glfw' `winType` only). Values can be >0 if more than one screen
is present.
viewScale : array-like of float or None
Scaling factors [x, y] to apply custom scaling to the current units
of the :class:`~psychopy.visual.Window` instance.
viewPos : array-like of float or None
If not `None`, redefines the origin within the window, in the units
of the window. Values outside the borders will be clamped to lie on
the border.
viewOri : float
A single value determining the orientation of the view in degrees.
waitBlanking : bool or None
After a call to :py:attr:`~Window.flip()` should we wait for the
blank before the script continues.
bitsMode : bool
DEPRECATED in 1.80.02. Use BitsSharp class from pycrsltd
checkTiming : bool
Whether to calculate frame duration on initialization. Estimated
duration is saved in :py:attr:`~Window.monitorFramePeriod`. The
message displayed on the screen can be set with the `infoMsg`
allowStencil : bool
When set to `True`, this allows operations that use the OpenGL
stencil buffer (notably, allowing the
:class:`~psychopy.visual.Aperture` to be used).
multiSample : bool
If `True` and your graphics driver supports multisample buffers,
multiple color samples will be taken per-pixel, providing an
anti-aliased image through spatial filtering. This setting cannot
be changed after opening a window. Only works with 'pyglet' and
'glfw' `winTypes`, and `useFBO` is `False`.
numSamples : int
A single value specifying the number of samples per pixel if
multisample is enabled. The higher the number, the better the
image quality, but can delay frame flipping. The largest number of
samples is determined by ``GL_MAX_SAMPLES``, usually 16 or 32 on
newer hardware, will crash if number is invalid.
stereo : bool
If `True` and your graphics card supports quad buffers then
this will be enabled. You can switch between left and right-eye
scenes for drawing operations using
title : str
Name of the Window according to your Operating System. This is
the text which appears on the title sash.
useRetina : bool
In PsychoPy >1.85.3 this should always be `True` as pyglet
(or Apple) no longer allows us to create a non-retina display.
NB when you use Retina display the initial win size
request will be in the larger pixels but subsequent use of
``units='pix'`` should refer to the tiny Retina pixels. Window.size
will give the actual size of the screen in Retina pixels.
gammaErrorPolicy: str
If `raise`, an error is raised if the gamma table is unable to be
retrieved or set. If `warn`, a warning is raised instead. If
`ignore`, neither an error nor a warning are raised.
bpc : array_like or int
Bits per color (BPC) for the back buffer as a tuple to specify
bit depths for each color channel separately (red, green, blue), or
a single value to set all of them to the same value. Valid values
depend on the output color depth of the display (screen) the window
is set to use and the system graphics configuration. By default, it
is assumed the display has 8-bits per color (8, 8, 8). Behaviour may
be undefined for non-fullscreen windows, or if multiple screens are
attached with varying color output depths.
depthBits : int
Back buffer depth bits. Default is 8, but can be set higher (eg. 24)
if drawing 3D stimuli to minimize artifacts such a 'Z-fighting'.
stencilBits : int
Back buffer stencil bits. Default is 8.
backendConf : dict or None
Additional options to pass to the backend specified by `winType`.
Each backend may provide unique functionality which may not be
available across all of them. This allows you to pass special
configuration options to a specific backend to configure the
infoMsg : str or None
Message to display during frame rate measurement (i.e., when
``checkTiming=True``). Default is None, which means that a default
message is displayed. If you want to hide the message, pass an
empty string.
* Some parameters (e.g. units) can now be given default values in the
user/site preferences and these will be used if `None` is given here.
If you do specify a value here it will take precedence over
size : array-like (float)
Dimensions of the window's drawing area/buffer in pixels [w, h].
monitorFramePeriod : float
Refresh rate of the display if ``checkTiming=True`` on window
# what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by
# __repr__
self._initParams = dir()
self._closed = False
self.backend = None # this will be set later
for unecess in ['self', 'checkTiming', 'rgb', 'dkl', ]:
# Check autoLog value
if autoLog not in (True, False):
raise ValueError(
'autoLog must be either True or False for visual.Window')
self.autoLog = False # to suppress log msg during init
self.name = name
self.clientSize = numpy.array(size, int) # size of window, not buffer
# size of the window when restored (not fullscreen)
self._windowedSize = self.clientSize.copy()
self.pos = pos
# this will get overridden once the window is created
self.winHandle = None
self.useFBO = useFBO
self.useRetina = useRetina and sys.platform == 'darwin'
if gammaErrorPolicy not in ['raise', 'warn', 'ignore']:
raise ValueError('Unexpected `gammaErrorPolicy`')
self.gammaErrorPolicy = gammaErrorPolicy
self._toLog = []
self._toCall = []
# settings for the monitor: local settings (if available) override
# monitor
# if we have a monitors.Monitor object (psychopy 0.54 onwards)
# convert to a Monitor object
if not monitor:
self.monitor = monitors.Monitor('__blank__', autoLog=autoLog)
elif isinstance(monitor, str):
self.monitor = monitors.Monitor(monitor, autoLog=autoLog)
elif hasattr(monitor, 'keys'):
# convert into a monitor object
self.monitor = monitors.Monitor('temp', currentCalib=monitor,
verbose=False, autoLog=autoLog)
self.monitor = monitor
# otherwise monitor will just be a dict
self.scrWidthCM = self.monitor.getWidth()
self.scrDistCM = self.monitor.getDistance()
scrSize = self.monitor.getSizePix()
if scrSize is None:
self.scrWidthPIX = None
self.scrWidthPIX = scrSize[0]
# if fullscreen not specified, get from prefs
if fullscr is None:
fullscr = prefs.general['fullscr']
self._isFullScr = fullscr
self.units = units
if allowGUI is None:
allowGUI = prefs.general['allowGUI']
self.allowGUI = allowGUI
self.screen = screen
self.stereo = stereo # use quad buffer if requested (and if possible)
# enable multisampling
self.multiSample = multiSample
self.numSamples = numSamples
# load color conversion matrices
self.dkl_rgb = self.monitor.getDKL_RGB()
self.lms_rgb = self.monitor.getLMS_RGB()
# Projection and view matrices, these can be lists if multiple views are
# being used.
# NB - attribute checks needed for Rift compatibility
if not hasattr(self, '_viewMatrix'):
self._viewMatrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
if not hasattr(self, '_projectionMatrix'):
self._projectionMatrix = viewtools.orthoProjectionMatrix(
-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, dtype=numpy.float32)
# set screen color
self.__dict__['colorSpace'] = colorSpace
if rgb is not None:
logging.warning("Use of rgb arguments to stimuli are deprecated. "
"Please use color and colorSpace args instead")
color = rgb
colorSpace = 'rgb'
elif dkl is not None:
logging.warning("Use of dkl arguments to stimuli are deprecated. "
"Please use color and colorSpace args instead")
color = dkl
colorSpace = 'dkl'
elif lms is not None:
logging.warning("Use of lms arguments to stimuli are deprecated. "
"Please use color and colorSpace args instead")
color = lms
colorSpace = 'lms'
self.setColor(color, colorSpace=colorSpace, log=False)
self.allowStencil = allowStencil
# check whether FBOs are supported
if blendMode == 'add' and not self.useFBO:
logging.warning('User requested a blendmode of "add" but '
'window requires useFBO=True')
# resort to the simpler blending without float rendering
self.__dict__['blendMode'] = 'avg'
self.__dict__['blendMode'] = blendMode
# then set up gl context and then call self.setBlendMode
# setup context and openGL()
if winType is None: # choose the default windowing
winType = "pyglet"
self.winType = winType
# setup the context
# backend specific options are passed as a dictionary
backendConf = backendConf if backendConf is not None else {}
# Here we make sure all the open windows use the same `winType` and have
# context sharing enabled. The context to share is passed as an option
# to `backendConf`.
if openWindows:
primaryWindow = openWindows[0]() # resolve ref
if primaryWindow.winType != self.winType:
raise ValueError(
"Only one kind of `winType` can be used per session.")
# Allow for context sharing, only used by the GLFW backend, Pyglet
# uses `shadow_window` by default here so we don't need to worry
# about it.
backendConf['share'] = self
if not isinstance(backendConf, dict): # type check on options
raise TypeError(
'Object passed to `backendConf` must be type `dict`.')
# augment settings with dedicated attributes
backendConf['bpc'] = bpc
backendConf['depthBits'] = depthBits
backendConf['stencilBits'] = stencilBits
# get the backend, pass the options to it
self.backend = backends.getBackend(win=self, backendConf=backendConf)
self.winHandle = self.backend.winHandle
global GL
GL = self.backend.GL
# check whether shaders are supported
# also will need to check for ARB_float extension,
# but that should be done after context is created
self._haveShaders = self.backend.shadersSupported
self.blendMode = self.blendMode
# now that we have a window handle, set title
self.title = title
# parameters for transforming the overall view
self.viewScale = val2array(viewScale)
if viewPos is not None and self.units is None:
raise ValueError('You must define the window units to use viewPos')
self.viewPos = val2array(viewPos, withScalar=False)
self.viewOri = float(viewOri)
if self.viewOri != 0. and self.viewPos is not None:
msg = "Window: viewPos & viewOri are currently incompatible"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
# scaling factor for HiDPI displays, `None` until initialized
self._contentScaleFactor = None
# Code to allow iohub to know id of any psychopy windows created
# so kb and mouse event filtering by window id can be supported.
# If an iohubConnection is active, give this window os handle to
# to the ioHub server. If windows were already created before the
# iohub was active, also send them to iohub.
from psychopy.iohub.client import ioHubConnection as ioconn
from psychopy.iohub.client import windowInfoDict
win_infos = []
win_handles = []
for w in openWindows:
winfo = windowInfoDict(w())
if self._hw_handle not in win_handles:
winfo = windowInfoDict(self)
self.backend.onMoveCallback = ioconn.ACTIVE_CONNECTION.updateWindowPos
# near and far clipping planes
self._nearClip = 0.1
self._farClip = 100.0
# 3D rendering related attributes
self.frontFace = 'ccw'
self.depthFunc = 'less'
self.depthMask = False
self.cullFace = False
self.cullFaceMode = 'back'
self.draw3d = False
# gl viewport and scissor
self._viewport = self._scissor = None # set later
# scene light sources
self._lights = []
self._useLights = False
self._nLights = 0
self._ambientLight = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
# stereo rendering settings, set later by the user
self._eyeOffset = 0.0
self._convergeOffset = 0.0
# gamma
self.bits = None # this may change in a few lines time!
self.__dict__['gamma'] = gamma
# setup bits++ if needed. NB The new preferred method is for this
# to be handled by the bits class instead. (we pass the Window to
# bits not passing bits to the window)
if bitsMode is not None:
logging.warn("Use of Window(bitsMode=******) is deprecated. See "
"the Coder>Demos>Hardware demo for new methods")
self.bitsMode = bitsMode # could be [None, 'fast', 'slow']
logging.warn("calling Window(...,bitsMode='fast') is deprecated."
" XXX provide further info")
from psychopy.hardware.crs.bits import BitsPlusPlus
self.bits = self.interface = BitsPlusPlus(self)
self.haveBits = True
if (hasattr(self.monitor, 'linearizeLums') or
hasattr(self.monitor, 'lineariseLums')):
# rather than a gamma value we could use bits++ and provide a
# complete linearised lookup table using
# monitor.linearizeLums(lumLevels)
self.__dict__['gamma'] = None
self.frameClock = core.Clock() # from psycho/core
self.frames = 0 # frames since last fps calc
self.movieFrames = [] # list of captured frames (Image objects)
self.recordFrameIntervals = False
# Be able to omit the long timegap that follows each time turn it off
self.recordFrameIntervalsJustTurnedOn = False
self.nDroppedFrames = 0
self.frameIntervals = []
self._frameTimes = deque(maxlen=1000) # 1000 keeps overhead low
self._toDraw = []
self._heldDraw = []
self._toDrawDepths = []
self._eventDispatchers = []
# dict of stimulus:validator pairs
self.validators = {}
self.lastFrameT = core.getTime()
self.waitBlanking = waitBlanking
# set the swap interval if using GLFW
if self.winType == 'glfw':
self.refreshThreshold = 1.0 # initial val needed by flip()
# store editable stimuli
self._editableChildren = []
self._currentEditableRef = None
# store draggable stimuli
self.currentDraggable = None
# splash screen
self._splashTextbox = None # created on first use
self._showSplash = False
self.resetViewport() # set viewport to full window size
# piloting indicator
self._pilotingIndicator = None
self._showPilotingIndicator = False
# over several frames with no drawing
self._monitorFrameRate = None
# for testing when to stop drawing a stim:
self.monitorFramePeriod = 0.0
if checkTiming:
self._monitorFrameRate = self.getActualFrameRate(infoMsg=infoMsg)
if self._monitorFrameRate is not None:
self.monitorFramePeriod = 1.0 / self._monitorFrameRate
self.monitorFramePeriod = 1.0 / 60 # assume a flat panel?
self.refreshThreshold = self.monitorFramePeriod * 1.2
self.autoLog = autoLog
if self.autoLog:
logging.exp("Created %s = %s" % (self.name, str(self)))
# Make sure this window's close method is called when exiting, even in
# the event of an error we should be able to restore the original gamma
# table. Note that a reference to this window object will live in this
# function, preventing it from being garbage collected.
def close_on_exit():
if self._closed is False:
self._mouse = event.Mouse(win=self)
self.backgroundImage = backgroundImage
self.backgroundFit = backgroundFit
if hasattr(self.backgroundImage, "draw"):
def __del__(self):
if self._closed is False:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if not self._closed:
def __str__(self):
className = 'Window'
paramStrings = []
for param in self._initParams:
if hasattr(self, param):
paramStrings.append("%s=%s" %
(param, repr(getattr(self, param))))
paramStrings.append("%s=UNKNOWN" % (param))
# paramStrings = ["%s=%s" %(param, getattr(self, param))
# for param in self._initParams]
params = ", ".join(paramStrings)
s = "%s(%s)" % (className, params)
return s
def title(self, value):
self.__dict__['title'] = value
if hasattr(self.winHandle, "set_caption"):
# Pyglet backend
elif hasattr(self.winHandle, "SetWindowTitle"):
# GLFW backend
# Unknown backend
logging.warning(f"Cannot set Window title in backend {self.winType}")
def units(self, value):
"""*None*, 'height' (of the window), 'norm', 'deg', 'cm', 'pix'
Defines the default units of stimuli initialized in the window.
I.e. if you change units, already initialized stimuli won't change
their units.
Can be overridden by each stimulus, if units is specified on
See :ref:`units` for explanation of options.
if value is None:
value = prefs.general['units']
self.__dict__['units'] = value
def setUnits(self, value, log=True):
setAttribute(self, 'units', value, log=log)
def viewPos(self, value):
"""The origin of the window onto which stimulus-objects are drawn.
The value should be given in the units defined for the window. NB:
Never change a single component (x or y) of the origin, instead replace
the viewPos-attribute in one shot, e.g.::
win.viewPos = [new_xval, new_yval] # This is the way to do it
win.viewPos[0] = new_xval # DO NOT DO THIS! Errors will result.
self.__dict__['viewPos'] = value
if value is not None:
# let setter take care of normalisation
setattr(self, '_viewPosNorm', value)
def _viewPosNorm(self, value):
"""Normalised value of viewPos, hidden from user view."""
# first convert to pixels, then normalise to window units
viewPos_pix = convertToPix([0, 0], list(value),
units=self.units, win=self)[:2]
viewPos_norm = viewPos_pix / (self.size / 2.0)
# Clip to +/- 1; should going out-of-window raise an exception?
viewPos_norm = numpy.clip(viewPos_norm, a_min=-1., a_max=1.)
self.__dict__['_viewPosNorm'] = viewPos_norm
def setViewPos(self, value, log=True):
setAttribute(self, 'viewPos', value, log=log)
def fullscr(self):
"""Return whether the window is in fullscreen mode."""
return self._isFullScr
def fullscr(self, value):
"""Set whether fullscreen mode is `True` or `False` (not all backends
can toggle an open window).
self._isFullScr = value
def waitBlanking(self, value):
"""After a call to :py:attr:`~Window.flip()` should we wait for the
blank before the script continues.
self.__dict__['waitBlanking'] = value
def recordFrameIntervals(self, value):
"""Record time elapsed per frame.
Provides accurate measures of frame intervals to determine
whether frames are being dropped. The intervals are the times between
calls to :py:attr:`~Window.flip()`. Set to `True` only during the
time-critical parts of the script. Set this to `False` while the screen
is not being updated, i.e., during any slow, non-frame-time-critical
sections of your code, including inter-trial-intervals,
``event.waitkeys()``, ``core.wait()``, or ``image.setImage()``.
Enable frame interval recording, successive frame intervals will be
win.recordFrameIntervals = True
Frame intervals can be saved by calling the
:py:attr:`~Window.saveFrameIntervals` method::
# was off, and now turning it on
self.recordFrameIntervalsJustTurnedOn = bool(
not self.recordFrameIntervals and value)
self.__dict__['recordFrameIntervals'] = value
def setRecordFrameIntervals(self, value=True, log=None):
"""Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.
setAttribute(self, 'recordFrameIntervals', value, log)
[docs] def saveFrameIntervals(self, fileName=None, clear=True):
"""Save recorded screen frame intervals to disk, as comma-separated
fileName : *None* or str
*None* or the filename (including path if necessary) in which to
store the data. If None then 'lastFrameIntervals.log' will be used.
clear : bool
Clear buffer frames intervals were stored after saving. Default is
if not fileName:
fileName = 'lastFrameIntervals.log'
if len(self.frameIntervals):
intervalStr = str(self.frameIntervals)[1:-1]
f = open(fileName, 'w')
if clear:
self.frameIntervals = []
[docs] def _setCurrent(self):
"""Make this window's OpenGL context current.
If called on a window whose context is current, the function will return
immediately. This reduces the number of redundant calls if no context
switch is required. If ``useFBO=True``, the framebuffer is bound after
the context switch.
# don't configure if we haven't changed context
if not self.backend.setCurrent():
# if we are using an FBO, bind it
if hasattr(self, 'frameBuffer'):
# NB - check if we need these
GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)
# set these to match the current window or buffer's settings
fbw, fbh = self.frameBufferSize
self.viewport = self.scissor = [0, 0, fbw, fbh]
self.scissorTest = True
# apply the view transforms for this window
def onResize(self, width, height):
"""A default resize event handler.
This default handler updates the GL viewport to cover the entire
window and sets the ``GL_PROJECTION`` matrix to be orthogonal in
window space. The bottom-left corner is (0, 0) and the top-right
corner is the width and height of the :class:`~psychopy.visual.Window`
in pixels.
Override this event handler with your own to create another
projection, for example in perspective.
# this has to be external so that pyglet can use it too without
# circular referencing
self.backend.onResize(width, height)
[docs] def logOnFlip(self, msg, level, obj=None):
"""Send a log message that should be time-stamped at the next
:py:attr:`~Window.flip()` command.
msg : str
The message to be logged.
level : int
The level of importance for the message.
obj : object, optional
The python object that might be associated with this message if
self._toLog.append({'msg': msg, 'level': level, 'obj': repr(obj)})
[docs] def callOnFlip(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
"""Call a function immediately after the next :py:attr:`~Window.flip()`
The first argument should be the function to call, the following args
should be used exactly as you would for your normal call to the
function (can use ordered arguments or keyword arguments as normal).
e.g. If you have a function that you would normally call like this::
pingMyDevice(portToPing, channel=2, level=0)
then you could call :py:attr:`~Window.callOnFlip()` to have the function
call synchronized with the frame flip like this::
win.callOnFlip(pingMyDevice, portToPing, channel=2, level=0)
self._toCall.append({'function': function,
'args': args,
'kwargs': kwargs})
[docs] def timeOnFlip(self, obj, attrib, format=float):
"""Retrieves the time on the next flip and assigns it to the `attrib`
for this `obj`.
obj : dict or object
A mutable object (usually a dict of class instance).
attrib : str
Key or attribute of `obj` to assign the flip time to.
format : str, class or None
Format in which to return time, see clock.Timestamp.resolve() for more info. Defaults to `float`.
Assign time on flip to the ``tStartRefresh`` key of ``myTimingDict``::
win.getTimeOnFlip(myTimingDict, 'tStartRefresh')
self.callOnFlip(self._assignFlipTime, obj, attrib, format)
[docs] def getFutureFlipTime(self, targetTime=0, clock=None):
"""The expected time of the next screen refresh. This is currently
calculated as win._lastFrameTime + refreshInterval
targetTime: float
The delay *from now* for which you want the flip time. 0 will give the
because that the earliest we can achieve. 0.15 will give the schedule
flip time that gets as close to 150 ms as possible
clock : None, 'ptb', 'now' or any Clock object
If True then the time returned is compatible with ptb.GetSecs()
verbose: bool
Set to True to view the calculations along the way
baseClock = logging.defaultClock
if not self.monitorFramePeriod:
raise AttributeError("Cannot calculate nextFlipTime due to unknown "
lastFlip = self._frameTimes[-1] # unlike win.lastFrameTime this is always on
timeNext = lastFlip + self.monitorFramePeriod
now = baseClock.getTime()
if (now + targetTime) > timeNext: # target is more than 1 frame in future
extraFrames = math.ceil((now + targetTime - timeNext)/self.monitorFramePeriod)
thisT = timeNext + extraFrames*self.monitorFramePeriod
thisT = timeNext
# convert back to target clock timebase
if clock=='ptb': # add back the lastResetTime (that's the clock difference)
output = thisT + baseClock.getLastResetTime()
elif clock=='now': # time from now is easy!
output = thisT - now
elif clock:
output = thisT + baseClock.getLastResetTime() - clock.getLastResetTime()
output = thisT
return output
[docs] def _assignFlipTime(self, obj, attrib, format=float):
"""Helper function to assign the time of last flip to the obj.attrib
obj : dict or object
A mutable object (usually a dict of class instance).
attrib : str
Key or attribute of ``obj`` to assign the flip time to.
format : str, class or None
Format in which to return time, see clock.Timestamp.resolve() for more info. Defaults to `float`.
frameTime = self._frameTime.resolve(format=format)
if hasattr(obj, attrib):
setattr(obj, attrib, frameTime)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
obj[attrib] = frameTime
raise TypeError("Window.getTimeOnFlip() should be called with an "
"object and its attribute or a dict and its key. "
"In this case it was called with obj={}"
[docs] def _cleanEditables(self):
Make sure there are no dead refs in the editables list
for ref in self._editableChildren:
obj = ref()
if obj is None:
def currentEditable(self):
"""The editable (Text?) object that currently has key focus"""
if self._currentEditableRef:
return self._currentEditableRef()
def currentEditable(self, editable):
"""Keeps the current editable stored as a weak ref"""
# Ensure that item is added to editables list
# Set the editable as the current editable stim in the window
eRef = None
for ref in weakref.getweakrefs(editable):
if ref in self._editableChildren:
eRef = ref
if eRef:
self._currentEditableRef = eRef
[docs] def addEditable(self, editable):
"""Adds an editable element to the screen (something to which
characters can be sent with meaning from the keyboard).
The current editable object receiving chars is Window.currentEditable
:param editable:
# Ignore if object is not editable
if not hasattr(editable, "editable"):
if not editable.editable:
# If editable is already present do nothing
eRef = False
for ref in weakref.getweakrefs(editable):
if ref in self._editableChildren:
eRef = ref
if eRef is False:
eRef = weakref.ref(editable)
# If editable is not already present, add it to the editables list
# If this is the first editable obj then make it the current
if len(self._editableChildren) == 1:
self._currentEditableRef = eRef
# Clean editables list
[docs] def removeEditable(self, editable):
# If editable is present, remove it from editables list
for ref in weakref.getweakrefs(editable):
if ref in self._editableChildren:
# If editable was current, move on to next current
if self.currentEditable == editable:
return True
logging.warning(f"Request to remove editable object {editable} could not be completed as weakref "
f"to this object could not be found in window.")
# Clean editables list
return False
[docs] def nextEditable(self):
"""Moves focus of the cursor to the next editable window"""
# Clean editables list
# Progress
if self.currentEditable is None:
if len(self._editableChildren):
self._currentEditableRef = self._editableChildren[0]
for ref in weakref.getweakrefs(self.currentEditable):
if ref in self._editableChildren:
cei = self._editableChildren.index(ref)
nei = cei+1
if nei >= len(self._editableChildren):
self._currentEditableRef = self._editableChildren[nei]
return self.currentEditable
def dispatchAllWindowEvents(cls):
Dispatches events for all pyglet windows. Used by iohub 2.0
psychopy kb event integration.
[docs] def clearAutoDraw(self):
Remove all autoDraw components, meaning they get autoDraw set to False and are not
added to any list (as in .stashAutoDraw)
for thisStim in self._toDraw.copy():
# set autoDraw to False
thisStim.autoDraw = False
[docs] def stashAutoDraw(self):
Put autoDraw components on 'hold', meaning they get autoDraw set to False but
are added to an internal list to be 'released' when .releaseAutoDraw is called.
for thisStim in self._toDraw.copy():
# set autoDraw to False
thisStim.autoDraw = False
# add stim to held list
[docs] def retrieveAutoDraw(self):
Add all stimuli which are on 'hold' back into the autoDraw list, and clear the
hold list.
for thisStim in self._heldDraw:
# set autoDraw to True
thisStim.autoDraw = True
# clear list
self._heldDraw = []
[docs] def flip(self, clearBuffer=True):
"""Flip the front and back buffers after drawing everything for your
frame. (This replaces the :py:attr:`~Window.update()` method, better
reflecting what is happening underneath).
clearBuffer : bool, optional
Clear the draw buffer after flipping. Default is `True`.
float or None
Wall-clock time in seconds the flip completed. Returns `None` if
:py:attr:`~Window.waitBlanking` is `False`.
* The time returned when :py:attr:`~Window.waitBlanking` is `True`
corresponds to when the graphics driver releases the draw buffer to
accept draw commands again. This time is usually close to the vertical
sync signal of the display.
Results in a clear screen after flipping::
The screen is not cleared (so represent the previous screen)::
# draw message/splash if needed
if self._showSplash:
if self._toDraw:
for thisStim in self._toDraw:
# draw
# draw validation rect if needed
if thisStim in self.validators:
# handle dragging
if getattr(thisStim, "draggable", False):
# set these to match the current window or buffer's settings
self.viewport = self.scissor = \
(0, 0, self.frameBufferSize[0], self.frameBufferSize[1])
if not self.scissorTest:
self.scissorTest = True
# clear the projection and modelview matrix for FBO blit
GL.glOrtho(-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1)
# disable lighting
self.useLights = False
# Check for mouse clicks on editables
if hasattr(self, '_editableChildren'):
# Make sure _editableChildren has actually been created
editablesOnScreen = []
for thisObj in self._editableChildren:
# Iterate through editables and decide which one should have focus
if isinstance(thisObj, weakref.ref):
# Solidify weakref if necessary
thisObj = thisObj()
if thisObj is None:
if isinstance(thisObj.autoDraw, (bool, int, float)):
# Store whether this editable is on screen
if self._mouse.isPressedIn(thisObj):
# If editable was clicked on, give it focus
self.currentEditable = thisObj
# If there is only one editable on screen, make sure it starts off with focus
if sum(editablesOnScreen) == 1:
self.currentEditable = self._editableChildren[editablesOnScreen.index(True)]()
flipThisFrame = self._startOfFlip()
if self.useFBO and flipThisFrame:
self.draw3d = False # disable 3d drawing
# need blit the framebuffer object to the actual back buffer
# unbind the framebuffer as the render target
stencilOn = self.stencilTest
self.stencilTest = False
if self.bits is not None:
# before flipping need to copy the renderBuffer to the
# frameBuffer
GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.frameTexture)
GL.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # glColor multiplies with texture
GL.glColorMask(True, True, True, True)
# call this before flip() whether FBO was used or not
if self.useFBO and flipThisFrame:
# set rendering back to the framebuffer object
GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, self.frameBuffer)
# set to no active rendering texture
GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)
if stencilOn:
self.stencilTest = True
# rescale, reposition, & rotate
if self.viewScale is not None:
GL.glScalef(self.viewScale[0], self.viewScale[1], 1)
absScaleX = abs(self.viewScale[0])
absScaleY = abs(self.viewScale[1])
absScaleX, absScaleY = 1, 1
if self.viewPos is not None:
# here we must use normalised units in _viewPosNorm,
# see the corresponding attributeSetter above
normRfPosX = self._viewPosNorm[0] / absScaleX
normRfPosY = self._viewPosNorm[1] / absScaleY
GL.glTranslatef(normRfPosX, normRfPosY, 0.0)
if self.viewOri: # float
# the logic below for flip is partially correct, but does not
# handle a nonzero viewPos
flip = 1
if self.viewScale is not None:
_f = self.viewScale[0] * self.viewScale[1]
if _f < 0:
flip = -1
GL.glRotatef(flip * self.viewOri, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
# reset returned buffer for next frame
# waitBlanking
if self.waitBlanking and flipThisFrame:
GL.glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0)
if sys.platform == 'win32' and self.glVendor.startswith('ati'):
# this corrupts text rendering on win with some ATI cards :-(
GL.glVertex2i(10, 10)
# get timestamp
self._frameTime = now = logging.defaultClock.getTime()
# run other functions immediately after flip completes
for callEntry in self._toCall:
callEntry['function'](*callEntry['args'], **callEntry['kwargs'])
del self._toCall[:]
# do bookkeeping
if self.recordFrameIntervals:
self.frames += 1
deltaT = now - self.lastFrameT
self.lastFrameT = now
if self.recordFrameIntervalsJustTurnedOn: # don't do anything
self.recordFrameIntervalsJustTurnedOn = False
else: # past the first frame since turned on
if deltaT > self.refreshThreshold:
self.nDroppedFrames += 1
if self.nDroppedFrames < reportNDroppedFrames:
txt = 't of last frame was %.2fms (=1/%i)'
msg = txt % (deltaT * 1000, 1 / deltaT)
logging.warning(msg, t=now)
elif self.nDroppedFrames == reportNDroppedFrames:
logging.warning("Multiple dropped frames have "
"occurred - I'll stop bothering you "
"about them!")
# log events
for logEntry in self._toLog:
# {'msg':msg, 'level':level, 'obj':copy.copy(obj)}
del self._toLog[:]
# keep the system awake (prevent screen-saver or sleep)
# draw background (if present) for next frame
if hasattr(self.backgroundImage, "draw"):
# draw piloting indicator (if piloting) for next frame
if self._showPilotingIndicator:
# If self.waitBlanking is True, then return the time that
# GL.glFinish() returned, set as the 'now' variable. Otherwise
# return None as before
if self.waitBlanking is True:
return now
def update(self):
"""Deprecated: use Window.flip() instead
# clearBuffer was the original behaviour for win.update()
def multiFlip(self, flips=1, clearBuffer=True):
"""Flip multiple times while maintaining the display constant.
Use this method for precise timing.
**WARNING:** This function should not be used. See the `Notes` section
for details.
flips : int, optional
The number of monitor frames to flip. Floats will be
rounded to integers, and a warning will be emitted.
``Window.multiFlip(flips=1)`` is equivalent to ``Window.flip()``.
Defaults to `1`.
clearBuffer : bool, optional
Whether to clear the screen after the last flip.
Defaults to `True`.
- This function can behave unpredictably, and the PsychoPy authors
recommend against using it. See
https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/issues/867 for more information.
Example of using ``multiFlip``::
# Draws myStim1 to buffer
# Show stimulus for 4 frames (90 ms at 60Hz)
myWin.multiFlip(clearBuffer=False, flips=6)
# Draw myStim2 "on top of" myStim1
# (because buffer was not cleared above)
# Show this for 2 frames (30 ms at 60Hz)
# Show blank screen for 3 frames (buffer was cleared above)
if flips < 1:
logging.error("flips argument for multiFlip should be "
"a positive integer")
if flips != int(flips):
flips = int(round(flips))
logging.warning("Number of flips was not an integer; "
"rounding to the next integer. Will flip "
"%i times." % flips)
if flips > 1 and not self.waitBlanking:
logging.warning("Call to Window.multiFlip() with flips > 1 is "
"unnecessary because Window.waitBlanking=False")
# Do the flipping with last flip as special case
for _ in range(flips - 1):
[docs] def setBuffer(self, buffer, clear=True):
"""Choose which buffer to draw to ('left' or 'right').
Requires the Window to be initialised with stereo=True and requires a
graphics card that supports quad buffering (e,g nVidia Quadro series)
PsychoPy always draws to the back buffers, so 'left' will use
``GL_BACK_LEFT`` This then needs to be flipped once both eye's buffers
have been rendered.
buffer : str
Buffer to draw to. Can either be 'left' or 'right'.
clear : bool, optional
Clear the buffer before drawing. Default is ``True``.
Stereoscopic rendering example using quad-buffers::
win = visual.Window(...., stereo=True)
while True:
# clear may not actually be needed
win.setBuffer('left', clear=True)
# do drawing for left eye
win.setBuffer('right', clear=True)
# do drawing for right eye
if buffer == 'left':
elif buffer == 'right':
raise "Unknown buffer '%s' requested in Window.setBuffer" % buffer
if clear:
[docs] def clearBuffer(self, color=True, depth=False, stencil=False):
"""Clear the present buffer (to which you are currently drawing) without
flipping the window.
Useful if you want to generate movie sequences from the back buffer
without actually taking the time to flip the window.
Set `color` prior to clearing to set the color to clear the color buffer
to. By default, the depth buffer is cleared to a value of 1.0.
color, depth, stencil : bool
Buffers to clear.
Clear the color buffer to a specified color::
win.color = (1, 0, 0)
Clear only the depth buffer, `depthMask` must be `True` or else this
will have no effect. Depth mask is usually `True` by default, but
may change::
win.depthMask = True
win.clearBuffer(color=False, depth=True, stencil=False)
clearBufferBits = GL.GL_NONE
if color:
clearBufferBits |= GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT
if depth:
clearBufferBits |= GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
if stencil:
# reset returned buffer for next frame
def size(self):
"""Size of the drawable area in pixels (w, h)."""
# report clientSize until we get framebuffer size from
# the backend, needs to be done properly in the future
if self.backend is not None:
return self.viewport[2:]
return self.clientSize
def frameBufferSize(self):
"""Size of the framebuffer in pixels (w, h)."""
# Dimensions should match window size unless using a retina display
return self.backend.frameBufferSize
def windowedSize(self):
"""Size of the window to use when not fullscreen (w, h)."""
return self._windowedSize
def windowedSize(self, value):
"""Size of the window to use when not fullscreen (w, h)."""
self._windowedSize[:] = value
[docs] def getContentScaleFactor(self):
"""Get the scaling factor required for scaling correctly on high-DPI
If the returned value is 1.0, no scaling needs to be applied to objects
drawn on the backbuffer. A value >1.0 indicates that the backbuffer is
larger than the reported client area, requiring points to be scaled to
maintain constant size across similarly sized displays. In other words,
the scaling required to convert framebuffer to client coordinates.
Scaling factor to be applied along both horizontal and vertical
Get the size of the client area::
clientSize = win.frameBufferSize / win.getContentScaleFactor()
Get the framebuffer size from the client size::
frameBufferSize = win.clientSize * win.getContentScaleFactor()
Convert client (window) to framebuffer pixel coordinates (eg., a mouse
coordinate, vertices, etc.)::
# `mousePosXY` is an array ...
frameBufferXY = mousePosXY * win.getContentScaleFactor()
# you can also use the attribute ...
frameBufferXY = mousePosXY * win.contentScaleFactor
* This value is only valid after the window has been fully realized.
# this might be accessed at lots of points, probably shouldn't compute
# this all the time
if self._contentScaleFactor is not None:
return self._contentScaleFactor
sx = self.frameBufferSize[0] / float(self.clientSize[0])
sy = self.frameBufferSize[1] / float(self.clientSize[1])
if sx != sy: # messed up DPI settings return 1.0 and show warning
self._contentScaleFactor = 1.0
self._contentScaleFactor = sx
return self._contentScaleFactor
def contentScaleFactor(self):
"""Scaling factor (`float`) to use when drawing to the backbuffer to
convert framebuffer to client coordinates.
See Also
return self.getContentScaleFactor()
def aspect(self):
"""Aspect ratio of the current viewport (width / height)."""
return self._viewport[2] / float(self._viewport[3])
def ambientLight(self):
"""Ambient light color for the scene [r, g, b, a]. Values range from 0.0
to 1.0. Only applicable if `useLights` is `True`.
Setting the ambient light color::
win.ambientLight = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
# don't do this!!!
win.ambientLight[0] = 0.5
win.ambientLight[1] = 0.5
win.ambientLight[2] = 0.5
# TODO - use signed color and colorspace instead
return self._ambientLight[:3]
def ambientLight(self, value):
self._ambientLight[:3] = value
def lights(self):
"""Scene lights.
This is specified as an array of `~psychopy.visual.LightSource`
objects. If a single value is given, it will be converted to a `list`
before setting. Set `useLights` to `True` before rendering to enable
lighting/shading on subsequent objects. If `lights` is `None` or an
empty `list`, no lights will be enabled if `useLights=True`, however,
the scene ambient light set with `ambientLight` will be still be used.
Create a directional light source and add it to scene lights::
dirLight = gltools.LightSource((0., 1., 0.), lightType='directional')
win.lights = dirLight # `win.lights` will be a list when accessed!
Multiple lights can be specified by passing values as a list::
myLights = [gltools.LightSource((0., 5., 0.)),
gltools.LightSource((-2., -2., 0.))
win.lights = myLights
return self._lights
def lights(self, value):
# if None or empty list, disable all lights
if value is None or not value:
for index in range(self._nLights):
GL.glDisable(GL.GL_LIGHT0 + index)
self._nLights = 0 # set number of lights to zero
self._lights = value
# set the lights and make sure it's a list if a single value was passed
self._lights = value if isinstance(value, (list, tuple,)) else [value]
# disable excess lights if less lights were specified this time
oldNumLights = self._nLights
self._nLights = len(self._lights) # number of lights enabled
if oldNumLights > self._nLights:
for index in range(self._nLights, oldNumLights):
GL.glDisable(GL.GL_LIGHT0 + index)
# Setup legacy lights, new spec shader programs should access the
# `lights` attribute directly to setup lighting uniforms.
# The index of the lights is defined by the order it appears in
# `self._lights`.
for index, light in enumerate(self._lights):
enumLight = GL.GL_LIGHT0 + index
# convert data in light class to ctypes
#pos = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light.pos)
diffuse = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light._diffuseRGB)
specular = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light._specularRGB)
ambient = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light._ambientRGB)
# pass values to OpenGL
#GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_POSITION, pos)
GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse)
GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_SPECULAR, specular)
GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_AMBIENT, ambient)
constant, linear, quadratic = light._kAttenuation
GL.glLightf(enumLight, GL.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, constant)
GL.glLightf(enumLight, GL.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, linear)
GL.glLightf(enumLight, GL.GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, quadratic)
# enable the light
def useLights(self):
"""Enable scene lighting.
Lights will be enabled if using legacy OpenGL lighting. Stimuli using
shaders for lighting should check if `useLights` is `True` since this
will have no effect on them, and disable or use a no lighting shader
instead. Lights will be transformed to the current view matrix upon
setting to `True`.
Lights are transformed by the present `GL_MODELVIEW` matrix. Setting
`useLights` will result in their positions being transformed by it.
If you want lights to appear at the specified positions in world space,
make sure the current matrix defines the view/eye transformation when
setting `useLights=True`.
This flag is reset to `False` at the beginning of each frame. Should be
`False` if rendering 2D stimuli or else the colors will be incorrect.
return self._useLights
def useLights(self, value):
self._useLights = value
# Setup legacy lights, new spec shader programs should access the
# `lights` attribute directly to setup lighting uniforms.
if self._useLights and self._lights:
# make sure specular lights are computed relative to eye position,
# this is more realistic than the default. Does not affect shaders.
# update light positions for current model matrix
for index, light in enumerate(self._lights):
enumLight = GL.GL_LIGHT0 + index
pos = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light.pos)
GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_POSITION, pos)
# disable lights
[docs] def updateLights(self, index=None):
"""Explicitly update scene lights if they were modified.
This is required if modifications to objects referenced in `lights` have
been changed since assignment. If you removed or added items of `lights`
you must refresh all of them.
index : int, optional
Index of light source in `lights` to update. If `None`, all lights
will be refreshed.
Call `updateLights` if you modified lights directly like this::
win.lights[1].diffuseColor = [1., 0., 0.]
if self._lights is None:
return # nop if there are no lights
if index is None:
self.lights = self._lights
if index > len(self._lights) - 1:
raise IndexError('Invalid index for `lights`.')
enumLight = GL.GL_LIGHT0 + index
# light object to modify
light = self._lights[index]
# convert data in light class to ctypes
# pos = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light.pos)
diffuse = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light.diffuse)
specular = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light.specular)
ambient = numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(light.ambient)
# pass values to OpenGL
# GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_POSITION, pos)
GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse)
GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_SPECULAR, specular)
GL.glLightfv(enumLight, GL.GL_AMBIENT, ambient)
[docs] def resetViewport(self):
"""Reset the viewport to cover the whole framebuffer.
Set the viewport to match the dimensions of the back buffer or
framebuffer (if `useFBO=True`). The scissor rectangle is also set to
match the dimensions of the viewport.
# use the framebuffer size here, not the window size (hi-dpi compat)
bufferWidth, bufferHeight = self.frameBufferSize
self.scissor = self.viewport = [0, 0, bufferWidth, bufferHeight]
def viewport(self):
"""Viewport rectangle (x, y, w, h) for the current draw buffer.
Values `x` and `y` define the origin, and `w` and `h` the size of the
rectangle in pixels.
This is typically set to cover the whole buffer, however it can be
changed for applications like multi-view rendering. Stimuli will draw
according to the new shape of the viewport, for instance and stimulus
with position (0, 0) will be drawn at the center of the viewport, not
the window.
Constrain drawing to the left and right halves of the screen, where
stimuli will be drawn centered on the new rectangle. Note that you need
to set both the `viewport` and the `scissor` rectangle::
x, y, w, h = win.frameBufferSize # size of the framebuffer
win.viewport = win.scissor = [x, y, w / 2.0, h]
# draw left stimuli ...
win.viewport = win.scissor = [x + (w / 2.0), y, w / 2.0, h]
# draw right stimuli ...
# restore drawing to the whole screen
win.viewport = win.scissor = [x, y, w, h]
return self._viewport
def viewport(self, value):
self._viewport = numpy.array(value, int)
def scissor(self):
"""Scissor rectangle (x, y, w, h) for the current draw buffer.
Values `x` and `y` define the origin, and `w` and `h` the size
of the rectangle in pixels. The scissor operation is only active
if `scissorTest=True`.
Usually, the scissor and viewport are set to the same rectangle
to prevent drawing operations from `spilling` into other regions
of the screen. For instance, calling `clearBuffer` will only
clear within the scissor rectangle.
Setting the scissor rectangle but not the viewport will restrict
drawing within the defined region (like a rectangular aperture),
not changing the positions of stimuli.
return self._scissor
def scissor(self, value):
self._scissor = numpy.array(value, int)
def scissorTest(self):
"""`True` if scissor testing is enabled."""
return self._scissorTest
def scissorTest(self, value):
if value is True:
elif value is False:
raise TypeError("Value must be boolean.")
self._scissorTest = value
def stencilTest(self):
"""`True` if stencil testing is enabled."""
return self._stencilTest
def stencilTest(self, value):
if value is True:
elif value is False:
raise TypeError("Value must be boolean.")
self._stencilTest = value
def nearClip(self):
"""Distance to the near clipping plane in meters."""
return self._nearClip
def nearClip(self, value):
self._nearClip = value
def farClip(self):
"""Distance to the far clipping plane in meters."""
return self._farClip
def farClip(self, value):
self._farClip = value
def projectionMatrix(self):
"""Projection matrix defined as a 4x4 numpy array."""
return self._projectionMatrix
def projectionMatrix(self, value):
self._projectionMatrix = numpy.asarray(value, numpy.float32)
assert self._projectionMatrix.shape == (4, 4)
def viewMatrix(self):
"""View matrix defined as a 4x4 numpy array."""
return self._viewMatrix
def viewMatrix(self, value):
self._viewMatrix = numpy.asarray(value, numpy.float32)
assert self._viewMatrix.shape == (4, 4)
def eyeOffset(self):
"""Eye offset in centimeters.
This value is used by `setPerspectiveView` to apply a lateral
offset to the view, therefore it must be set prior to calling it. Use a
positive offset for the right eye, and a negative one for the left.
Offsets should be the distance to from the middle of the face to the
center of the eye, or half the inter-ocular distance.
return self._eyeOffset * 100.0
def eyeOffset(self, value):
self._eyeOffset = value / 100.0
def convergeOffset(self):
"""Convergence offset from monitor in centimeters.
This is value corresponds to the offset from screen plane to set the
convergence plane (or point for `toe-in` projections). Positive offsets
move the plane farther away from the viewer, while negative offsets
nearer. This value is used by `setPerspectiveView` and should be set
before calling it to take effect.
* This value is only applicable for `setToeIn` and `setOffAxisView`.
return self._convergeOffset * 100.0
def convergeOffset(self, value):
self._convergeOffset = value / 100.0
[docs] def setOffAxisView(self, applyTransform=True, clearDepth=True):
"""Set an off-axis projection.
Create an off-axis projection for subsequent rendering calls. Sets the
`viewMatrix` and `projectionMatrix` accordingly so the scene origin is
on the screen plane. If `eyeOffset` is correct and the view distance and
screen size is defined in the monitor configuration, the resulting view
will approximate `ortho-stereo` viewing.
The convergence plane can be adjusted by setting `convergeOffset`. By
default, the convergence plane is set to the screen plane. Any points
on the screen plane will have zero disparity.
applyTransform : bool
Apply transformations after computing them in immediate mode. Same
as calling :py:attr:`~Window.applyEyeTransform()` afterwards.
clearDepth : bool, optional
Clear the depth buffer.
scrDistM = 0.5 if self.scrDistCM is None else self.scrDistCM / 100.0
scrWidthM = 0.5 if self.scrWidthCM is None else self.scrWidthCM / 100.0
# Not in full screen mode? Need to compute the dimensions of the display
# area to ensure disparities are correct even when in windowed-mode.
aspect = self.size[0] / self.size[1]
if not self._isFullScr:
scrWidthM = (self.size[0] / self.scrWidthPIX) * scrWidthM
frustum = viewtools.computeFrustum(
scrWidthM, # width of screen
aspect, # aspect ratio
scrDistM, # distance to screen
self._projectionMatrix = viewtools.perspectiveProjectionMatrix(*frustum)
# translate away from screen
self._viewMatrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
self._viewMatrix[0, 3] = -self._eyeOffset # apply eye offset
self._viewMatrix[2, 3] = -scrDistM # displace scene away from viewer
if applyTransform:
[docs] def setToeInView(self, applyTransform=True, clearDepth=True):
"""Set toe-in projection.
Create a toe-in projection for subsequent rendering calls. Sets the
`viewMatrix` and `projectionMatrix` accordingly so the scene origin is
on the screen plane. The value of `convergeOffset` will define the
convergence point of the view, which is offset perpendicular to the
center of the screen plane. Points falling on a vertical line at the
convergence point will have zero disparity.
applyTransform : bool
Apply transformations after computing them in immediate mode. Same
as calling :py:attr:`~Window.applyEyeTransform()` afterwards.
clearDepth : bool, optional
Clear the depth buffer.
* This projection mode is only 'correct' if the viewer's eyes are
converged at the convergence point. Due to perspective, this
projection introduces vertical disparities which increase in magnitude
with eccentricity. Use `setOffAxisView` if you want to display
something the viewer can look around the screen comfortably.
scrDistM = 0.5 if self.scrDistCM is None else self.scrDistCM / 100.0
scrWidthM = 0.5 if self.scrWidthCM is None else self.scrWidthCM / 100.0
# Not in full screen mode? Need to compute the dimensions of the display
# area to ensure disparities are correct even when in windowed-mode.
aspect = self.size[0] / self.size[1]
if not self._isFullScr:
scrWidthM = (self.size[0] / self.scrWidthPIX) * scrWidthM
frustum = viewtools.computeFrustum(
scrWidthM, # width of screen
aspect, # aspect ratio
scrDistM, # distance to screen
self._projectionMatrix = viewtools.perspectiveProjectionMatrix(*frustum)
# translate away from screen
eyePos = (self._eyeOffset, 0.0, scrDistM)
convergePoint = (0.0, 0.0, self.convergeOffset)
self._viewMatrix = viewtools.lookAt(eyePos, convergePoint)
if applyTransform:
[docs] def setPerspectiveView(self, applyTransform=True, clearDepth=True):
"""Set the projection and view matrix to render with perspective.
Matrices are computed using values specified in the monitor
configuration with the scene origin on the screen plane. Calculations
assume units are in meters. If `eyeOffset != 0`, the view will be
transformed laterally, however the frustum shape will remain the
Note that the values of :py:attr:`~Window.projectionMatrix` and
:py:attr:`~Window.viewMatrix` will be replaced when calling this
applyTransform : bool
Apply transformations after computing them in immediate mode. Same
as calling :py:attr:`~Window.applyEyeTransform()` afterwards if
clearDepth : bool, optional
Clear the depth buffer.
# NB - we should eventually compute these matrices lazily since they may
# not change over the course of an experiment under most circumstances.
scrDistM = 0.5 if self.scrDistCM is None else self.scrDistCM / 100.0
scrWidthM = 0.5 if self.scrWidthCM is None else self.scrWidthCM / 100.0
# Not in full screen mode? Need to compute the dimensions of the display
# area to ensure disparities are correct even when in windowed-mode.
aspect = self.size[0] / self.size[1]
if not self._isFullScr:
scrWidthM = (self.size[0] / self.scrWidthPIX) * scrWidthM
frustum = viewtools.computeFrustum(
scrWidthM, # width of screen
aspect, # aspect ratio
scrDistM, # distance to screen
self._projectionMatrix = \
viewtools.perspectiveProjectionMatrix(*frustum, dtype=numpy.float32)
# translate away from screen
self._viewMatrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
self._viewMatrix[0, 3] = -self._eyeOffset # apply eye offset
self._viewMatrix[2, 3] = -scrDistM # displace scene away from viewer
if applyTransform:
[docs] def coordToRay(self, screenXY):
"""Convert a screen coordinate to a direction vector.
Takes a screen/window coordinate and computes a vector which projects
a ray from the viewpoint through it (line-of-sight). Any 3D point
touching the ray will appear at the screen coordinate.
Uses the current `viewport` and `projectionMatrix` to calculate the
vector. The vector is in eye-space, where the origin of the scene is
centered at the viewpoint and the forward direction aligned with the -Z
axis. A ray of (0, 0, -1) results from a point at the very center of the
screen assuming symmetric frustums.
Note that if you are using a flipped/mirrored view, you must invert your
supplied screen coordinates (`screenXY`) prior to passing them to this
screenXY : array_like
X, Y screen coordinate. Must be in units of the window.
Normalized direction vector [x, y, z].
Getting the direction vector between the mouse cursor and the eye::
mx, my = mouse.getPos()
dir = win.coordToRay((mx, my))
Set the position of a 3D stimulus object using the mouse, constrained to
a plane. The object origin will always be at the screen coordinate of
the mouse cursor::
# the eye position in the scene is defined by a rigid body pose
win.viewMatrix = camera.getViewMatrix()
# get the mouse location and calculate the intercept
mx, my = mouse.getPos()
ray = win.coordToRay([mx, my])
result = intersectRayPlane( # from mathtools
planeOrig=(0, 0, -10),
planeNormal=(0, 1, 0))
# if result is `None`, there is no intercept
if result is not None:
pos, dist = result
objModel.thePose.pos = pos
objModel.thePose.pos = (0, 0, -10) # plane origin
If you don't define the position of the viewer with a `RigidBodyPose`,
you can obtain the appropriate eye position and rotate the ray by doing
the following::
pos = numpy.linalg.inv(win.viewMatrix)[:3, 3]
ray = win.coordToRay([mx, my]).dot(win.viewMatrix[:3, :3])
# then ...
result = intersectRayPlane(
planeOrig=(0, 0, -10),
planeNormal=(0, 1, 0))
# put in units of pixels
if self.units == 'pix':
scrX, scrY = numpy.asarray(screenXY, numpy.float32)
scrX, scrY = convertToPix(numpy.asarray([0, 0]),
# transform psychopy mouse coordinates to viewport coordinates
scrX = scrX + (self.size[0] / 2.)
scrY = scrY + (self.size[1] / 2.)
# get the NDC coordinates of the
projX = 2. * (scrX - self.viewport[0]) / self.viewport[2] - 1.
projY = 2. * (scrY - self.viewport[1]) / self.viewport[3] - 1.
vecNear = numpy.array((projX, projY, 0., 1.), dtype=numpy.float32)
vecFar = numpy.array((projX, projY, 1., 1.), dtype=numpy.float32)
# compute the inverse projection matrix
invPM = numpy.linalg.inv(self.projectionMatrix)
vecNear[:] = vecNear.dot(invPM.T)
vecFar[:] = vecFar.dot(invPM.T)
vecNear /= vecNear[3]
vecFar /= vecFar[3]
# direction vector, get rid of `w`
dirVec = vecFar[:3] - vecNear[:3]
return dirVec / numpy.linalg.norm(dirVec)
[docs] def getMovieFrame(self, buffer='front'):
"""Capture the current Window as an image.
Saves to stack for :py:attr:`~Window.saveMovieFrames()`. As of v1.81.00
this also returns the frame as a PIL image
This can be done at any time (usually after a :py:attr:`~Window.flip()`
Frames are stored in memory until a :py:attr:`~Window.saveMovieFrames()`
command is issued. You can issue :py:attr:`~Window.getMovieFrame()` as
often as you like and then save them all in one go when finished.
The back buffer will return the frame that hasn't yet been 'flipped'
to be visible on screen but has the advantage that the mouse and any
other overlapping windows won't get in the way.
The default front buffer is to be called immediately after a
:py:attr:`~Window.flip()` and gives a complete copy of the screen at the
window's coordinates.
buffer : str, optional
Buffer to capture.
Buffer pixel contents as a PIL/Pillow image object.
im = self._getFrame(buffer=buffer)
return im
[docs] def _getPixels(self, rect=None, buffer='front', includeAlpha=True,
"""Return an array of pixel values from the current window buffer or
rect : tuple[int], optional
The region of the window to capture in pixel coordinates (left,
bottom, width, height). If `None`, the whole window is captured.
buffer : str, optional
Buffer to capture.
includeAlpha : bool, optional
Include the alpha channel in the returned array. Default is `True`.
makeLum : bool, optional
Convert the RGB values to luminance values. Values are rounded to
the nearest integer. Default is `False`.
Pixel values as a 3D array of shape (height, width, channels). If
`includeAlpha` is `False`, the array will have shape (height, width,
3). If `makeLum` is `True`, the array will have shape (height,
Get the pixel values of the whole window::
pix = win._getPixels()
Get pixel values and convert to luminance and get average::
pix = win._getPixels(makeLum=True)
average = pix.mean()
# do the reading of the pixels
if buffer == 'back' and self.useFBO:
elif buffer == 'back':
elif buffer == 'front':
if self.useFBO:
raise ValueError("Requested read from buffer '{}' but should be "
"'front' or 'back'".format(buffer))
if rect:
# box corners in pix
left, bottom, w, h = rect
left = bottom = 0
w, h = self.size
# get pixel data
bufferDat = (GL.GLubyte * (4 * w * h))()
left, bottom, w, h,
# convert to array
toReturn = numpy.frombuffer(bufferDat, dtype=numpy.uint8)
toReturn = toReturn.reshape((h, w, 4))
# rebind front buffer if needed
if buffer == 'front' and self.useFBO:
GL.glBindFramebufferEXT(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, self.frameBuffer)
# if we want the color data without an alpha channel, we need to
# convert the data to a numpy array and remove the alpha channel
if not includeAlpha:
toReturn = toReturn[:, :, :3] # remove alpha channel
# convert to luminance if requested
if makeLum:
coeffs = [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]
toReturn = numpy.rint(numpy.dot(toReturn[:, :, :3], coeffs)).astype(
return toReturn
[docs] def _getFrame(self, rect=None, buffer='front'):
"""Return the current Window as an image.
# GL.glLoadIdentity()
# do the reading of the pixels
if buffer == 'back' and self.useFBO:
elif buffer == 'back':
elif buffer == 'front':
if self.useFBO:
raise ValueError("Requested read from buffer '{}' but should be "
"'front' or 'back'".format(buffer))
if rect:
x, y = self.size # of window, not image
imType = 'RGBA' # not tested with anything else
# box corners in pix
left = int((rect[0] / 2. + 0.5) * x)
bottom = int((rect[3] / 2. + 0.5) * y)
w = int((rect[2] / 2. + 0.5) * x) - left
h = int((rect[1] / 2. + 0.5) * y) - bottom
left = bottom = 0
w, h = self.size
# http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glGetTexImage.xml
bufferDat = (GL.GLubyte * (4 * w * h))()
GL.glReadPixels(left, bottom, w, h,
im = Image.fromstring(mode='RGBA', size=(w, h),
except Exception:
im = Image.frombytes(mode='RGBA', size=(w, h),
im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
im = im.convert('RGB')
if self.useFBO and buffer == 'front':
GL.glBindFramebufferEXT(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, self.frameBuffer)
return im
def screenshot(self):
return self._getFrame()
[docs] def saveMovieFrames(self, fileName, codec='libx264',
fps=30, clearFrames=True):
"""Writes any captured frames to disk.
Will write any format that is understood by PIL (tif, jpg, png, ...)
filename : str
Name of file, including path. The extension at the end of the file
determines the type of file(s) created. If an image type (e.g. .png)
is given, then multiple static frames are created. If it is .gif
then an animated GIF image is created (although you will get higher
quality GIF by saving PNG files and then combining them in dedicated
image manipulation software, such as GIMP). On Windows and Linux
`.mpeg` files can be created if `pymedia` is installed. On macOS
`.mov` files can be created if the pyobjc-frameworks-QTKit is
installed. Unfortunately the libs used for movie generation can be
flaky and poor quality. As for animated GIFs, better results can be
achieved by saving as individual .png frames and then combining them
into a movie using software like ffmpeg.
codec : str, optional
The codec to be used **by moviepy** for mp4/mpg/mov files. If
`None` then the default will depend on file extension. Can be
one of ``libx264``, ``mpeg4`` for mp4/mov files. Can be
``rawvideo``, ``png`` for avi files (not recommended). Can be
``libvorbis`` for ogv files. Default is ``libx264``.
fps : int, optional
The frame rate to be used throughout the movie. **Only for
quicktime (.mov) movies.**. Default is `30`.
clearFrames : bool, optional
Set this to `False` if you want the frames to be kept for
additional calls to ``saveMovieFrames``. Default is `True`.
Writes a series of static frames as frame001.tif, frame002.tif etc.::
As of PsychoPy 1.84.1 the following are written with moviepy::
myWin.saveMovieFrames('stimuli.mp4') # codec = 'libx264' or 'mpeg4'
fileRoot, fileExt = os.path.splitext(fileName)
fileExt = fileExt.lower() # easier than testing both later
if len(self.movieFrames) == 0:
logging.error('no frames to write - did you forget to update '
'your window or call win.getMovieFrame()?')
logging.info('Writing %i frames to %s' % (len(self.movieFrames),
if fileExt in ['.gif', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.mp4', '.mov']:
# lazy loading of moviepy.editor (rarely needed)
from moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClip
# save variety of movies with moviepy
numpyFrames = []
for frame in self.movieFrames:
clip = ImageSequenceClip(numpyFrames, fps=fps)
if fileExt == '.gif':
clip.write_gif(fileName, fps=fps, fuzz=0, opt='nq')
clip.write_videofile(fileName, codec=codec)
elif len(self.movieFrames) == 1:
# save an image using pillow
frmc = numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(len(self.movieFrames) + 1))
frame_name_format = "%s%%0%dd%s" % (fileRoot, frmc, fileExt)
for frameN, thisFrame in enumerate(self.movieFrames):
thisFileName = frame_name_format % (frameN + 1,)
if clearFrames:
self.movieFrames = []
[docs] def _getRegionOfFrame(self, rect=(-1, 1, 1, -1), buffer='front',
power2=False, squarePower2=False):
"""Deprecated function, here for historical reasons. You may now use
`:py:attr:`~Window._getFrame()` and specify a rect to get a sub-region,
just as used here.
power2 can be useful with older OpenGL versions to avoid interpolation
in :py:attr:`PatchStim`. If power2 or squarePower2, it will expand rect
dimensions up to next power of two. squarePower2 uses the max
dimensions. You need to check what your hardware & OpenGL supports,
and call :py:attr:`~Window._getRegionOfFrame()` as appropriate.
# Ideally: rewrite using GL frame buffer object; glReadPixels == slow
region = self._getFrame(rect=rect, buffer=buffer)
if power2 or squarePower2: # use to avoid interpolation in PatchStim
if squarePower2:
maxsize = max(region.size)
xPowerOf2 = int(2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(maxsize)))
yPowerOf2 = xPowerOf2
xPowerOf2 = int(2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(region.size[0])))
yPowerOf2 = int(2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(region.size[1])))
imP2 = Image.new('RGBA', (xPowerOf2, yPowerOf2))
# paste centered
imP2.paste(region, (int(xPowerOf2 / 2. - region.size[0] / 2.),
int(yPowerOf2 / 2.) - region.size[1] / 2))
region = imP2
return region
[docs] def close(self):
"""Close the window (and reset the Bits++ if necess).
self._closed = True
# If iohub is running, inform it to stop using this win id
# for mouse events
from psychopy.iohub.client import ioHubConnection
except Exception:
self.backend.close() # moved here, dereferencing the window prevents
# backend specific actions to take place
except Exception:
self.mouseVisible = True
except Exception:
# can cause unimportant "'NoneType' object is not callable"
if self.bits is not None:
except Exception:
except Exception:
[docs] def fps(self):
"""Report the frames per second since the last call to this function
(or since the window was created if this is first call)"""
fps = self.frames / self.frameClock.getTime()
self.frames = 0
return fps
def depthTest(self):
"""`True` if depth testing is enabled."""
return self._depthTest
def depthTest(self, value):
if value is True:
elif value is False:
raise TypeError("Value must be boolean.")
self._depthTest = value
def depthFunc(self):
"""Depth test comparison function for rendering."""
return self._depthFunc
def depthFunc(self, value):
depthFuncs = {'never': GL.GL_NEVER, 'less': GL.GL_LESS,
'equal': GL.GL_EQUAL, 'lequal': GL.GL_LEQUAL,
'greater': GL.GL_GREATER, 'notequal': GL.GL_NOTEQUAL,
'gequal': GL.GL_GEQUAL, 'always': GL.GL_ALWAYS}
self._depthFunc = value
def depthMask(self):
"""`True` if depth masking is enabled. Writing to the depth buffer will
be disabled.
return self._depthMask
def depthMask(self, value):
if value is True:
elif value is False:
raise TypeError("Value must be boolean.")
self._depthMask = value
def cullFaceMode(self):
"""Face culling mode, either `back`, `front` or `both`."""
return self._cullFaceMode
def cullFaceMode(self, value):
if value == 'back':
elif value == 'front':
elif value == 'both':
raise ValueError('Invalid face cull mode.')
self._cullFaceMode = value
def cullFace(self):
"""`True` if face culling is enabled.`"""
return self._cullFace
def cullFace(self, value):
if value is True:
elif value is False:
raise TypeError('Value must be type `bool`.')
self._cullFace = value
def frontFace(self):
"""Face winding order to define front, either `ccw` or `cw`."""
return self._frontFace
def frontFace(self, value):
if value == 'ccw':
elif value == 'cw':
raise ValueError('Invalid value, must be `ccw` or `cw`.')
self._frontFace = value
def draw3d(self):
"""`True` if 3D drawing is enabled on this window."""
return self._draw3d
def draw3d(self, value):
if value is True:
if self.depthMask is False:
self.depthMask = True
if self.depthTest is False:
self.depthTest = True
if self.cullFace is False:
self.cullFace = True
elif value is False:
if self.depthMask is True:
self.depthMask = False
if self.depthTest is True:
self.depthTest = False
if self.cullFace is True:
self.cullFace = False
raise TypeError('Value must be type `bool`.')
self._draw3d = value
def blendMode(self, blendMode):
"""Blend mode to use."""
self.__dict__['blendMode'] = blendMode
if blendMode == 'avg':
if hasattr(self, '_shaders'):
self._progSignedFrag = self._shaders['signedColor']
self._progSignedTex = self._shaders['signedTex']
self._progSignedTexMask = self._shaders['signedTexMask']
self._progSignedTexMask1D = self._shaders['signedTexMask1D']
self._progImageStim = self._shaders['imageStim']
elif blendMode == 'add':
if hasattr(self, '_shaders'):
self._progSignedFrag = self._shaders['signedColor_adding']
self._progSignedTex = self._shaders['signedTex_adding']
self._progSignedTexMask = self._shaders['signedTexMask_adding']
tmp = self._shaders['signedTexMask1D_adding']
self._progSignedTexMask1D = tmp
self._progImageStim = self._shaders['imageStim_adding']
raise ValueError("Window blendMode should be set to 'avg' or 'add'"
" but we received the value {}"
def setBlendMode(self, blendMode, log=None):
"""Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.
setAttribute(self, 'blendMode', blendMode, log)
def colorSpace(self):
"""The name of the color space currently being used
Value should be: a string or None
For strings and hex values this is not needed.
If None the default colorSpace for the stimulus is
used (defined during initialisation).
Please note that changing colorSpace does not change stimulus
parameters. Thus you usually want to specify colorSpace before
setting the color. Example::
# A light green text
stim = visual.TextStim(win, 'Color me!',
color=(0, 1, 0), colorSpace='rgb')
# An almost-black text
stim.colorSpace = 'rgb255'
# Make it light green again
stim.color = (128, 255, 128)
if hasattr(self, '_colorSpace'):
return self._colorSpace
return 'rgb'
def colorSpace(self, value):
if value in colorSpaces:
self._colorSpace = value
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid color space")
def color(self):
"""Set the color of the window.
This command sets the color that the blank screen will have on the
next clear operation. As a result it effectively takes TWO
:py:attr:`~Window.flip()` operations to become visible (the first uses
the color to create the new screen, the second presents that screen to
the viewer). For this reason, if you want to changed background color of
the window "on the fly", it might be a better idea to draw a
:py:attr:`Rect` that fills the whole window with the desired
:py:attr:`Rect.fillColor` attribute. That'll show up on first flip.
See other stimuli (e.g. :py:attr:`GratingStim.color`)
for more info on the color attribute which essentially works the same on
all PsychoPy stimuli.
See :ref:`colorspaces` for further information about the ways to
specify colors and their various implications.
if hasattr(self, '_color'):
return getattr(self._color, self.colorSpace)
def color(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Color):
# If supplied with a color object, set as that
self._color = value
# Otherwise, use it to make a color object
self._color = Color(value, self.colorSpace)
if not self._color:
self._color = Color()
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.colorSpace} color")
# if it is None then this will be done during window setup
if self.backend is not None:
self.backend.setCurrent() # make sure this window is active
def setColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
"""Usually you can use ``stim.attribute = value`` syntax instead,
but use this method if you want to set color and colorSpace
See :py:attr:`~Window.color` for documentation on colors.
self.colorSpace = colorSpace
self.color = color
def setRGB(self, newRGB):
"""Deprecated: As of v1.61.00 please use `setColor()` instead
self.setColor(newRGB, colorSpace="rgb")
def rgb(self):
if hasattr(self, "_color"):
return self._color.render("rgb")
def rgb(self, value):
self.color = Color(value, 'rgb')
def backgroundImage(self, value):
Background image for the window, can be either a visual.ImageStim object or anything which could be passed to
visual.ImageStim.image to create one. Will be drawn each time `win.flip()` is called, meaning it is always
below all other contents of the window.
if value in (None, "None", "none", ""):
# If given None, store so we know not to use a background image
self._backgroundImage = None
self.__dict__['backgroundImage'] = self._backgroundImage
elif hasattr(value, "draw") and hasattr(value, "win"):
# If given a visual object, set its parent window to self and use it
value.win = self
self._backgroundImage = value
# Otherwise, try to make an image from value (start off as if backgroundFit was None)
self._backgroundImage = image.ImageStim(self, image=value, size=None, pos=(0, 0))
# Set background fit again now that we have an image
if hasattr(self, "_backgroundFit"):
self.backgroundFit = self._backgroundFit
self.__dict__['backgroundImage'] = self._backgroundImage
def backgroundFit(self, value):
How should the background image of this window fit? Options are:
None, "None", "none"
No scaling is applied, image is present at its pixel size unaltered.
Image is scaled such that it covers the whole screen without changing its aspect ratio. In other words,
both dimensions are evenly scaled such that its SHORTEST dimension matches the window's LONGEST dimension.
Image is scaled such that it is contained within the screen without changing its aspect ratio. In other
words, both dimensions are evenly scaled such that its LONGEST dimension matches the window's SHORTEST
"scaleDown", "scale-down", "scaledown"
If image is bigger than the window along any dimension, it will behave as if backgroundFit were "contain".
Otherwise, it will behave as if backgroundFit were None.
self._backgroundFit = value
# Skip if no background image
if (not hasattr(self, "_backgroundImage")) or (self._backgroundImage is None):
self.__dict__['backgroundFit'] = self._backgroundFit
# If value is scaleDown or alias, set to None or "contain" based on relative size
if value in ("scaleDown", "scale-down", "scaledown"):
overflow = numpy.asarray(self._backgroundImage._origSize) > numpy.asarray(self.size)
if overflow.any():
value = "contain"
value = None
if value in (None, "None", "none"):
# If value is None, don't change the backgroundImage at all
elif value == "fill":
# If value is fill, make backgroundImage fill screen
self._backgroundImage.units = "norm"
self._backgroundImage.size = (2, 2)
self._backgroundImage.pos = (0, 0)
if value in ("contain", "cover"):
# If value is contain or cover, set one dimension to fill screen and the other to maintain ratio
ratios = numpy.asarray(self._backgroundImage._origSize) / numpy.asarray(self.size)
if value == "cover":
i = ratios.argmin()
i = ratios.argmax()
size = [None, None]
size[i] = 2
self._backgroundImage.units = "norm"
self._backgroundImage.size = size
self._backgroundImage.pos = (0, 0)
self.__dict__['backgroundFit'] = self._backgroundFit
[docs] def _setupGamma(self, gammaVal):
"""A private method to work out how to handle gamma for this Window
given that the user might have specified an explicit value, or maybe
gave a Monitor.
# determine which gamma value to use (or native ramp)
if gammaVal is not None:
self.useNativeGamma = False
elif not self.monitor.gammaIsDefault():
if self.monitor.getGamma() is not None:
self.__dict__['gamma'] = self.monitor.getGamma()
self.useNativeGamma = False
self.__dict__['gamma'] = None # gamma wasn't set anywhere
self.useNativeGamma = True
# then try setting it
if self.useNativeGamma:
if self.autoLog:
logging.info('Using gamma table of operating system')
if self.autoLog:
logging.info('Using gamma: self.gamma' + str(self.gamma))
self.gamma = gammaVal # using either pygame or bits++
def gamma(self, gamma):
"""Set the monitor gamma for linearization.
Don't use this if using a Bits++ or Bits#, as it overrides monitor
if self.bits is not None:
msg = ("Do not use try to set the gamma of a window with "
"Bits++/Bits# enabled. It was ambiguous what should "
"happen. Use the setGamma() function of the bits box "
raise DeprecationWarning(msg)
self.backend.gamma = self.__dict__['gamma']
def setGamma(self, gamma, log=None):
"""Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.
setAttribute(self, 'gamma', gamma, log)
def gammaRamp(self, newRamp):
"""Sets the hardware CLUT using a specified 3xN array of floats ranging
between 0.0 and 1.0.
Array must have a number of rows equal to 2 ^ max(bpc).
self.backend.gammaRamp = newRamp
def _checkGamma(self, gamma=None):
if gamma is None:
gamma = self.gamma
if isinstance(gamma, (float, int)):
self.__dict__['gamma'] = [gamma] * 3
elif hasattr(gamma, '__iter__'):
self.__dict__['gamma'] = gamma
raise ValueError('gamma must be a numeric scalar or iterable')
def setScale(self, units, font='dummyFont', prevScale=(1.0, 1.0)):
"""DEPRECATED: this method used to be used to switch between units for
stimulus drawing but this is now handled by the stimuli themselves and
the window should always be left in units of 'pix'
if self.useRetina:
retinaScale = 2.0
retinaScale = 1.0
# then unit-specific changes
if units == "norm":
thisScale = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0])
elif units == "height":
thisScale = numpy.array([2.0 * self.size[1] / self.size[0], 2.0])
elif units in ["pix", "pixels"]:
thisScale = 2.0 / numpy.array(self.size) * retinaScale
elif units == "cm":
# windowPerCM = windowPerPIX / CMperPIX
# = (window/winPIX) / (scrCm/scrPIX)
if self.scrWidthCM in [0, None] or self.scrWidthPIX in [0, None]:
logging.error('you did not give the width of the screen (pixels'
' and cm). Check settings in MonitorCentre.')
thisScale = ((numpy.array([2.0, 2.0]) / self.size * retinaScale)
/ (self.scrWidthCM / self.scrWidthPIX))
elif units in ["deg", "degs"]:
# windowPerDeg = winPerCM * CMperDEG
# = winPerCM * tan(pi/180) * distance
if ((self.scrWidthCM in [0, None]) or
(self.scrWidthPIX in [0, None])):
logging.error('you did not give the width of the screen (pixels'
' and cm). Check settings in MonitorCentre.')
cmScale = ((numpy.array([2.0, 2.0]) / self.size) * retinaScale /
(self.scrWidthCM / self.scrWidthPIX))
thisScale = cmScale * 0.017455 * self.scrDistCM
elif units == "stroke_font":
lw = 2 * font.letterWidth
thisScale = numpy.array([lw, lw] / self.size * retinaScale / 38.0)
# actually set the scale as appropriate
# allows undoing of a previous scaling procedure
thisScale = thisScale / numpy.asarray(prevScale)
GL.glScalef(thisScale[0], thisScale[1], 1.0)
return thisScale
[docs] def _checkMatchingSizes(self, requested, actual):
"""Checks whether the requested and actual screen sizes differ.
If not then a warning is output and the window size is set to actual
if list(requested) != list(actual):
logging.warning("User requested fullscreen with size %s, "
"but screen is actually %s. Using actual size" %
(requested, actual))
self.clientSize = numpy.array(actual)
[docs] def _setupGL(self):
"""Setup OpenGL state for this window.
# setup screen color
self.color = self.color # call attributeSetter
# viewport or drawable area of the framebuffer
self.viewport = self.scissor = \
(0, 0, self.frameBufferSize[0], self.frameBufferSize[1])
self.scissorTest = True
self.stencilTest = False
GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_PROJECTION) # Reset the projection matrix
GL.gluOrtho2D(-1, 1, -1, 1)
GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_MODELVIEW) # Reset the modelview matrix
self.depthTest = False
# GL.glEnable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) # Enables Depth Testing
# GL.glDepthFunc(GL.GL_LESS) # The Type Of Depth Test To Do
GL.glShadeModel(GL.GL_SMOOTH) # Color Shading (FLAT or SMOOTH)
# check for GL_ARB_texture_float
# (which is needed for shaders to be useful)
# this needs to be done AFTER the context has been created
if not GL.gl_info.have_extension('GL_ARB_texture_float'):
self._haveShaders = False
# identify gfx card vendor
self.glVendor = GL.gl_info.get_vendor().lower()
requestedFBO = self.useFBO
if self._haveShaders: # do this after setting up FrameBufferObject
self.useFBO = False
if self.useFBO:
success = self._setupFrameBuffer()
if not success:
self.useFBO = False
if requestedFBO and not self.useFBO:
logging.warning("Framebuffer object (FBO) not supported on "
"this graphics card")
if self.blendMode == 'add' and not self.useFBO:
logging.warning("Framebuffer object (FBO) is required for "
"blendMode='add'. Reverting to blendMode='avg'")
self.blendMode = 'avg'
def _setupShaders(self):
self._progSignedTexFont = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColorTexFont)
self._progFBOtoFrame = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragFBOtoFrame)
self._shaders = {}
self._shaders['signedColor'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColor)
self._shaders['signedColor_adding'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColor_adding)
self._shaders['signedTex'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColorTex)
self._shaders['signedTexMask'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColorTexMask)
self._shaders['signedTexMask1D'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColorTexMask1D)
self._shaders['signedTex_adding'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColorTex_adding)
self._shaders['signedTexMask_adding'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColorTexMask_adding)
self._shaders['signedTexMask1D_adding'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragSignedColorTexMask1D_adding)
self._shaders['imageStim'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragImageStim)
self._shaders['imageStim_adding'] = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSimple, _shaders.fragImageStim_adding)
self._shaders['stim3d_phong'] = {}
# Create shader flags, these are used as keys to pick the appropriate
# shader for the given material and lighting configuration.
shaderFlags = []
for i in range(0, 8 + 1):
for j in product((True, False), repeat=1):
shaderFlags.append((i, j[0]))
# Compile shaders based on generated flags.
for flag in shaderFlags:
# Define GLSL preprocessor values to enable code paths for specific
# material properties.
srcDefs = {'MAX_LIGHTS': flag[0]}
if flag[1]: # has diffuse texture map
srcDefs['DIFFUSE_TEXTURE'] = 1
# embed #DEFINE statements in GLSL source code
vertSrc = gltools.embedShaderSourceDefs(
_shaders.vertPhongLighting, srcDefs)
fragSrc = gltools.embedShaderSourceDefs(
_shaders.fragPhongLighting, srcDefs)
# build a shader program
prog = gltools.createProgramObjectARB()
vertexShader = gltools.compileShaderObjectARB(
fragmentShader = gltools.compileShaderObjectARB(
gltools.attachObjectARB(prog, vertexShader)
gltools.attachObjectARB(prog, fragmentShader)
gltools.detachObjectARB(prog, vertexShader)
gltools.detachObjectARB(prog, fragmentShader)
# set the flag
self._shaders['stim3d_phong'][flag] = prog
def _setupFrameBuffer(self):
# Setup framebuffer
self.frameBuffer = GL.GLuint()
GL.glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, ctypes.byref(self.frameBuffer))
GL.glBindFramebufferEXT(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, self.frameBuffer)
# Create texture to render to
self.frameTexture = GL.GLuint()
GL.glGenTextures(1, ctypes.byref(self.frameTexture))
GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.frameTexture)
int(self.size[0]), int(self.size[1]), 0,
# attach texture to the frame buffer
GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.frameTexture, 0)
# add a stencil buffer
self._stencilTexture = GL.GLuint()
GL.glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, ctypes.byref(
self._stencilTexture)) # like glGenTextures
GL.glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, self._stencilTexture)
int(self.size[0]), int(self.size[1]))
status = GL.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT)
logging.error("Error in framebuffer activation")
return False
# clear the buffers (otherwise the texture memory can contain
# junk from other app)
return True
def mouseVisible(self):
"""Returns the visibility of the mouse cursor."""
return self.backend.mouseVisible
def mouseVisible(self, visibility):
"""Sets the visibility of the mouse cursor.
If Window was initialized with ``allowGUI=False`` then the mouse is
initially set to invisible, otherwise it will initially be visible.
win.mouseVisible = False
win.mouseVisible = True
def setMouseVisible(self, visibility, log=None):
"""Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
but use this method if you need to suppress the log message."""
setAttribute(self, 'mouseVisible', visibility, log)
[docs] def setMouseType(self, name='arrow'):
"""Change the appearance of the cursor for this window. Cursor types
provide contextual hints about how to interact with on-screen objects.
The graphics used 'standard cursors' provided by the operating system.
They may vary in appearance and hot spot location across platforms. The
following names are valid on most platforms:
* ``arrow`` : Default pointer.
* ``ibeam`` : Indicates text can be edited.
* ``crosshair`` : Crosshair with hot-spot at center.
* ``hand`` : A pointing hand.
* ``hresize`` : Double arrows pointing horizontally.
* ``vresize`` : Double arrows pointing vertically.
name : str
Type of standard cursor to use (see above). Default is ``arrow``.
* On Windows the ``crosshair`` option is negated with the background
color. It will not be visible when placed over 50% grey fields.
if hasattr(self.backend, "setMouseType"):
[docs] def showPilotingIndicator(self):
Show the visual indicator which shows we are in piloting mode.
# if we haven't made the indicator yet, do that now
if self._pilotingIndicator is None:
self._pilotingIndicator = TextBox2(
self, text=_translate("PILOTING: Switch to run mode before testing."),
letterHeight=0.1, alignment="bottom left",
units="norm", size=(2, 2),
borderColor="#EC9703", color="#EC9703", fillColor="transparent",
# mark it as to be shown
self._showPilotingIndicator = True
[docs] def hidePilotingIndicator(self):
Hide the visual indicator which shows we are in piloting mode.
# mark indicator as to be hidden
self._showPilotingIndicator = False
[docs] def showMessage(self, msg):
"""Show a message in the window. This can be used to show information
to the participant.
This creates a TextBox2 object that is displayed in the window. The
text can be updated by calling this method again with a new message.
The updated text will appear the next time `draw()` is called.
msg : str or None
Message text to display. If None, then any existing message is
if msg is None:
self._showSplash = True
if self._splashTextbox is None: # create the textbox
self._splashTextbox = TextBox2(
self, text=msg,
units="norm", size=(2, 2), alignment="center", # full screen and centred
letterHeight=0.1, # font size relative to window
self._splashTextbox.text = str(msg) # update the text
# set text color to contrast with background
self._splashTextbox.color = self._color.getReadable(contrast=1)
[docs] def hideMessage(self):
"""Remove any message that is currently being displayed."""
self._showSplash = False
[docs] def getActualFrameRate(self, nIdentical=10, nMaxFrames=100,
nWarmUpFrames=10, threshold=1, infoMsg=None):
"""Measures the actual frames-per-second (FPS) for the screen.
This is done by waiting (for a max of `nMaxFrames`) until
`nIdentical` frames in a row have identical frame times (std dev below
`threshold` ms).
nIdentical : int, optional
The number of consecutive frames that will be evaluated.
Higher --> greater precision. Lower --> faster.
nMaxFrames : int, optional
The maximum number of frames to wait for a matching set of
nWarmUpFrames : int, optional
The number of frames to display before starting the test
(this is in place to allow the system to settle after opening
the `Window` for the first time.
threshold : int or float, optional
The threshold for the std deviation (in ms) before the set
are considered a match.
float or None
Frame rate (FPS) in seconds. If there is no such sequence of
identical frames a warning is logged and `None` will be returned.
if nIdentical > nMaxFrames:
raise ValueError(
'Parameter `nIdentical` must be equal to or less than '
screen = self.screen
name = self.name
if infoMsg is None:
infoMsg = "Attempting to measure frame rate of screen, please wait ..."
# log that we're measuring the frame rate now
if self.autoLog:
msg = "{}: Attempting to measure frame rate of screen ({:d}) ..."
logging.exp(msg.format(name, screen))
# Disable `recordFrameIntervals` prior to the warmup as we expect to see
# some instability here.
recordFrmIntsOrig = self.recordFrameIntervals
self.recordFrameIntervals = False
# warm-up, allow the system to settle a bit before measuring frames
for frameN in range(nWarmUpFrames):
# run test frames
self.recordFrameIntervals = True # record intervals for actual test
threshSecs = threshold / 1000.0 # must be in seconds
for frameN in range(nMaxFrames):
recentFrames = self.frameIntervals[-nIdentical:]
nIntervals = len(self.frameIntervals)
if len(recentFrames) < 3:
continue # no need to check variance yet
recentFramesStd = numpy.std(recentFrames) # compute variability
if nIntervals >= nIdentical and recentFramesStd < threshSecs:
# average duration of recent frames
period = numpy.mean(recentFrames) # log this too?
rate = 1.0 / period # compute frame rate in Hz
if self.autoLog:
scrStr = "" if screen is None else " (%i)" % screen
msg = "Screen{} actual frame rate measured at {:.2f}Hz"
logging.exp(msg.format(scrStr, rate))
self.recordFrameIntervals = recordFrmIntsOrig
self.frameIntervals = []
self.hideMessage() # remove the message
return rate
self.hideMessage() # remove the message
# if we get here we reached end of `maxFrames` with no consistent value
msg = ("Couldn't measure a consistent frame rate!\n"
" - Is your graphics card set to sync to vertical blank?\n"
" - Are you running other processes on your computer?\n")
return None
[docs] def getMsPerFrame(self, nFrames=60, showVisual=False, msg='', msDelay=0.):
"""Assesses the monitor refresh rate (average, median, SD) under
current conditions, over at least 60 frames.
Records time for each refresh (frame) for n frames (at least 60),
while displaying an optional visual. The visual is just eye-candy to
show that something is happening when assessing many frames. You can
also give it text to display instead of a visual,
e.g., ``msg='(testing refresh rate...)'``; setting msg implies
``showVisual == False``.
To simulate refresh rate under cpu load, you can specify a time to
wait within the loop prior to doing the :py:attr:`~Window.flip()`.
If 0 < msDelay < 100, wait for that long in ms.
Returns timing stats (in ms) of:
- average time per frame, for all frames
- standard deviation of all frames
- median, as the average of 12 frame times around the median
(~monitor refresh rate)
- 2010 written by Jeremy Gray
# lower bound of 60 samples--need enough to estimate the SD
nFrames = max(60, nFrames)
num2avg = 12 # how many to average from around the median
if len(msg):
showVisual = False
showText = True
myMsg = TextStim(self, text=msg, italic=True,
color=(.7, .6, .5), colorSpace='rgb',
height=0.1, autoLog=False)
showText = False
if showVisual:
x, y = self.size
myStim = GratingStim(self, tex='sin', mask='gauss',
size=[.6 * y / float(x), .6], sf=3.0,
clockt = [] # clock times
# end of drawing time, in clock time units,
# for testing how long myStim.draw() takes
drawt = []
if msDelay > 0 and msDelay < 100:
doWait = True
delayTime = msDelay / 1000. # sec
doWait = False
winUnitsSaved = self.units
# norm is required for the visual (or text) display, as coded below
self.units = 'norm'
# accumulate secs per frame (and time-to-draw) for a bunch of frames:
for i in range(5): # wake everybody up
for i in range(nFrames): # ... and go for real this time
if showVisual:
myStim.setPhase(1.0 / nFrames, '+', log=False)
myStim.setSF(3. / nFrames, '+', log=False)
myStim.setOri(12. / nFrames, '+', log=False)
myStim.setOpacity(.9 / nFrames, '+', log=False)
elif showText:
if doWait:
self.units = winUnitsSaved # restore
frameTimes = [(clockt[i] - clockt[i - 1])
for i in range(1, len(clockt))]
drawTimes = [(drawt[i] - clockt[i]) for
i in range(len(clockt))] # == drawing only
freeTimes = [frameTimes[i] - drawTimes[i] for
i in range(len(frameTimes))] # == unused time
# cast to float so that the resulting type == type(0.123)
# for median
# median-most slice
msPFmed = 1000. * float(numpy.average(
frameTimes[((nFrames - num2avg) // 2):((nFrames + num2avg) // 2)]))
msPFavg = 1000. * float(numpy.average(frameTimes))
msPFstd = 1000. * float(numpy.std(frameTimes))
msdrawAvg = 1000. * float(numpy.average(drawTimes))
msdrawSD = 1000. * float(numpy.std(drawTimes))
msfree = 1000. * float(numpy.average(freeTimes))
return msPFavg, msPFstd, msPFmed # msdrawAvg, msdrawSD, msfree
[docs] def _startOfFlip(self):
"""Custom hardware classes may want to prevent flipping from
occurring and can override this method as needed.
Return `True` to indicate hardware flip.
return True
[docs] def _renderFBO(self):
"""Perform a warp operation.
(in this case a copy operation without any warping)
GL.glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0)
GL.glVertex2f(-1.0, -1.0)
GL.glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0)
GL.glVertex2f(-1.0, 1.0)
GL.glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0)
GL.glVertex2f(1.0, 1.0)
GL.glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0)
GL.glVertex2f(1.0, -1.0)
def _prepareFBOrender(self):
def _finishFBOrender(self):
def _afterFBOrender(self):
[docs] def _endOfFlip(self, clearBuffer):
"""Override end of flip with custom color channel masking if required.
if clearBuffer:
def getMsPerFrame(myWin, nFrames=60, showVisual=False, msg='', msDelay=0.):
Deprecated: please use the getMsPerFrame method in the
`psychopy.visual.Window` class.
Assesses the monitor refresh rate (average, median, SD) under current
conditions, over at least 60 frames.
Records time for each refresh (frame) for n frames (at least 60), while
displaying an optional visual. The visual is just eye-candy to show that
something is happening when assessing many frames. You can also give it
text to display instead of a visual, e.g.,
msg='(testing refresh rate...)'; setting msg implies showVisual == False.
To simulate refresh rate under
cpu load, you can specify a time to wait within the loop prior to
doing the win.flip(). If 0 < msDelay < 100, wait for that long in ms.
Returns timing stats (in ms) of:
- average time per frame, for all frames
- standard deviation of all frames
- median, as the average of 12 frame times around the median
(~monitor refresh rate)
- 2010 written by Jeremy Gray
return myWin.getMsPerFrame(nFrames=60, showVisual=showVisual, msg=msg,