#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Classes for 3D stimuli."""
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
from psychopy import logging
from psychopy.tools.attributetools import attributeSetter, setAttribute
from psychopy.visual.basevisual import WindowMixin, ColorMixin
from psychopy.visual.helpers import setColor
from psychopy.colors import Color, colorSpaces
import psychopy.tools.mathtools as mt
import psychopy.tools.gltools as gt
import psychopy.tools.arraytools as at
import psychopy.tools.viewtools as vt
import psychopy.visual.shaders as _shaders
import os
from io import StringIO
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import pyglet.gl as GL
[docs]class LightSource:
"""Class for representing a light source in a scene. This is a
lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import LightSource` when inheriting from it.
Only point and directional lighting is supported by this object for now. The
ambient color of the light source contributes to the scene ambient color
defined by :py:attr:`~psychopy.visual.Window.ambientLight`.
This class is experimental and may result in undefined behavior.
def __init__(self,
pos=(0., 0., 0.),
diffuseColor=(1., 1., 1.),
specularColor=(1., 1., 1.),
ambientColor=(0., 0., 0.),
attenuation=(1, 0, 0)):
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window associated with this light source.
pos : array_like
Position of the light source (x, y, z, w). If `w=1.0` the light will
be a point source and `x`, `y`, and `z` is the position in the
scene. If `w=0.0`, the light source will be directional and `x`,
`y`, and `z` will define the vector pointing to the direction the
light source is coming from. For instance, a vector of (0, 1, 0, 0)
will indicate that a light source is coming from above.
diffuseColor : array_like
Diffuse light color.
specularColor : array_like
Specular light color.
ambientColor : array_like
Ambient light color.
colorSpace : str or None
Colorspace for diffuse, specular, and ambient color components.
contrast : float
Contrast of the lighting color components. This acts as a 'gain'
factor which scales color values. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
attenuation : array_like
Values for the constant, linear, and quadratic terms of the lighting
attenuation formula. Default is (1, 0, 0) which results in no
self.win = win
self._pos = np.zeros((4,), np.float32)
self._diffuseColor = Color()
self._specularColor = Color()
self._ambientColor = Color()
self._lightType = None # set later
# internal RGB values post colorspace conversion
self._diffuseRGB = np.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), np.float32)
self._specularRGB = np.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), np.float32)
self._ambientRGB = np.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), np.float32)
self.contrast = contrast
self.colorSpace = colorSpace
# set the colors
self.diffuseColor = diffuseColor
self.specularColor = specularColor
self.ambientColor = ambientColor
self.lightType = lightType
self.pos = pos
# attenuation factors
self._kAttenuation = np.asarray(attenuation, np.float32)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lighting
# Properties about the lighting position and type. This affects the shading
# of the material.
def pos(self):
"""Position of the light source in the scene in scene units."""
return self._pos[:3]
def pos(self, value):
self._pos = np.zeros((4,), np.float32)
self._pos[:3] = value
if self._lightType == 'point': # if a point source then `w` == 1.0
self._pos[3] = 1.0
def lightType(self):
"""Type of light source, can be 'point' or 'directional'."""
return self._lightType
def lightType(self, value):
self._lightType = value
if self._lightType == 'point':
self._pos[3] = 1.0
elif self._lightType == 'directional':
self._pos[3] = 0.0
raise ValueError(
"Unknown `lightType` specified, must be 'directional' or "
def attenuation(self):
"""Values for the constant, linear, and quadratic terms of the lighting
attenuation formula.
return self._kAttenuation
def attenuation(self, value):
self._kAttenuation = np.asarray(value, np.float32)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lighting colors
def colorSpace(self):
"""The name of the color space currently being used (`str` or `None`).
For strings and hex values this is not needed. If `None` the default
`colorSpace` for the stimulus is used (defined during initialisation).
Please note that changing `colorSpace` does not change stimulus
parameters. Thus, you usually want to specify `colorSpace` before
setting the color.
if hasattr(self, '_colorSpace'):
return self._colorSpace
return 'rgba'
def colorSpace(self, value):
if value in colorSpaces:
self._colorSpace = value
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid color space")
def contrast(self):
"""A value that is simply multiplied by the color (`float`).
This may be used to adjust the gain of the light source. This is applied
to all lighting color components.
Basic usage::
stim.contrast = 1.0 # unchanged contrast
stim.contrast = 0.5 # decrease contrast
stim.contrast = 0.0 # uniform, no contrast
stim.contrast = -0.5 # slightly inverted
stim.contrast = -1.0 # totally inverted
Setting contrast outside range -1 to 1 is permitted, but may
produce strange results if color values exceeds the monitor limits.::
stim.contrast = 1.2 # increases contrast
stim.contrast = -1.2 # inverts with increased contrast
return self._diffuseColor.contrast
def contrast(self, value):
self._diffuseColor.contrast = value
self._specularColor.contrast = value
self._ambientColor.contrast = value
def diffuseColor(self):
"""Diffuse color for the light source (`psychopy.color.Color`,
`ArrayLike` or None).
return self._diffuseColor.render(self.colorSpace)
def diffuseColor(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Color):
self._diffuseColor = value
self._diffuseColor = Color(
if not self._diffuseColor:
# If given an invalid color, set as transparent and log error
self._diffuseColor = Color()
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.colorSpace} color")
# set the RGB values
self._diffuseRGB[:3] = self._diffuseColor.rgb1
self._diffuseRGB[3] = self._diffuseColor.opacity
[docs] def setDiffuseColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
"""Set the diffuse color for the light source. Use this function if you
wish to supress logging or apply operations on the color component.
color : ArrayLike or `~psychopy.colors.Color`
Color to set as the diffuse component of the light source.
colorSpace : str or None
Colorspace to use. This is only used to set the color, the value of
`diffuseColor` after setting uses the color space of the object.
operation : str
Operation string.
log : bool or None
Enable logging.
colorSpace=colorSpace or self.colorSpace,
def specularColor(self):
"""Specular color of the light source (`psychopy.color.Color`,
`ArrayLike` or None).
return self._specularColor.render(self.colorSpace)
def specularColor(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Color):
self._specularColor = value
self._specularColor = Color(
if not self._specularColor:
# If given an invalid color, set as transparent and log error
self._specularColor = Color()
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.colorSpace} color")
self._specularRGB[:3] = self._specularColor.rgb1
self._specularRGB[3] = self._specularColor.opacity
[docs] def setSpecularColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
"""Set the diffuse color for the light source. Use this function if you
wish to supress logging or apply operations on the color component.
color : ArrayLike or `~psychopy.colors.Color`
Color to set as the specular component of the light source.
colorSpace : str or None
Colorspace to use. This is only used to set the color, the value of
`diffuseColor` after setting uses the color space of the object.
operation : str
Operation string.
log : bool or None
Enable logging.
colorSpace=colorSpace or self.colorSpace,
def ambientColor(self):
"""Ambient color of the light source (`psychopy.color.Color`,
`ArrayLike` or None).
The ambient color component is used to simulate indirect lighting caused
by the light source. For instance, light bouncing off adjacent surfaces
or atmospheric scattering if the light source is a sun. This is
independent of the global ambient color.
return self._ambientColor.render(self.colorSpace)
def ambientColor(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Color):
self._ambientColor = value
self._ambientColor = Color(
if not self._ambientColor:
# If given an invalid color, set as transparent and log error
self._ambientColor = Color()
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.colorSpace} color")
self._ambientRGB[:3] = self._ambientColor.rgb1
self._ambientRGB[3] = self._ambientColor.opacity
[docs] def setAmbientColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
"""Set the ambient color for the light source.
Use this function if you wish to supress logging or apply operations on
the color component.
color : ArrayLike or `~psychopy.colors.Color`
Color to set as the ambient component of the light source.
colorSpace : str or None
Colorspace to use. This is only used to set the color, the value of
`ambientColor` after setting uses the color space of the object.
operation : str
Operation string.
log : bool or None
Enable logging.
colorSpace=colorSpace or self.colorSpace,
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lighting RGB colors
# These are the color values for the light which will be passed to the
# shader. We protect these values since we don't want the user changing the
# array type or size.
def diffuseRGB(self):
"""Diffuse RGB1 color of the material. This value is passed to OpenGL.
return self._diffuseRGB
def specularRGB(self):
"""Specular RGB1 color of the material. This value is passed to OpenGL.
return self._specularRGB
def ambientRGB(self):
"""Ambient RGB1 color of the material. This value is passed to OpenGL.
return self._ambientRGB
[docs]class SceneSkybox:
"""Class to render scene skyboxes. This is a
lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import SceneSkybox` when inheriting from it.
A skybox provides background imagery to serve as a visual reference for the
scene. Background images are projected onto faces of a cube centered about
the viewpoint regardless of any viewpoint translations, giving the illusion
that the background is very far away. Usually, only one skybox can be
rendered per buffer each frame. Render targets must have a depth buffer
associated with them.
Background images are specified as a set of image paths passed to
sky = SceneSkybox(
win, ('rt.jpg', 'lf.jpg', 'up.jpg', 'dn.jpg', 'bk.jpg', 'ft.jpg'))
The skybox is rendered by calling `draw()` after drawing all other 3D
Skyboxes are not affected by lighting, however, their colors can be
modulated by setting the window's `sceneAmbient` value. Skyboxes should be
drawn after all other 3D stimuli, but before any successive call that clears
the depth buffer (eg. `setPerspectiveView`, `resetEyeTransform`, etc.)
def __init__(self, win, tex=(), ori=0.0, axis=(0, 1, 0)):
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window this skybox is associated with.
tex : list or tuple or TexCubeMap
List of files paths to images to use for each face. Images are
assigned to faces depending on their index within the list ([+X,
-X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z] or [right, left, top, bottom, back, front]). If
`None` is specified, the cube map may be specified later by setting
the `cubemap` attribute. Alternatively, you can specify a
`TexCubeMap` object to set the cube map directly.
ori : float
Rotation of the skybox about `axis` in degrees.
axis : array_like
Axis [ax, ay, az] to rotate about, default is (0, 1, 0).
self.win = win
self._ori = ori
self._axis = np.ascontiguousarray(axis, dtype=np.float32)
if tex:
if isinstance(tex, (list, tuple,)):
if len(tex) == 6:
imgFace = []
for img in tex:
im = Image.open(img)
im = im.convert("RGBA")
pixelData = np.array(im).ctypes
width = imgFace[0].shape[1]
height = imgFace[0].shape[0]
self._skyCubemap = gt.createCubeMap(
raise ValueError("Not enough textures specified, must be 6.")
elif isinstance(tex, gt.TexCubeMap):
self._skyCubemap = tex
raise TypeError("Invalid type specified to `tex`.")
self._skyCubemap = None
# create cube vertices and faces, discard texcoords and normals
vertices, _, _, faces = gt.createBox(1.0, True)
# upload to buffers
vertexVBO = gt.createVBO(vertices)
# create an index buffer with faces
indexBuffer = gt.createVBO(
# create the VAO for drawing
self._vao = gt.createVAO(
# shader for the skybox
self._shaderProg = _shaders.compileProgram(
_shaders.vertSkyBox, _shaders.fragSkyBox)
# store the skybox transformation matrix, this is not to be updated
# externally
self._skyboxViewMatrix = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32)
self._prtSkyboxMatrix = at.array2pointer(self._skyboxViewMatrix)
def skyCubeMap(self):
"""Cubemap for the sky."""
return self._skyCubemap
def skyCubeMap(self, value):
self._skyCubemap = value
[docs] def draw(self, win=None):
"""Draw the skybox.
This should be called last after drawing other 3D stimuli for
performance reasons.
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`, optional
Window to draw the skybox to. If `None`, the window set when
initializing this object will be used. The window must share a
context with the window which this objects was initialized with.
if self._skyCubemap is None: # nop if no cubemap is assigned
if win is None:
win = self.win
# enable 3D drawing
win.draw3d = True
# do transformations
# rotate the skybox if needed
if self._ori != 0.0:
GL.glRotatef(self._ori, *self._axis)
# get/set the rotation sub-matrix from the current view matrix
self._skyboxViewMatrix[:3, :3] = win.viewMatrix[:3, :3]
# use the shader program
# enable texture sampler
GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, self._skyCubemap.name)
# draw the cube VAO
oldDepthFunc = win.depthFunc
win.depthFunc = 'lequal' # optimized for being drawn last
gt.drawVAO(self._vao, GL.GL_TRIANGLES)
win.depthFunc = oldDepthFunc
# disable sampler
# return to previous transformation
# disable 3D drawing
win.draw3d = False
[docs]class BlinnPhongMaterial:
"""Class representing a material using the Blinn-Phong lighting model.
This is a lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import BlinnPhongMaterial` when inheriting
from it.
This class stores material information to modify the appearance of drawn
primitives with respect to lighting, such as color (diffuse, specular,
ambient, and emission), shininess, and textures. Simple materials are
intended to work with features supported by the fixed-function OpenGL
pipeline. However, one may use shaders that implement the Blinn-Phong
shading model for per-pixel lighting.
If shaders are enabled, the colors of objects will appear different than
without. This is due to the lighting/material colors being computed on a
per-pixel basis, and the formulation of the lighting model. The Phong shader
determines the ambient color/intensity by adding up both the scene and light
ambient colors, then multiplies them by the diffuse color of the
material, as the ambient light's color should be a product of the surface
reflectance (albedo) and the light color (the ambient light needs to reflect
off something to be visible). Diffuse reflectance is Lambertian, where the
cosine angle between the incident light ray and surface normal determines
color. The size of specular highlights are related to the `shininess` factor
which ranges from 1.0 to 128.0. The greater this number, the tighter the
specular highlight making the surface appear smoother. If shaders are not
being used, specular highlights will be computed using the Phong lighting
model. The emission color is optional, it simply adds to the color of every
pixel much like ambient lighting does. Usually, you would not really want
this, but it can be used to add bias to the overall color of the shape.
If there are no lights in the scene, the diffuse color is simply multiplied
by the scene and material ambient color to give the final color.
Lights are attenuated (fall-off with distance) using the formula::
attenuationFactor = 1.0 / (k0 + k1 * distance + k2 * pow(distance, 2))
The coefficients for attenuation can be specified by setting `attenuation`
in the lighting object. Values `k0=1.0, k1=0.0, and k2=0.0` results in a
light that does not fall-off with distance.
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window` or `None`
Window this material is associated with, required for shaders and some
color space conversions.
diffuseColor : array_like
Diffuse material color (r, g, b) with values between -1.0 and 1.0.
specularColor : array_like
Specular material color (r, g, b) with values between -1.0 and 1.0.
ambientColor : array_like
Ambient material color (r, g, b) with values between -1.0 and 1.0.
emissionColor : array_like
Emission material color (r, g, b) with values between -1.0 and 1.0.
shininess : float
Material shininess, usually ranges from 0.0 to 128.0.
colorSpace : str
Color space for `diffuseColor`, `specularColor`, `ambientColor`, and
`emissionColor`. This is no longer used.
opacity : float
Opacity of the material. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 where 1.0 is fully
contrast : float
Contrast of the material colors.
diffuseTexture : TexImage2D
Optional 2D texture to apply to the material. Color values from the
texture are blended with the `diffuseColor` of the material. The target
primitives must have texture coordinates to specify how texels are
mapped to the surface.
face : str
Face to apply material to. Values are `front`, `back` or `both`.
This class is experimental and may result in undefined behavior.
def __init__(self,
diffuseColor=(-1., -1., -1.),
specularColor=(-1., -1., -1.),
ambientColor=(-1., -1., -1.),
emissionColor=(-1., -1., -1.),
self.win = win
self._diffuseColor = Color()
self._specularColor = Color()
self._ambientColor = Color()
self._emissionColor = Color()
self._shininess = float(shininess)
self._face = None # set later
# internal RGB values post colorspace conversion
self._diffuseRGB = np.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), np.float32)
self._specularRGB = np.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), np.float32)
self._ambientRGB = np.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), np.float32)
self._emissionRGB = np.array((0., 0., 0., 1.), np.float32)
# internal pointers to arrays, initialized below
self._ptrDiffuse = None
self._ptrSpecular = None
self._ptrAmbient = None
self._ptrEmission = None
self.diffuseColor = diffuseColor
self.specularColor = specularColor
self.ambientColor = ambientColor
self.emissionColor = emissionColor
self.colorSpace = colorSpace
self.opacity = opacity
self.contrast = contrast
self.face = face
self._diffuseTexture = diffuseTexture
self._normalTexture = None
self._useTextures = False # keeps track if textures are being used
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Material colors and other properties
# These properties are used to set the color components of various material
# properties.
def colorSpace(self):
"""The name of the color space currently being used (`str` or `None`).
For strings and hex values this is not needed. If `None` the default
`colorSpace` for the stimulus is used (defined during initialisation).
Please note that changing `colorSpace` does not change stimulus
parameters. Thus, you usually want to specify `colorSpace` before
setting the color.
if hasattr(self, '_colorSpace'):
return self._colorSpace
return 'rgba'
def colorSpace(self, value):
if value in colorSpaces:
self._colorSpace = value
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid color space")
def contrast(self):
"""A value that is simply multiplied by the color (`float`).
This may be used to adjust the lightness of the material. This is
applied to all material color components.
Basic usage::
stim.contrast = 1.0 # unchanged contrast
stim.contrast = 0.5 # decrease contrast
stim.contrast = 0.0 # uniform, no contrast
stim.contrast = -0.5 # slightly inverted
stim.contrast = -1.0 # totally inverted
Setting contrast outside range -1 to 1 is permitted, but may
produce strange results if color values exceeds the monitor limits.::
stim.contrast = 1.2 # increases contrast
stim.contrast = -1.2 # inverts with increased contrast
return self._diffuseColor.contrast
def contrast(self, value):
self._diffuseColor.contrast = value
self._specularColor.contrast = value
self._ambientColor.contrast = value
self._emissionColor.contrast = value
def shininess(self):
"""Material shininess coefficient (`float`).
This is used to specify the 'tightness' of the specular highlights.
Values usually range between 0 and 128, but the range depends on the
specular highlight formula used by the shader.
return self._shininess
def shininess(self, value):
self._shininess = float(value)
def face(self):
"""Face to apply the material to (`str`). Possible values are one of
`'front'`, `'back'` or `'both'`.
return self._face
def face(self, value):
# which faces to apply the material
if value == 'front':
self._face = GL.GL_FRONT
elif value == 'back':
self._face = GL.GL_BACK
elif value == 'both':
self._face = GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK
raise ValueError(
"Invalid value for `face` specified, must be 'front', 'back' "
"or 'both'.")
def diffuseColor(self):
"""Diffuse color `(r, g, b)` for the material (`psychopy.color.Color`,
`ArrayLike` or `None`).
return self._diffuseColor.render(self.colorSpace)
def diffuseColor(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Color):
self._diffuseColor = value
self._diffuseColor = Color(
if not self._diffuseColor:
# If given an invalid color, set as transparent and log error
self._diffuseColor = Color()
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.colorSpace} color")
# compute RGB values for the shader
self._diffuseRGB[:3] = self._diffuseColor.rgb1
self._diffuseRGB[3] = self._diffuseColor.opacity
# need to create a pointer for the shader
self._ptrDiffuse = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(self._diffuseRGB)
[docs] def setDiffuseColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
"""Set the diffuse color for the material.
Use this method if you wish to supress logging or apply operations on
the color component.
color : ArrayLike or `~psychopy.colors.Color`
Color to set as the diffuse component of the material.
colorSpace : str or None
Colorspace to use. This is only used to set the color, the value of
`diffuseColor` after setting uses the color space of the object.
operation : str
Operation string.
log : bool or None
Enable logging.
colorSpace=colorSpace or self.colorSpace,
def specularColor(self):
"""Specular color `(r, g, b)` of the material (`psychopy.color.Color`,
`ArrayLike` or `None`).
return self._specularColor.render(self.colorSpace)
def specularColor(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Color):
self._specularColor = value
self._specularColor = Color(
if not self._specularColor:
# If given an invalid color, set as transparent and log error
self._specularColor = Color()
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.colorSpace} color")
self._specularRGB[:3] = self._specularColor.rgb1
self._specularRGB[3] = self._specularColor.opacity
self._ptrSpecular = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(self._specularRGB)
[docs] def setSpecularColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
"""Set the diffuse color for the material. Use this function if you
wish to supress logging or apply operations on the color component.
color : ArrayLike or `~psychopy.colors.Color`
Color to set as the specular component of the light source.
colorSpace : str or None
Colorspace to use. This is only used to set the color, the value of
`diffuseColor` after setting uses the color space of the object.
operation : str
Operation string.
log : bool or None
Enable logging.
colorSpace=colorSpace or self.colorSpace,
def ambientColor(self):
"""Ambient color `(r, g, b)` of the material (`psychopy.color.Color`,
`ArrayLike` or `None`).
return self._ambientColor.render(self.colorSpace)
def ambientColor(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Color):
self._ambientColor = value
self._ambientColor = Color(
if not self._ambientColor:
# If given an invalid color, set as transparent and log error
self._ambientColor = Color()
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.colorSpace} color")
self._ambientRGB[:3] = self._ambientColor.rgb1
self._ambientRGB[3] = self._ambientColor.opacity
self._ptrAmbient = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(self._ambientRGB)
[docs] def setAmbientColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
"""Set the ambient color for the material.
Use this function if you wish to supress logging or apply operations on
the color component.
color : ArrayLike or `~psychopy.colors.Color`
Color to set as the ambient component of the light source.
colorSpace : str or None
Colorspace to use. This is only used to set the color, the value of
`ambientColor` after setting uses the color space of the object.
operation : str
Operation string.
log : bool or None
Enable logging.
colorSpace=colorSpace or self.colorSpace,
def emissionColor(self):
"""Emission color `(r, g, b)` of the material (`psychopy.color.Color`,
`ArrayLike` or `None`).
return self._emissionColor.render(self.colorSpace)
def emissionColor(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Color):
self._emissionColor = value
self._emissionColor = Color(
if not self._emissionColor:
# If given an invalid color, set as transparent and log error
self._emissionColor = Color()
logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a valid {self.colorSpace} color")
self._emissionRGB[:3] = self._emissionColor.rgb1
self._emissionRGB[3] = self._emissionColor.opacity
self._ptrEmission = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(self._emissionRGB)
[docs] def setEmissionColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
"""Set the emission color for the material.
Use this function if you wish to supress logging or apply operations on
the color component.
color : ArrayLike or `~psychopy.colors.Color`
Color to set as the ambient component of the light source.
colorSpace : str or None
Colorspace to use. This is only used to set the color, the value of
`ambientColor` after setting uses the color space of the object.
operation : str
Operation string.
log : bool or None
Enable logging.
colorSpace=colorSpace or self.colorSpace,
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Material RGB colors
# These are the color values formatted for use in OpenGL.
def diffuseRGB(self):
"""RGB values of the diffuse color of the material (`numpy.ndarray`).
return self._diffuseRGB[:3]
def specularRGB(self):
"""RGB values of the specular color of the material (`numpy.ndarray`).
return self._specularRGB[:3]
def ambientRGB(self):
"""RGB values of the ambient color of the material (`numpy.ndarray`).
return self._ambientRGB[:3]
def emissionRGB(self):
"""RGB values of the emission color of the material (`numpy.ndarray`).
return self._emissionRGB[:3]
# Texture setter -----------------------------------------------------------
def diffuseTexture(self):
"""Diffuse texture of the material (`psychopy.tools.gltools.TexImage2D`
or `None`).
return self._diffuseTexture
def diffuseTexture(self, value):
self._diffuseTexture = value
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def begin(self, useTextures=True):
"""Use this material for successive rendering calls.
useTextures : bool
Enable textures.
GL.glDisable(GL.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) # disable color tracking
face = self._face
# check if lighting is enabled, otherwise don't render lights
nLights = len(self.win.lights) if self.win.useLights else 0
useTextures = useTextures and self.diffuseTexture is not None
shaderKey = (nLights, useTextures)
# pass values to OpenGL
GL.glMaterialfv(face, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, self._ptrDiffuse)
GL.glMaterialfv(face, GL.GL_SPECULAR, self._ptrSpecular)
GL.glMaterialfv(face, GL.GL_AMBIENT, self._ptrAmbient)
GL.glMaterialfv(face, GL.GL_EMISSION, self._ptrEmission)
GL.glMaterialf(face, GL.GL_SHININESS, self.shininess)
# setup textures
if useTextures and self.diffuseTexture is not None:
self._useTextures = True
gt.bindTexture(self.diffuseTexture, 0)
[docs] def end(self, clear=True):
"""Stop using this material.
Must be called after `begin` before using another material or else later
drawing operations may have undefined behavior.
Upon returning, `GL_COLOR_MATERIAL` is enabled so material colors will
track the current `glColor`.
clear : bool
Overwrite material state settings with default values. This
ensures material colors are set to OpenGL defaults. You can forgo
clearing if successive materials are used which overwrite
`glMaterialfv` values for `GL_DIFFUSE`, `GL_SPECULAR`, `GL_AMBIENT`,
`GL_EMISSION`, and `GL_SHININESS`. This reduces a bit of overhead
if there is no need to return to default values intermittently
between successive material `begin` and `end` calls. Textures and
shaders previously enabled will still be disabled.
if clear:
(GL.GLfloat * 4)(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))
(GL.GLfloat * 4)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
(GL.GLfloat * 4)(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0))
(GL.GLfloat * 4)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
GL.glMaterialf(self._face, GL.GL_SHININESS, 0.0)
if self._useTextures:
self._useTextures = False
[docs]class RigidBodyPose:
"""Class for representing rigid body poses. This is a lazy-imported
class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import RigidBodyPose` when inheriting
from it.
This class is an abstract representation of a rigid body pose, where the
position of the body in a scene is represented by a vector/coordinate and
the orientation with a quaternion. Pose can be manipulated and interacted
with using class methods and attributes. Rigid body poses assume a
right-handed coordinate system (-Z is forward and +Y is up).
Poses can be converted to 4x4 transformation matrices with `getModelMatrix`.
One can use these matrices when rendering to transform the vertices of a
model associated with the pose by passing them to OpenGL. Matrices are
cached internally to avoid recomputing them if `pos` and `ori` attributes
have not been updated.
Operators `*` and `~` can be used on `RigidBodyPose` objects to combine and
invert poses. For instance, you can multiply (`*`) poses to get a new pose
which is the combination of both orientations and translations by::
newPose = rb1 * rb2
Likewise, a pose can be inverted by using the `~` operator::
invPose = ~rb
Multiplying a pose by its inverse will result in an identity pose with no
translation and default orientation where `pos=[0, 0, 0]` and
`ori=[0, 0, 0, 1]`::
identityPose = ~rb * rb
This class is experimental and may result in undefined behavior.
def __init__(self, pos=(0., 0., 0.), ori=(0., 0., 0., 1.)):
pos : array_like
Position vector `[x, y, z]` for the origin of the rigid body.
ori : array_like
Orientation quaternion `[x, y, z, w]` where `x`, `y`, `z` are
imaginary and `w` is real.
self._pos = np.ascontiguousarray(pos, dtype=np.float32)
self._ori = np.ascontiguousarray(ori, dtype=np.float32)
self._modelMatrix = mt.posOriToMatrix(
self._pos, self._ori, dtype=np.float32)
# computed only if needed
self._normalMatrix = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
self._invModelMatrix = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
# additional useful vectors
self._at = np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
self._up = np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
# compute matrices only if `pos` and `ori` attributes have been updated
self._matrixNeedsUpdate = False
self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate = True
self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate = True
self.pos = pos
self.ori = ori
self._bounds = None
def __repr__(self):
return 'RigidBodyPose({}, {}), %s)'.format(self.pos, self.ori)
def bounds(self):
"""Bounding box associated with this pose."""
return self._bounds
def bounds(self, value):
self._bounds = value
def pos(self):
"""Position vector (X, Y, Z)."""
return self._pos
def pos(self, value):
self._pos = np.ascontiguousarray(value, dtype=np.float32)
self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate = self._matrixNeedsUpdate = \
self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate = True
def ori(self):
"""Orientation quaternion (X, Y, Z, W)."""
return self._ori
def ori(self, value):
self._ori = np.ascontiguousarray(value, dtype=np.float32)
self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate = self._matrixNeedsUpdate = \
self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate = True
def posOri(self):
"""The position (x, y, z) and orientation (x, y, z, w)."""
return self._pos, self._ori
def posOri(self, value):
self._pos = np.ascontiguousarray(value[0], dtype=np.float32)
self._ori = np.ascontiguousarray(value[1], dtype=np.float32)
self._matrixNeedsUpdate = self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate = \
self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate = True
def at(self):
"""Vector defining the forward direction (-Z) of this pose."""
if self._matrixNeedsUpdate: # matrix needs update, this need to be too
atDir = [0., 0., -1.]
self._at = mt.applyQuat(self.ori, atDir, out=self._at)
return self._at
def up(self):
"""Vector defining the up direction (+Y) of this pose."""
if self._matrixNeedsUpdate: # matrix needs update, this need to be too
upDir = [0., 1., 0.]
self._up = mt.applyQuat(self.ori, upDir, out=self._up)
return self._up
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Multiply two poses, combining them to get a new pose."""
newOri = mt.multQuat(self._ori, other.ori)
return RigidBodyPose(mt.transform(other.pos, newOri, self._pos), newOri)
def __imul__(self, other):
"""Inplace multiplication. Transforms this pose by another."""
self._ori = mt.multQuat(self._ori, other.ori)
self._pos = mt.transform(other.pos, self._ori, self._pos)
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Get a new `RigidBodyPose` object which copies the position and
orientation of this one. Copies are independent and do not reference
each others data.
Copy of this pose.
return RigidBodyPose(self._pos, self._ori)
[docs] def isEqual(self, other):
"""Check if poses have similar orientation and position.
other : `RigidBodyPose`
Other pose to compare.
Returns `True` is poses are effectively equal.
return np.isclose(self._pos, other.pos) and \
np.isclose(self._ori, other.ori)
[docs] def setIdentity(self):
"""Clear rigid body transformations.
self._ori[:3] = 0.0
self._ori[3] = 1.0
self._matrixNeedsUpdate = self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate = \
self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate = True
[docs] def getOriAxisAngle(self, degrees=True):
"""Get the axis and angle of rotation for the rigid body. Converts the
orientation defined by the `ori` quaternion to and axis-angle
degrees : bool, optional
Specify ``True`` if `angle` is in degrees, or else it will be
treated as radians. Default is ``True``.
Axis [rx, ry, rz] and angle.
return mt.quatToAxisAngle(self._ori, degrees)
[docs] def setOriAxisAngle(self, axis, angle, degrees=True):
"""Set the orientation of the rigid body using an `axis` and
`angle`. This sets the quaternion at `ori`.
axis : array_like
Axis of rotation [rx, ry, rz].
angle : float
Angle of rotation.
degrees : bool, optional
Specify ``True`` if `angle` is in degrees, or else it will be
treated as radians. Default is ``True``.
self.ori = mt.quatFromAxisAngle(axis, angle, degrees)
[docs] def getYawPitchRoll(self, degrees=True):
"""Get the yaw, pitch and roll angles for this pose relative to the -Z
world axis.
degrees : bool, optional
Specify ``True`` if `angle` is in degrees, or else it will be
treated as radians. Default is ``True``.
return mt.quatYawPitchRoll(self._ori, degrees)
def modelMatrix(self):
"""Pose as a 4x4 model matrix (read-only)."""
if not self._matrixNeedsUpdate:
return self._modelMatrix
return self.getModelMatrix()
def inverseModelMatrix(self):
"""Inverse of the pose as a 4x4 model matrix (read-only)."""
if not self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate:
return self._invModelMatrix
return self.getModelMatrix(inverse=True)
def normalMatrix(self):
"""The normal transformation matrix."""
if not self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate:
return self._normalMatrix
return self.getNormalMatrix()
[docs] def getNormalMatrix(self, out=None):
"""Get the present normal matrix.
out : ndarray or None
Optional 4x4 array to write values to. Values written are computed
using 32-bit float precision regardless of the data type of `out`.
4x4 normal transformation matrix.
if not self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate:
return self._normalMatrix
self._normalMatrix[:, :] = np.linalg.inv(self.modelMatrix).T
if out is not None:
out[:, :] = self._normalMatrix[:, :]
self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate = False
return self._normalMatrix
[docs] def getModelMatrix(self, inverse=False, out=None):
"""Get the present rigid body transformation as a 4x4 matrix.
Matrices are computed only if the `pos` and `ori` attributes have been
updated since the last call to `getModelMatrix`. The returned matrix is
an `ndarray` and row-major.
inverse : bool, optional
Return the inverse of the model matrix.
out : ndarray or None
Optional 4x4 array to write values to. Values written are computed
using 32-bit float precision regardless of the data type of `out`.
4x4 transformation matrix.
Using a rigid body pose to transform something in OpenGL::
rb = RigidBodyPose((0, 0, -2)) # 2 meters away from origin
# Use `array2pointer` from `psychopy.tools.arraytools` to convert
# array to something OpenGL accepts.
mv = array2pointer(rb.modelMatrix)
# use the matrix to transform the scene
# draw the thing here ...
if self._matrixNeedsUpdate:
self._modelMatrix = mt.posOriToMatrix(
self._pos, self._ori, out=self._modelMatrix)
self._matrixNeedsUpdate = False
self._normalMatrixNeedsUpdate = self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate = True
# only update and return the inverse matrix if requested
if inverse:
if self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate:
self._invModelMatrix = mt.invertMatrix(
self._modelMatrix, out=self._invModelMatrix)
self._invMatrixNeedsUpdate = False
if out is not None:
out[:, :] = self._invModelMatrix[:, :]
return self._invModelMatrix # return the inverse
if out is not None:
out[:, :] = self._modelMatrix[:, :]
return self._modelMatrix
[docs] def getViewMatrix(self, inverse=False):
"""Convert this pose into a view matrix.
Creates a view matrix which transforms points into eye space using the
current pose as the eye position in the scene. Furthermore, you can use
view matrices for rendering shadows if light positions are defined
as `RigidBodyPose` objects.
inverse : bool
Return the inverse of the view matrix. Default is `False`.
4x4 transformation matrix.
axes = np.asarray([[0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
rotMatrix = mt.quatToMatrix(self._ori, dtype=np.float32)
transformedAxes = mt.applyMatrix(rotMatrix, axes, dtype=np.float32)
fwdVec = transformedAxes[0, :] + self._pos
upVec = transformedAxes[1, :]
viewMatrix = vt.lookAt(self._pos, fwdVec, upVec, dtype=np.float32)
if inverse:
viewMatrix = mt.invertMatrix(viewMatrix)
return viewMatrix
[docs] def transform(self, v, out=None):
"""Transform a vector using this pose.
v : array_like
Vector to transform [x, y, z].
out : ndarray or None, optional
Optional array to write values to. Must have the same shape as
Transformed points.
return mt.transform(self._pos, self._ori, points=v, out=out)
[docs] def transformNormal(self, n):
"""Rotate a normal vector with respect to this pose.
Rotates a normal vector `n` using the orientation quaternion at `ori`.
n : array_like
Normal to rotate (1-D with length 3).
Rotated normal `n`.
pout = np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.float32)
pout[:] = n
t = np.cross(self._ori[:3], n[:3]) * 2.0
u = np.cross(self._ori[:3], t)
t *= self._ori[3]
pout[:3] += t
pout[:3] += u
return pout
def __invert__(self):
"""Operator `~` to invert the pose. Returns a `RigidBodyPose` object."""
return RigidBodyPose(
-self._pos, mt.invertQuat(self._ori, dtype=np.float32))
[docs] def invert(self):
"""Invert this pose.
self._ori = mt.invertQuat(self._ori, dtype=np.float32)
self._pos *= -1.0
[docs] def inverted(self):
"""Get a pose which is the inverse of this one.
This pose inverted.
return RigidBodyPose(
-self._pos, mt.invertQuat(self._ori, dtype=np.float32))
[docs] def distanceTo(self, v):
"""Get the distance to a pose or point in scene units.
v : RigidBodyPose or array_like
Pose or point [x, y, z] to compute distance to.
Distance to `v` from this pose's origin.
if hasattr(v, 'pos'): # v is pose-like object
targetPos = v.pos
targetPos = np.asarray(v[:3])
return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(targetPos - self.pos)))
[docs] def interp(self, end, s):
"""Interpolate between poses.
Linear interpolation is used on position (Lerp) while the orientation
has spherical linear interpolation (Slerp) applied taking the shortest
arc on the hypersphere.
end : LibOVRPose
End pose.
s : float
Interpolation factor between interval 0.0 and 1.0.
Rigid body pose whose position and orientation is at `s` between
this pose and `end`.
if not (hasattr(end, 'pos') and hasattr(end, 'ori')):
raise TypeError("Object for `end` does not have attributes "
"`pos` and `ori`.")
interpPos = mt.lerp(self._pos, end.pos, s)
interpOri = mt.slerp(self._ori, end.ori, s)
return RigidBodyPose(interpPos, interpOri)
[docs] def alignTo(self, alignTo):
"""Align this pose to another point or pose.
This sets the orientation of this pose to one which orients the forward
axis towards `alignTo`.
alignTo : array_like or LibOVRPose
Position vector [x, y, z] or pose to align to.
if hasattr(alignTo, 'pos'): # v is pose-like object
targetPos = alignTo.pos
targetPos = np.asarray(alignTo[:3])
fwd = np.asarray([0, 0, -1], dtype=np.float32)
toTarget = targetPos - self._pos
invPos = mt.applyQuat(
mt.invertQuat(self._ori, dtype=np.float32),
toTarget, dtype=np.float32)
invPos = mt.normalize(invPos)
self.ori = mt.multQuat(
self._ori, mt.alignTo(fwd, invPos, dtype=np.float32))
[docs]class BoundingBox:
"""Class for representing object bounding boxes. This is a
lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import BoundingBox` when inheriting from it.
A bounding box is a construct which represents a 3D rectangular volume about
some pose, defined by its minimum and maximum extents in the reference frame
of the pose. The axes of the bounding box are aligned to the axes of the
world or the associated pose.
Bounding boxes are primarily used for visibility testing; to determine if
the extents of an object associated with a pose (eg. the vertices of a
model) falls completely outside of the viewing frustum. If so, the model can
be culled during rendering to avoid wasting CPU/GPU resources on objects not
visible to the viewer.
def __init__(self, extents=None):
self._extents = np.zeros((2, 3), np.float32)
self._posCorners = np.zeros((8, 4), np.float32)
if extents is not None:
self._extents[0, :] = extents[0]
self._extents[1, :] = extents[1]
[docs] def _computeCorners(self):
"""Compute the corners of the bounding box.
These values are cached to speed up computations if extents hasn't been
for i in range(8):
self._posCorners[i, 0] = \
self._extents[1, 0] if (i & 1) else self._extents[0, 0]
self._posCorners[i, 1] = \
self._extents[1, 1] if (i & 2) else self._extents[0, 1]
self._posCorners[i, 2] = \
self._extents[1, 2] if (i & 4) else self._extents[0, 2]
self._posCorners[i, 3] = 1.0
def isValid(self):
"""`True` if the bounding box is valid."""
return np.all(self._extents[0, :] <= self._extents[1, :])
def extents(self):
return self._extents
def extents(self, value):
self._extents[0, :] = value[0]
self._extents[1, :] = value[1]
[docs] def fit(self, verts):
"""Fit the bounding box to vertices."""
np.amin(verts, axis=0, out=self._extents[0])
np.amax(verts, axis=0, out=self._extents[1])
[docs] def clear(self):
"""Clear a bounding box, invalidating it."""
self._extents[0, :] = np.finfo(np.float32).max
self._extents[1, :] = np.finfo(np.float32).min
class BaseRigidBodyStim(ColorMixin, WindowMixin):
"""Base class for rigid body 3D stimuli.
This class handles the pose of a rigid body 3D stimulus. Poses are
represented by a `RigidBodyClass` object accessed via `thePose` attribute.
Any class the implements `pos` and `ori` attributes can be used in place of
a `RigidBodyPose` instance for `thePose`. This common interface allows for
custom classes which handle 3D transformations to be used for stimulus
transformations (eg. `LibOVRPose` in PsychXR can be used instead of
`RigidBodyPose` which supports more VR specific features).
This class is experimental and may result in undefined behavior.
def __init__(self,
pos=(0., 0., 0.),
ori=(0., 0., 0., 1.),
color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window this stimulus is associated with. Stimuli cannot be shared
across windows unless they share the same context.
pos : array_like
Position vector `[x, y, z]` for the origin of the rigid body.
ori : array_like
Orientation quaternion `[x, y, z, w]` where `x`, `y`, `z` are
imaginary and `w` is real.
self.name = name
super(BaseRigidBodyStim, self).__init__()
self.win = win
self.autoLog = autoLog
self.colorSpace = colorSpace
self.contrast = contrast
self.opacity = opacity
self.color = color
self._thePose = RigidBodyPose(pos, ori)
self.material = None
self._vao = None
def thePose(self):
"""The pose of the rigid body. This is a class which has `pos` and `ori`
return self._thePose
def thePose(self, value):
if hasattr(value, 'pos') and hasattr(value, 'ori'):
self._thePose = value
raise AttributeError(
'Class set to `thePose` does not implement `pos` or `ori`.')
def pos(self):
"""Position vector (X, Y, Z)."""
return self.thePose.pos
def pos(self, value):
self.thePose.pos = value
def getPos(self):
return self.thePose.pos
def setPos(self, pos):
self.thePose.pos = pos
def ori(self):
"""Orientation quaternion (X, Y, Z, W)."""
return self.thePose.ori
def ori(self, value):
self.thePose.ori = value
def getOri(self):
return self.thePose.ori
def setOri(self, ori):
self.thePose.ori = ori
def getOriAxisAngle(self, degrees=True):
"""Get the axis and angle of rotation for the 3D stimulus. Converts the
orientation defined by the `ori` quaternion to and axis-angle
degrees : bool, optional
Specify ``True`` if `angle` is in degrees, or else it will be
treated as radians. Default is ``True``.
Axis `[rx, ry, rz]` and angle.
return self.thePose.getOriAxisAngle(degrees)
def setOriAxisAngle(self, axis, angle, degrees=True):
"""Set the orientation of the 3D stimulus using an `axis` and
`angle`. This sets the quaternion at `ori`.
axis : array_like
Axis of rotation [rx, ry, rz].
angle : float
Angle of rotation.
degrees : bool, optional
Specify ``True`` if `angle` is in degrees, or else it will be
treated as radians. Default is ``True``.
self.thePose.setOriAxisAngle(axis, angle, degrees)
def _createVAO(self, vertices, textureCoords, normals, faces):
"""Create a vertex array object for handling vertex attribute data.
self.thePose.bounds = BoundingBox()
# upload to buffers
vertexVBO = gt.createVBO(vertices)
texCoordVBO = gt.createVBO(textureCoords)
normalsVBO = gt.createVBO(normals)
# create an index buffer with faces
indexBuffer = gt.createVBO(
return gt.createVAO({GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY: vertexVBO,
indexBuffer=indexBuffer, legacy=True)
def draw(self, win=None):
"""Draw the stimulus.
This should work for stimuli using a single VAO and material. More
complex stimuli with multiple materials should override this method to
correctly handle that case.
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window this stimulus is associated with. Stimuli cannot be shared
across windows unless they share the same context.
if win is None:
win = self.win
# nop if there is no VAO to draw
if self._vao is None:
win.draw3d = True
# apply transformation to mesh
if self.material is not None: # has a material, use it
useTexture = self.material.diffuseTexture is not None
gt.drawVAO(self._vao, GL.GL_TRIANGLES)
else: # doesn't have a material, use class colors
r, g, b = self._foreColor.render('rgb')
color = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(
np.array((r, g, b, self.opacity), np.float32))
nLights = len(self.win.lights)
shaderKey = (nLights, False)
# pass values to OpenGL as material
GL.glColor4f(r, g, b, self.opacity)
GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, color)
GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_AMBIENT, color)
gt.drawVAO(self._vao, GL.GL_TRIANGLES)
win.draw3d = False
def units(self, value):
None, 'norm', 'cm', 'deg', 'degFlat', 'degFlatPos', or 'pix'
If None then the current units of the
:class:`~psychopy.visual.Window` will be used.
See :ref:`units` for explanation of other options.
Note that when you change units, you don't change the stimulus
parameters and it is likely to change appearance. Example::
# This stimulus is 20% wide and 50% tall with respect to window
stim = visual.PatchStim(win, units='norm', size=(0.2, 0.5)
# This stimulus is 0.2 degrees wide and 0.5 degrees tall.
stim.units = 'deg'
if value is not None and len(value):
self.__dict__['units'] = value
self.__dict__['units'] = self.win.units
def _updateList(self):
"""The user shouldn't need this method since it gets called
after every call to .set()
Chooses between using and not using shaders each call.
def isVisible(self):
"""Check if the object is visible to the observer.
Test if a pose's bounding box or position falls outside of an eye's view
Poses can be assigned bounding boxes which enclose any 3D models
associated with them. A model is not visible if all the corners of the
bounding box fall outside the viewing frustum. Therefore any primitives
(i.e. triangles) associated with the pose can be culled during rendering
to reduce CPU/GPU workload.
`True` if the object's bounding box is visible.
You can avoid running draw commands if the object is not visible by
doing a visibility test first::
if myStim.isVisible():
if self.thePose.bounds is None:
return True
if not self.thePose.bounds.isValid:
return True
# transformation matrix
mvpMatrix = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.float32)
np.matmul(self.win.projectionMatrix, self.win.viewMatrix, out=mvpMatrix)
np.matmul(mvpMatrix, self.thePose.modelMatrix, out=mvpMatrix)
# compute bounding box corners in current view
corners = self.thePose.bounds._posCorners.dot(mvpMatrix.T)
# check if corners are completely off to one side of the frustum
if not np.any(corners[:, 0] > -corners[:, 3]):
return False
if not np.any(corners[:, 0] < corners[:, 3]):
return False
if not np.any(corners[:, 1] > -corners[:, 3]):
return False
if not np.any(corners[:, 1] < corners[:, 3]):
return False
if not np.any(corners[:, 2] > -corners[:, 3]):
return False
if not np.any(corners[:, 2] < corners[:, 3]):
return False
return True
def getRayIntersectBounds(self, rayOrig, rayDir):
"""Get the point which a ray intersects the bounding box of this mesh.
rayOrig : array_like
Origin of the ray in space [x, y, z].
rayDir : array_like
Direction vector of the ray [x, y, z], should be normalized.
Coordinate in world space of the intersection and distance in scene
units from `rayOrig`. Returns `None` if there is no intersection.
if self.thePose.bounds is None:
return None # nop
return mt.intersectRayOBB(rayOrig,
[docs]class SphereStim(BaseRigidBodyStim):
"""Class for drawing a UV sphere. This is a
lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import SphereStim` when inheriting from it.
The resolution of the sphere mesh can be controlled by setting `sectors`
and `stacks` which controls the number of latitudinal and longitudinal
subdivisions, respectively. The radius of the sphere is defined by setting
`radius` expressed in scene units (meters if using a perspective
Calling the `draw` method will render the sphere to the current buffer. The
render target (FBO or back buffer) must have a depth buffer attached to it
for the object to be rendered correctly. Shading is used if the current
window has light sources defined and lighting is enabled (by setting
`useLights=True` before drawing the stimulus).
This class is experimental and may result in undefined behavior.
Creating a red sphere 1.5 meters away from the viewer with radius 0.25::
redSphere = SphereStim(win,
pos=(0., 0., -1.5),
color=(1, 0, 0))
def __init__(self,
subdiv=(32, 32),
pos=(0., 0., 0.),
ori=(0., 0., 0., 1.),
color=(0., 0., 0.),
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window this stimulus is associated with. Stimuli cannot be shared
across windows unless they share the same context.
radius : float
Radius of the sphere in scene units.
subdiv : array_like
Number of latitudinal and longitudinal subdivisions `(lat, long)`
for the sphere mesh. The greater the number, the smoother the sphere
will appear.
flipFaces : bool, optional
If `True`, normals and face windings will be set to point inward
towards the center of the sphere. Texture coordinates will remain
the same. Default is `False`.
pos : array_like
Position vector `[x, y, z]` for the origin of the rigid body.
ori : array_like
Orientation quaternion `[x, y, z, w]` where `x`, `y`, `z` are
imaginary and `w` is real. If you prefer specifying rotations in
axis-angle format, call `setOriAxisAngle` after initialization.
useMaterial : PhongMaterial, optional
Material to use. The material can be configured by accessing the
`material` attribute after initialization. If not material is
specified, the diffuse and ambient color of the shape will be set
by `color`.
color : array_like
Diffuse and ambient color of the stimulus if `useMaterial` is not
specified. Values are with respect to `colorSpace`.
colorSpace : str
Colorspace of `color` to use.
contrast : float
Contrast of the stimulus, value modulates the `color`.
opacity : float
Opacity of the stimulus ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Note that
transparent objects look best when rendered from farthest to
name : str
Name of this object for logging purposes.
autoLog : bool
Enable automatic logging on attribute changes.
super(SphereStim, self).__init__(win,
# create a vertex array object for drawing
vertices, textureCoords, normals, faces = gt.createUVSphere(
self._vao = self._createVAO(vertices, textureCoords, normals, faces)
self.material = useMaterial
self._radius = radius # for raypicking
self.extents = (vertices.min(axis=0), vertices.max(axis=0))
[docs] def getRayIntersectSphere(self, rayOrig, rayDir):
"""Get the point which a ray intersects the sphere.
rayOrig : array_like
Origin of the ray in space [x, y, z].
rayDir : array_like
Direction vector of the ray [x, y, z], should be normalized.
Coordinate in world space of the intersection and distance in scene
units from `rayOrig`. Returns `None` if there is no intersection.
return mt.intersectRaySphere(rayOrig,
[docs]class BoxStim(BaseRigidBodyStim):
"""Class for drawing 3D boxes. This is a
lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import BoxStim` when inheriting from it.
Draws a rectangular box with dimensions specified by `size` (length, width,
height) in scene units.
Calling the `draw` method will render the box to the current buffer. The
render target (FBO or back buffer) must have a depth buffer attached to it
for the object to be rendered correctly. Shading is used if the current
window has light sources defined and lighting is enabled (by setting
`useLights=True` before drawing the stimulus).
This class is experimental and may result in undefined behavior.
def __init__(self,
size=(.5, .5, .5),
pos=(0., 0., 0.),
ori=(0., 0., 0., 1.),
color=(0., 0., 0.),
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window this stimulus is associated with. Stimuli cannot be shared
across windows unless they share the same context.
size : tuple or float
Dimensions of the mesh. If a single value is specified, the box will
be a cube. Provide a tuple of floats to specify the width, length,
and height of the box (eg. `size=(0.2, 1.3, 2.1)`) in scene units.
flipFaces : bool, optional
If `True`, normals and face windings will be set to point inward
towards the center of the box. Texture coordinates will remain the
same. Default is `False`.
pos : array_like
Position vector `[x, y, z]` for the origin of the rigid body.
ori : array_like
Orientation quaternion `[x, y, z, w]` where `x`, `y`, `z` are
imaginary and `w` is real. If you prefer specifying rotations in
axis-angle format, call `setOriAxisAngle` after initialization.
useMaterial : PhongMaterial, optional
Material to use. The material can be configured by accessing the
`material` attribute after initialization. If not material is
specified, the diffuse and ambient color of the shape will track the
current color specified by `glColor`.
color : array_like
Diffuse and ambient color of the stimulus if `useMaterial` is not
specified. Values are with respect to `colorSpace`.
colorSpace : str
Colorspace of `color` to use.
contrast : float
Contrast of the stimulus, value modulates the `color`.
opacity : float
Opacity of the stimulus ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Note that
transparent objects look best when rendered from farthest to
textureScale : array_like or float, optional
Scaling factors for texture coordinates (sx, sy). By default,
a factor of 1 will have the entire texture cover the surface of the
mesh. If a single number is provided, the texture will be scaled
name : str
Name of this object for logging purposes.
autoLog : bool
Enable automatic logging on attribute changes.
super(BoxStim, self).__init__(
# create a vertex array object for drawing
vertices, texCoords, normals, faces = gt.createBox(size, flipFaces)
# scale the texture
if textureScale is not None:
if isinstance(textureScale, (int, float)):
texCoords *= textureScale
texCoords *= np.asarray(textureScale, dtype=np.float32)
self._vao = self._createVAO(vertices, texCoords, normals, faces)
self.setColor(color, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False)
self.material = useMaterial
self.extents = (vertices.min(axis=0), vertices.max(axis=0))
[docs]class PlaneStim(BaseRigidBodyStim):
"""Class for drawing planes. This is a
lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import PlaneStim` when inheriting from it.
Draws a plane with dimensions specified by `size` (length, width) in scene
Calling the `draw` method will render the plane to the current buffer. The
render target (FBO or back buffer) must have a depth buffer attached to it
for the object to be rendered correctly. Shading is used if the current
window has light sources defined and lighting is enabled (by setting
`useLights=True` before drawing the stimulus).
This class is experimental and may result in undefined behavior.
def __init__(self,
size=(.5, .5),
pos=(0., 0., 0.),
ori=(0., 0., 0., 1.),
color=(0., 0., 0.),
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window this stimulus is associated with. Stimuli cannot be shared
across windows unless they share the same context.
size : tuple or float
Dimensions of the mesh. If a single value is specified, the plane
will be a square. Provide a tuple of floats to specify the width and
length of the plane (eg. `size=(0.2, 1.3)`).
pos : array_like
Position vector `[x, y, z]` for the origin of the rigid body.
ori : array_like
Orientation quaternion `[x, y, z, w]` where `x`, `y`, `z` are
imaginary and `w` is real. If you prefer specifying rotations in
axis-angle format, call `setOriAxisAngle` after initialization. By
default, the plane is oriented with normal facing the +Z axis of the
useMaterial : PhongMaterial, optional
Material to use. The material can be configured by accessing the
`material` attribute after initialization. If not material is
specified, the diffuse and ambient color of the shape will track the
current color specified by `glColor`.
colorSpace : str
Colorspace of `color` to use.
contrast : float
Contrast of the stimulus, value modulates the `color`.
opacity : float
Opacity of the stimulus ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Note that
transparent objects look best when rendered from farthest to
textureScale : array_like or float, optional
Scaling factors for texture coordinates (sx, sy). By default,
a factor of 1 will have the entire texture cover the surface of the
mesh. If a single number is provided, the texture will be scaled
name : str
Name of this object for logging purposes.
autoLog : bool
Enable automatic logging on attribute changes.
super(PlaneStim, self).__init__(
# create a vertex array object for drawing
vertices, texCoords, normals, faces = gt.createPlane(size)
# scale the texture
if textureScale is not None:
if isinstance(textureScale, (int, float)):
texCoords *= textureScale
texCoords *= np.asarray(textureScale, dtype=np.float32)
self._vao = self._createVAO(vertices, texCoords, normals, faces)
self.setColor(color, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False)
self.material = useMaterial
self.extents = (vertices.min(axis=0), vertices.max(axis=0))
[docs]class ObjMeshStim(BaseRigidBodyStim):
"""Class for loading and presenting 3D stimuli in the Wavefront OBJ format.
This is a lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path
`from psychopy.visual.stim3d import ObjMeshStim` when inheriting from it.
Calling the `draw` method will render the mesh to the current buffer. The
render target (FBO or back buffer) must have a depth buffer attached to it
for the object to be rendered correctly. Shading is used if the current
window has light sources defined and lighting is enabled (by setting
`useLights=True` before drawing the stimulus).
Vertex positions, texture coordinates, and normals are loaded and packed
into a single vertex buffer object (VBO). Vertex array objects (VAO) are
created for each material with an index buffer referencing vertices assigned
that material in the VBO. For maximum performance, keep the number of
materials per object as low as possible, as switching between VAOs has some
Material attributes are read from the material library file (*.MTL)
associated with the *.OBJ file. This file will be automatically searched for
and read during loading. Afterwards you can edit material properties by
accessing the data structure of the `materials` attribute.
Keep in mind that OBJ shapes are rigid bodies, the mesh itself cannot be
deformed during runtime. However, meshes can be positioned and rotated as
desired by manipulating the `RigidBodyPose` instance accessed through the
`thePose` attribute.
Loading an *.OBJ file is a slow process, be sure to do this outside
of any time-critical routines! This class is experimental and may result
in undefined behavior.
Loading an *.OBJ file from a disk location::
myObjStim = ObjMeshStim(win, '/path/to/file/model.obj')
def __init__(self,
pos=(0, 0, 0),
ori=(0, 0, 0, 1),
color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window this stimulus is associated with. Stimuli cannot be shared
across windows unless they share the same context.
size : tuple or float
Dimensions of the mesh. If a single value is specified, the plane
will be a square. Provide a tuple of floats to specify the width and
length of the box (eg. `size=(0.2, 1.3)`).
pos : array_like
Position vector `[x, y, z]` for the origin of the rigid body.
ori : array_like
Orientation quaternion `[x, y, z, w]` where `x`, `y`, `z` are
imaginary and `w` is real. If you prefer specifying rotations in
axis-angle format, call `setOriAxisAngle` after initialization. By
default, the plane is oriented with normal facing the +Z axis of the
useMaterial : PhongMaterial, optional
Material to use for all sub-meshes. The material can be configured
by accessing the `material` attribute after initialization. If no
material is specified, `color` will modulate the diffuse and
ambient colors for all meshes in the model. If `loadMtllib` is
`True`, this value should be `None`.
loadMtllib : bool
Load materials from the MTL file associated with the mesh. This will
override `useMaterial` if it is `None`. The value of `materials`
after initialization will be a dictionary where keys are material
names and values are materials. Any textures associated with the
model will be loaded as per the material requirements.
super(ObjMeshStim, self).__init__(
# load the OBJ file
objModel = gt.loadObjFile(objFile)
# load materials from file if requested
if loadMtllib and self.material is None:
self.material = self._loadMtlLib(objModel.mtlFile)
self.material = useMaterial
# load vertex data into an interleaved VBO
buffers = np.ascontiguousarray(
# upload to buffer
vertexAttr = gt.createVBO(buffers)
# load vertex data into VAOs
self._vao = {} # dictionary for VAOs
# for each material create a VAO
# keys are material names, values are index buffers
for material, faces in objModel.faces.items():
# convert index buffer to VAO
indexBuffer = \
faces.flatten(), # flatten face index for element array
# see `setVertexAttribPointer` for more information about attribute
# pointer indices
self._vao[material] = gt.createVAO(
{GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY: (vertexAttr, 3),
GL.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY: (vertexAttr, 2, 3),
GL.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY: (vertexAttr, 3, 5, True)},
indexBuffer=indexBuffer, legacy=True)
self.extents = objModel.extents
self.thePose.bounds = BoundingBox()
[docs] def _loadMtlLib(self, mtlFile):
"""Load a material library associated with the OBJ file. This is usually
called by the constructor for this class.
mtlFile : str
Path to MTL file.
with open(mtlFile, 'r') as mtl:
mtlBuffer = StringIO(mtl.read())
foundMaterials = {}
foundTextures = {}
thisMaterial = 0
for line in mtlBuffer.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('newmtl '): # new material
thisMaterial = line[7:]
foundMaterials[thisMaterial] = BlinnPhongMaterial(self.win)
elif line.startswith('Ns '): # specular exponent
foundMaterials[thisMaterial].shininess = line[3:]
elif line.startswith('Ks '): # specular color
specularColor = np.asarray(list(map(float, line[3:].split(' '))))
specularColor = 2.0 * specularColor - 1
foundMaterials[thisMaterial].specularColor = specularColor
elif line.startswith('Kd '): # diffuse color
diffuseColor = np.asarray(list(map(float, line[3:].split(' '))))
diffuseColor = 2.0 * diffuseColor - 1
foundMaterials[thisMaterial].diffuseColor = diffuseColor
elif line.startswith('Ka '): # ambient color
ambientColor = np.asarray(list(map(float, line[3:].split(' '))))
ambientColor = 2.0 * ambientColor - 1
foundMaterials[thisMaterial].ambientColor = ambientColor
elif line.startswith('map_Kd '): # diffuse color map
# load a diffuse texture from file
textureName = line[7:]
if textureName not in foundTextures.keys():
im = Image.open(
os.path.join(os.path.split(mtlFile)[0], textureName))
im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
im = im.convert("RGBA")
pixelData = np.array(im).ctypes
width = pixelData.shape[1]
height = pixelData.shape[0]
foundTextures[textureName] = gt.createTexImage2D(
foundMaterials[thisMaterial].diffuseTexture = \
return foundMaterials
[docs] def draw(self, win=None):
"""Draw the mesh.
win : `~psychopy.visual.Window`
Window this stimulus is associated with. Stimuli cannot be shared
across windows unless they share the same context.
if win is None:
win = self.win
win.draw3d = True
# iterate over materials, draw associated VAOs
if self.material is not None:
# if material is a dictionary
if isinstance(self.material, dict):
for materialName, materialDesc in self.material.items():
gt.drawVAO(self._vao[materialName], GL.GL_TRIANGLES)
# material is a single item
for materialName, _ in self._vao.items():
gt.drawVAO(self._vao[materialName], GL.GL_TRIANGLES)
r, g, b = self._foreColor.render('rgb')
color = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(
np.array((r, g, b, self.opacity), np.float32))
nLights = len(self.win.lights)
shaderKey = (nLights, False)
# pass values to OpenGL as material
GL.glColor4f(r, g, b, self.opacity)
GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, color)
GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_AMBIENT, color)
for materialName, _ in self._vao.items():
gt.drawVAO(self._vao[materialName], GL.GL_TRIANGLES)
win.draw3d = False