Source code for psychopy.visual.slider

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""A class for getting numeric or categorical ratings, e.g., a 1-to-7 scale."""

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2015 Jonathan Peirce
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

import copy
import numpy as np

from psychopy import core, logging, event, layout
from import arraytools, stimulustools as stt
from .basevisual import MinimalStim, WindowMixin, ColorMixin, BaseVisualStim
from .rect import Rect
from .grating import GratingStim
from .elementarray import ElementArrayStim
from .circle import Circle
from .shape import ShapeStim
from . import TextBox2
from import logAttrib, setAttribute, attributeSetter
from ..constants import FINISHED, STARTED, NOT_STARTED

# Set to True to make borders visible for debugging
debug = False

[docs]class Slider(MinimalStim, WindowMixin, ColorMixin): """A class for obtaining ratings, e.g., on a 1-to-7 or categorical scale. A simpler alternative to RatingScale, to be customised with code rather than with arguments. A RatingScale instance is a re-usable visual object having a ``draw()`` method, with customizable appearance and response options. ``draw()`` displays the rating scale, handles the subject's mouse or key responses, and updates the display. When the subject accepts a selection, ``.noResponse`` goes ``False`` (i.e., there is a response). You can call the ``getRating()`` method anytime to get a rating, ``getRT()`` to get the decision time, or ``getHistory()`` to obtain the entire set of (rating, RT) pairs. For other examples see Coder Demos -> stimuli -> :Authors: - 2018: Jon Peirce """ def __init__(self, win, ticks=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), labels=None, startValue=None, pos=(0, 0), size=None, units=None, flip=False, ori=0, style='rating', styleTweaks=[], granularity=0, readOnly=False, labelColor='White', markerColor='Red', lineColor='White', colorSpace='rgb', opacity=None, font='Helvetica Bold', depth=0, name=None, labelHeight=None, labelWrapWidth=None, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, # Synonyms color=False, fillColor=False, borderColor=False): """ Parameters ---------- win : psychopy.visual.Window Into which the scale will be rendered ticks : list or tuple A set of values for tick locations. If given a list of numbers then these determine the locations of the ticks (the first and last determine the endpoints and the rest are spaced according to their values between these endpoints. labels : a list or tuple The text to go with each tick (or spaced evenly across the ticks). If you give 3 labels but 5 tick locations then the end and middle ticks will be given labels. If the labels can't be distributed across the ticks then an error will be raised. If you want an uneven distribution you should include a list matching the length of ticks but with some values set to None pos : XY pair (tuple, array or list) size : w,h pair (tuple, array or list) The size for the scale defines the area taken up by the line and the ticks. This also controls whether the scale is horizontal or vertical. units : the units to interpret the pos and size flip : bool By default the labels will be below or left of the line. This puts them above (or right) granularity : int or float The smallest valid increments for the scale. 0 gives a continuous (e.g. "VAS") scale. 1 gives a traditional likert scale. Something like 0.1 gives a limited fine-grained scale. labelColor / color : Color of the labels according to the color space markerColor / fillColor : Color of the marker according to the color space lineColor / borderColor : Color of the line and ticks according to the color space font : font name autodraw : depth : name : autoLog : """ # what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by # __repr__ self._initParams = dir() super(Slider, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) = win if ticks is None: self.ticks = None else: self.ticks = np.array(ticks) self.labels = labels # Set pos and size via base method as objects don't yet exist to layout self.units = units WindowMixin.pos.fset(self, pos) if size is None: size = layout.Size((1, 0.1), 'height', WindowMixin.size.fset(self, size) # Set multiplier and additions to each component's size self._markerSizeMultiplier = (1, 1) self._markerSizeAddition = (0, 0) self._lineSizeMultiplier = (1, 1) self._lineSizeAddition = (0, 0) self._tickSizeMultiplier = (1, 1) self._tickSizeAddition = (0, 0) # Allow styles to force alignment/anchor for labels self._forceLabelAnchor = None self.granularity = granularity self.colorSpace = colorSpace self.color = color if color is not False else labelColor self.fillColor = fillColor if fillColor is not False else markerColor self.borderColor = borderColor if borderColor is not False else lineColor self.opacity = opacity self.font = font self.autoDraw = autoDraw self.depth = depth = name self.autoLog = autoLog self.readOnly = readOnly self.ori = ori self.flip = flip self.rt = None self.history = [] self.marker = None self.line = None self.tickLines = None self.labelWrapWidth = labelWrapWidth self.labelHeight = labelHeight or min(self.size) / 2 self._updateMarkerPos = True self._dragging = False self.mouse = event.Mouse(win=win) self._mouseStateClick = None # so we can rule out long click probs self._mouseStateXY = None # so we can rule out long click probs self.validArea = None # Create elements self._createElements() self.styleTweaks = [] = style self.styleTweaks += styleTweaks self._layout() # some things must wait until elements created self.contrast = 1.0 self.startValue = self.markerPos = startValue # set autoLog (now that params have been initialised) self.autoLog = autoLog if autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" % (, repr(self))) self.status = NOT_STARTED self.responseClock = core.Clock() def __repr__(self, complete=False): return self.__str__(complete=complete) # from MinimalStim @property def _tickL(self): """The length of the line (in the size units) """ return min(self.extent) @property def units(self): return WindowMixin.units.fget(self) @units.setter def units(self, value): WindowMixin.units.fset(self, value) if hasattr(self, "line"): self.line.units = value if hasattr(self, "marker"): self.marker.units = value if hasattr(self, "tickLines"): self.tickLines.units = value if hasattr(self, "labelObjs"): for label in self.labelObjs: label.units = value if hasattr(self, "validArea"): self.validArea.units = value @property def pos(self): return WindowMixin.pos.fget(self) @pos.setter def pos(self, value): WindowMixin.pos.fset(self, value) self._layout()
[docs] def setPos(self, newPos, operation='', log=None): BaseVisualStim.setPos(self, newPos, operation=operation, log=log)
[docs] def setOri(self, newOri, operation='', log=None): BaseVisualStim.setOri(self, newOri, operation=operation, log=log)
@property def size(self): return WindowMixin.size.fget(self) @size.setter def size(self, value): WindowMixin.size.fset(self, value) self._layout()
[docs] def setSize(self, newSize, operation='', units=None, log=None): BaseVisualStim.setSize(self, newSize, operation=operation, units=units, log=log)
@property def horiz(self): """(readonly) determines from self.size whether the scale is horizontal""" return self.extent[0] > self.extent[1] @property def categorical(self): """(readonly) determines from labels and ticks whether the slider is categorical""" return self.ticks is None or == "radio" @property def extent(self): """ The distance from the leftmost point on the slider to the rightmost point, and from the highest point to the lowest. """ # Get orientation (theta) and inverse orientation (atheta) in radans theta = np.radians(self.ori) atheta = np.radians(90-self.ori) # Calculate adjacent sides to get vertical extent A1 = abs(np.cos(theta) * self.size[1]) A2 = abs(np.cos(atheta) * self.size[0]) # Calculate opposite sides to get horizontal extent O1 = abs(np.sin(theta) * self.size[1]) O2 = abs(np.sin(atheta) * self.size[0]) # Return extent return O1 + O2, A1 + A2 @extent.setter def extent(self, value): self._extent = layout.Size(self.extent, self.units, @property def flip(self): if hasattr(self, "_flip"): return self._flip @flip.setter def flip(self, value): self._flip = value @property def opacity(self): BaseVisualStim.opacity.fget(self) @opacity.setter def opacity(self, value): BaseVisualStim.opacity.fset(self, value) self.fillColor = self._fillColor.copy() self.borderColor = self._borderColor.copy() self.foreColor = self._foreColor.copy()
[docs] def setOpacity(self, newOpacity, operation='', log=None): BaseVisualStim.setOpacity(self, newOpacity, operation=operation, log=log)
[docs] def updateOpacity(self): BaseVisualStim.updateOpacity(self)
@property def labelHeight(self): if hasattr(self, "_labelHeight"): return getattr(self._labelHeight, self.units)[1] @labelHeight.setter def labelHeight(self, value): if isinstance(value, layout.Vector): # If given a Size, use it self._labelHeight = value else: # Otherwise, convert to a Size object self._labelHeight = layout.Size([None, value], units=self.units, @property def labelWrapWidth(self): if hasattr(self, "_labelWrapWidth"): return getattr(self._labelWrapWidth, self.units)[0] @labelWrapWidth.setter def labelWrapWidth(self, value): if value is None: pass elif isinstance(value, layout.Vector): # If given a Size, use it self._labelWrapWidth = value else: # Otherwise, convert to a Size object self._labelWrapWidth = layout.Size([value, None], units=self.units, @property def foreColor(self): ColorMixin.foreColor.fget(self) @foreColor.setter def foreColor(self, value): ColorMixin.foreColor.fset(self, value) # Set color of each label if hasattr(self, 'labelObjs'): for lbl in self.labelObjs: lbl.color = self._foreColor.copy() @property def labelColor(self): """ Synonym of Slider.foreColor """ return self.foreColor @labelColor.setter def labelColor(self, value): self.foreColor = value @property def fillColor(self): ColorMixin.fillColor.fget(self) @fillColor.setter def fillColor(self, value): ColorMixin.fillColor.fset(self, value) # Set color of marker if hasattr(self, 'marker'): self.marker.fillColor = self._fillColor.copy() @property def markerColor(self): """ Synonym of Slider.fillColor """ return self.fillColor @markerColor.setter def markerColor(self, value): self.fillColor = value @property def borderColor(self): ColorMixin.borderColor.fget(self) @borderColor.setter def borderColor(self, value): ColorMixin.borderColor.fset(self, value) # Set color of lines if hasattr(self, 'line'): if not in ["scrollbar"]: # Scrollbar doesn't have an outline self.line.color = self._borderColor.copy() self.line.fillColor = self._borderColor.copy() if in ["slider", "scrollbar"]: # Slider and scrollbar need translucent fills self.line._fillColor.alpha *= 0.2 if hasattr(self, 'tickLines'): self.tickLines.colors = self._borderColor.copy() self.tickLines.opacities = self._borderColor.alpha
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the slider to its starting state (so that it can be restarted on each trial with a new stimulus) """ self.rating = None # this is reset to None, whatever the startValue self.markerPos = self.startValue self.history = [] self.rt = None self.responseClock.reset() self.status = NOT_STARTED
def _createElements(self): # Refresh extent self.extent = self.extent # Make line self._getLineParams() self.line = Rect(, pos=self.lineParams['pos'], size=self.lineParams['size'], units=self.units, fillColor=self._borderColor.copy(), colorSpace=self.colorSpace, autoLog=False ) # Make ticks self._getTickParams() self.tickLines = ElementArrayStim(, xys=self.tickParams['xys'], sizes=self.tickParams['sizes'], units=self.units, nElements=len(self.ticks), elementMask=None, sfs=0, colors=self._borderColor.copy(), opacities=self._borderColor.alpha, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, autoLog=False ) # Make labels self.labelObjs = [] if self.labels is not None: self._getLabelParams() for n, label in enumerate(self.labels): # Skip blank labels if label is None: continue # Create textbox for each label obj = TextBox2(, label, font=self.font, pos=self.labelParams['pos'][n], size=self.labelParams['size'][n], padding=self.labelParams['padding'][n], units=self.units, anchor=self.labelParams['anchor'][n], alignment=self.labelParams['alignment'][n], color=self._foreColor.copy(), fillColor=None, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, borderColor="red" if debug else None, letterHeight=self.labelHeight, autoLog=False ) self.labelObjs.append(obj) # Make marker self._getMarkerParams() self.marker = ShapeStim(, vertices="circle", pos=self.markerParams['pos'], size=self.markerParams['size'], units=self.units, fillColor=self._fillColor, lineColor=None, autoLog=False ) # create a rectangle to check for clicks self._getHitboxParams() self.validArea = Rect(, pos=self.hitboxParams['pos'], size=self.hitboxParams['size'], units=self.units, fillColor=None, lineColor="red" if debug else None, autoLog=False ) def _layout(self): # Refresh style = # Refresh extent self.extent = self.extent # Get marker params self._getMarkerParams() # Apply marker params self.marker.units = self.units for param, value in self.markerParams.items(): setattr(self.marker, param, value) # Get line params self._getLineParams() # Apply line params self.line.units = self.units for param, value in self.lineParams.items(): setattr(self.line, param, value) # Get tick params self._getTickParams() # Apply tick params self.tickLines.units = self.units for param, value in self.tickParams.items(): setattr(self.tickLines, param, value) # Get label params self._getLabelParams() # Apply label params for n, obj in enumerate(self.labelObjs): obj.units = self.units for param, value in self.labelParams.items(): setattr(obj, param, value[n]) # Get hitbox params self._getHitboxParams() # Apply hitbox params self.validArea.units = self.units for param, value in self.hitboxParams.items(): setattr(self.validArea, param, value) def _ratingToPos(self, rating): # Get ticks or substitute if self.ticks is not None: ticks = self.ticks else: ticks = [0, len(self.labels)] # If rating is a label, convert to an index if isinstance(rating, str) and rating in self.labels: rating = self.labels.index(rating) # Reshape rating to handle multiple values rating = np.array(rating) rating = rating.reshape((-1, 1)) rating = np.hstack((rating, rating)) # Adjust to scale bottom magDelta = rating - ticks[0] # Adjust to scale magnitude delta = magDelta / (ticks[-1] - ticks[0]) # Adjust to scale size delta = self._extent.pix * (delta - 0.5) # Adjust to scale pos pos = delta + self._pos.pix # Replace irrelevant value according to orientation pos[:, int(self.horiz)] = self._pos.pix[int(self.horiz)] # Convert to native units return getattr(layout.Position(pos, units="pix",, self.units) def _posToRating(self, pos): # Get ticks or substitute if self.ticks is not None: ticks = self.ticks else: ticks = [0, 1] # Get in pix pos = layout.Position(pos,, # Get difference from scale pos delta = pos - self._pos.pix # Adjust to scale size delta = delta / self._extent.pix + 0.5 # Adjust to scale magnitude magDelta = delta * (ticks[-1] - ticks[0]) # Adjust to scale bottom rating = magDelta + ticks[0] # Return relevant value according to orientation return rating[1-int(self.horiz)]
[docs] def _getLineParams(self): """ Calculates location and size of the line based on own location and size """ # Store line details self.lineParams = { 'units': self.units, 'pos': self.pos, 'size': self._extent * np.array(self._lineSizeMultiplier) + layout.Size(self._lineSizeAddition, self.units, }
[docs] def _getMarkerParams(self): """ Calculates location and size of marker based on own location and size """ # Calculate pos pos = self._ratingToPos(self.rating or 0) # Get size (and correct for norm) size = layout.Size([min(self._size.pix)]*2, 'pix', # Store marker details self.markerParams = { 'units': self.units, 'pos': pos, 'size': size * np.array(self._markerSizeMultiplier) + layout.Size(self._markerSizeAddition, self.units,, }
[docs] def _getTickParams(self): """ Calculates the locations of the line, tickLines and labels from the rating info """ # If categorical, create tick values from labels if self.categorical: if self.labels is None: self.ticks = np.arange(5) else: self.ticks = np.arange(len(self.labels)) self.granularity = 1.0 # Calculate positions xys = self._ratingToPos(self.ticks) # Get size (and correct for norm) size = layout.Size([min(self._extent.pix)]*2, 'pix', # Store tick details self.tickParams = { 'units': self.units, 'xys': xys, 'sizes': np.tile( getattr(size, self.units) * np.array(self._tickSizeMultiplier) + np.array(self._tickSizeAddition), (len(self.ticks), 1)), }
def _getLabelParams(self): if self.labels is None: return # Get number of labels now for convenience n = len(self.labels) # Get coords of slider edges top = self.pos[1] + self.extent[1] / 2 bottom = self.pos[1] - self.extent[1] / 2 left = self.pos[0] - self.extent[0] / 2 right = self.pos[0] + self.extent[0] / 2 # Work out where labels are relative to line w = self.labelWrapWidth if self.horiz: # horizontal # Always centered horizontally anchorHoriz = alignHoriz = 'center' # Width as fraction of size, height starts at double slider if w is None: w = self.extent[0] / len(self.ticks) h = self.extent[1] * 3 # Evenly spaced, constant y x = np.linspace(left, right, num=n) x = arraytools.snapto(x, points=self.tickParams['xys'][:, 0]) y = [self.pos[1]] * n # Padding applied on vertical paddingHoriz = 0 paddingVert = (self._tickL + self.labelHeight) / 2 # Vertical align/anchor depend on flip if not self.flip: # Labels below means anchor them from the top anchorVert = alignVert = 'top' else: # Labels on top means anchor them from below anchorVert = alignVert = 'bottom' # If style tells us to force label anchor, force it if self._forceLabelAnchor is not None: anchorVert = alignVert = self._forceLabelAnchor else: # vertical # Always centered vertically anchorVert = alignVert = 'center' # Height as fraction of size, width starts at double slider h = self.extent[1] / len(self.ticks) if w is None: w = self.extent[0] * 3 # Evenly spaced and clipped to ticks, constant x y = np.linspace(bottom, top, num=n) y = arraytools.snapto(y, points=self.tickParams['xys'][:, 1]) x = [self.pos[0]] * n # Padding applied on horizontal paddingHoriz = (self._tickL + self.labelHeight) / 2 paddingVert = 0 # Horizontal align/anchor depend on flip if not self.flip: # Labels left means anchor them from the right anchorHoriz = alignHoriz = 'right' else: # Labels right means anchor them from the left anchorHoriz = alignHoriz = 'left' # If style tells us to force label anchor, force it if self._forceLabelAnchor is not None: anchorHoriz = alignHoriz = self._forceLabelAnchor # Store label details self.labelParams = { 'units': (self.units,) * n, 'pos': np.vstack((x, y)).transpose(None), 'size': np.tile((w, h), (n, 1)), 'padding': np.tile((paddingHoriz, paddingVert), (n, 1)), 'anchor': np.tile((anchorHoriz, anchorVert), (n, 1)), 'alignment': np.tile((alignHoriz, alignVert), (n, 1)) }
[docs] def _getHitboxParams(self): """ Calculates hitbox size and pos from own size and pos """ # Get pos pos = self.pos # Get size size = self._extent * 1.1 # Store hitbox details self.hitboxParams = { 'units': self.units, 'pos': pos, 'size': size, }
[docs] def _granularRating(self, rating): """Handle granularity for the rating""" if rating is not None: if self.categorical: # If this is a categorical slider, snap to closest tick deltas = np.absolute(np.asarray(self.ticks) - rating) i = np.argmin(deltas) rating = self.ticks[i] elif self.granularity > 0: rating = round(rating / self.granularity) * self.granularity rating = round(rating, 8) # or gives 1.9000000000000001 rating = max(rating, self.ticks[0]) rating = min(rating, self.ticks[-1]) return rating
@property def rating(self): if hasattr(self, "_rating"): return self._rating @rating.setter def rating(self, rating): """The most recent rating from the participant or None. Note that the position of the marker can be set using current without looking like a change in the marker position""" rating = self._granularRating(rating) self.markerPos = rating if self.categorical and (rating is not None): rating = self.labels[int(round(rating))] self._rating = rating @property def value(self): """Synonymous with .rating""" return self.rating @value.setter def value(self, val): self.rating = val @attributeSetter def ticks(self, value): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): # make sure all values are numeric for i, subval in enumerate(value): if isinstance(subval, str): if subval in self.labels: # if it's a label name, get its index value[i] = self.labels.index(subval) elif subval.isnumeric(): # if it's a stringified number, make it a float value[i] = float(subval) else: # otherwise, use its index within the array value[i] = i self.__dict__['ticks'] = value @attributeSetter def markerPos(self, rating): """The position on the scale where the marker should be. Note that this does not alter the value of the reported rating, only its visible display. Also note that this position is in scale units, not in coordinates""" rating = self._granularRating(rating) if ('markerPos' not in self.__dict__ or not np.all( self.__dict__['markerPos'] == rating)): self.__dict__['markerPos'] = rating self._updateMarkerPos = True
[docs] def recordRating(self, rating, rt=None, log=None): """Sets the current rating value """ rating = self._granularRating(rating) setAttribute(self, attrib='rating', value=rating, operation='', log=log) if rt is None: self.rt = self.responseClock.getTime() else: self.rt = rt self.history.append((rating, self.rt)) self._updateMarkerPos = True
[docs] def getRating(self): """Get the current value of rating (or None if no response yet) """ return self.rating
[docs] def getRT(self): """Get the RT for most recent rating (or None if no response yet) """ return self.rt
[docs] def getMarkerPos(self): """Get the current marker position (or None if no response yet) """ return self.markerPos
[docs] def setMarkerPos(self, rating): """Set the current marker position (or None if no response yet) Parameters ---------- rating : int or float The rating on the scale where we want to set the marker """ if self._updateMarkerPos: self.marker.pos = self._ratingToPos(rating) self.markerPos = rating self._updateMarkerPos = False
[docs] def draw(self): """Draw the Slider, with all its constituent elements on this frame """ self.getMouseResponses() if debug: self.validArea.draw() self.line.draw() self.tickLines.draw() if self.markerPos is not None: if self._updateMarkerPos: self.marker.pos = self._ratingToPos(self.markerPos) self._updateMarkerPos = False self.marker.draw() for label in self.labelObjs: label.draw() # we started drawing to reset clock on flip if self.status == NOT_STARTED: self.status = STARTED
[docs] def getHistory(self): """Return a list of the subject's history as (rating, time) tuples. The history can be retrieved at any time, allowing for continuous ratings to be obtained in real-time. Both numerical and categorical choices are stored automatically in the history. """ return self.history
[docs] def setReadOnly(self, value=True, log=None): """When the rating scale is read only no responses can be made and the scale contrast is reduced Parameters ---------- value : bool (True) The value to which we should set the readOnly flag log : bool or None Force the autologging to occur or leave as default """ setAttribute(self, 'readOnly', value, log) if value == True: self.contrast = 0.5 else: self.contrast = 1.0
@attributeSetter def contrast(self, contrast): """Set all elements of the Slider (labels, ticks, line) to a contrast Parameters ---------- contrast """ self.marker.contrast = contrast self.line.contrast = contrast self.tickLines.contrasts = contrast for label in self.labelObjs: label.contrast = contrast
[docs] def getMouseResponses(self): """Instructs the rating scale to check for valid mouse responses. This is usually done during the draw() method but can be done by the user as well at any point in time. The rating will be returned but will ALSO automatically be set as the current rating response. While the mouse button is down we will alter self.markerPos but don't set a value for self.rating until button comes up Returns ---------- A rating value or None """ if self.readOnly: return click = bool(self.mouse.getPressed()[0]) xy = self.mouse.getPos() if click: # Update current but don't set Rating (mouse is still down) # Dragging has to start inside a "valid" area (i.e., on the # slider), but may continue even if the mouse moves away from # the slider, as long as the mouse button is not released. if (self.validArea.contains(self.mouse, units=self.units) or self._dragging): self.markerPos = self._posToRating(xy) # updates marker self._dragging = True self._updateMarkerPos = True else: # mouse is up - check if it *just* came up if self._dragging: self._dragging = False if self.markerPos is not None: self.recordRating(self.markerPos) return self.markerPos else: # is up and was already up - move along return None self._mouseStateXY = xy
# Overload color setters so they set sub-components @property def foreColor(self): ColorMixin.foreColor.fget(self) @foreColor.setter def foreColor(self, value): ColorMixin.foreColor.fset(self, value) # Set color for all labels if hasattr(self, "labelObjs"): for obj in self.labelObjs: obj.color = self._foreColor.copy() @property def fillColor(self): ColorMixin.fillColor.fget(self) @fillColor.setter def fillColor(self, value): ColorMixin.fillColor.fset(self, value) # Set color for marker if hasattr(self, "marker"): self.marker.fillColor = self._fillColor.copy() @property def borderColor(self): ColorMixin.borderColor.fget(self) @borderColor.setter def borderColor(self, value): ColorMixin.borderColor.fset(self, value) # Set color for lines if hasattr(self, "line"): self.line.color = self._borderColor.copy() if hasattr(self, "tickLines"): self.tickLines.colors = self._borderColor.copy() knownStyles = stt.sliderStyles legacyStyles = [] knownStyleTweaks = stt.sliderStyleTweaks legacyStyleTweaks = ['whiteOnBlack'] @property def style(self): if hasattr(self, "_style"): return self._style @style.setter def style(self, style): """Sets some predefined styles or use these to create your own. If you fancy creating and including your own styles that would be great! Parameters ---------- style: string Known styles currently include: 'rating': the marker is a circle 'slider': looks more like an application slider control 'whiteOnBlack': a sort of color-inverse rating scale 'scrollbar': looks like a scrollbar for a window Styles cannot be combined in a list - they are discrete """ self._style = style # Legacy: If given a list (as was once the case), take the first style if isinstance(style, (list, tuple)): styles = style style = "rating" for val in styles: # If list contains a style, use it if val in self.knownStyles + self.legacyStyles: style = val # Apply any tweaks if val in self.knownStyleTweaks + self.legacyStyleTweaks: self.styleTweaks += val if style == 'rating' or style is None: # Narrow line self.line.opacity = 1 self._lineSizeAddition = (0, 0) if self.horiz: self._lineSizeMultiplier = (1, 0.1) else: self._lineSizeMultiplier = (0.1, 1) # 1:1 circular markers self.marker.vertices = "circle" self._markerSizeMultiplier = (1, 1) self._markerSizeAddition = (0, 0) # Narrow rectangular ticks self.tickLines.elementMask = None self._tickSizeAddition = (0, 0) if self.horiz: self._tickSizeMultiplier = (0.1, 1) else: self._tickSizeMultiplier = (1, 0.1) if style == 'slider': # Semi-transparent rectangle for a line self.line._fillColor.alpha = 0.2 self._lineSizeMultiplier = (1, 1) self._lineSizeAddition = (0, 0) # Rectangular marker self.marker.vertices = "rectangle" self._markerSizeAddition = (0, 0) if self.horiz: self._markerSizeMultiplier = (0.1, 0.8) else: self._markerSizeMultiplier = (0.8, 0.1) # Narrow rectangular ticks self.tickLines.elementMask = None self._tickSizeAddition = (0, 0) if self.horiz: self._tickSizeMultiplier = (0.1, 1) else: self._tickSizeMultiplier = (1, 0.1) if style == 'radio': # No line self._lineSizeMultiplier = (0, 0) self._lineSizeAddition = (0, 0) # 0.7 scale circular markers self.marker.vertices = "circle" self._markerSizeMultiplier = (0.7, 0.7) self._markerSizeAddition = (0, 0) # 1:1 circular ticks self.tickLines.elementMask = 'circle' self._tickSizeMultiplier = (1, 1) self._tickSizeAddition = (0, 0) if style == 'choice': if self.labels is None: nLabels = len(self.ticks) else: nLabels = len(self.labels) # No line if self.horiz: self._lineSizeMultiplier = (1 + 1 / nLabels, 1) else: self._lineSizeMultiplier = (1, 1 + 1 / nLabels) # Solid ticks self.tickLines.elementMask = None self._tickSizeAddition = (0, 0) self._tickSizeMultiplier = (0, 0) # Marker is box self.marker.vertices = "rectangle" if self.horiz: self._markerSizeMultiplier = (1, 1) else: self._markerSizeMultiplier = (1, 1 / nLabels) # Labels forced center self._forceLabelAnchor = "center" # Choice doesn't make sense with granularity 0 self.granularity = 1 if style == 'scrollbar': # Semi-transparent rectangle for a line (+ extra area for marker) self.line.opacity = 1 self.line._fillColor.alpha = 0.2 self._lineSizeAddition = (0, 0) if self.horiz: self._lineSizeMultiplier = (1.2, 1) else: self._lineSizeMultiplier = (1, 1.2) # Long rectangular marker self.marker.vertices = "rectangle" if self.horiz: self._markerSizeMultiplier = (0, 1) self._markerSizeAddition = (self.extent[0] / 5, 0) else: self._markerSizeMultiplier = (1, 0) self._markerSizeAddition = (0, self.extent[1] / 5) # No ticks self.tickLines.elementMask = None self._tickSizeAddition = (0, 0) self._tickSizeMultiplier = (0, 0) # Legacy: If given a tweak, apply it as a tweak rather than a style if style in self.knownStyleTweaks + self.legacyStyleTweaks: self.styleTweaks.append(style) # Refresh style tweaks (as these override some aspects of style) self.styleTweaks = self.styleTweaks return style @attributeSetter def styleTweaks(self, styleTweaks): """Sets some predefined style tweaks or use these to create your own. If you fancy creating and including your own style tweaks that would be great! Parameters ---------- styleTweaks: list of strings Known style tweaks currently include: 'triangleMarker': the marker is a triangle 'labels45': the text is rotated by 45 degrees Legacy style tweaks include: 'whiteOnBlack': a sort of color-inverse rating scale Legacy style tweaks will work if set in code, but are not exposed in Builder as they are redundant Style tweaks can be combined in a list e.g. `['labels45']` """ if not isinstance(styleTweaks, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): styleTweaks = [styleTweaks] self.__dict__['styleTweaks'] = styleTweaks if 'triangleMarker' in styleTweaks: # Vertices for corners of a square tl = (-0.5, 0.5) tr = (0.5, 0.5) bl = (-0.5, -0.5) br = (0.5, -0.5) mid = (0, 0) # Create triangles from 2 corners + center if self.horiz: if self.flip: self.marker.vertices = [mid, bl, br] else: self.marker.vertices = [mid, tl, tr] else: if self.flip: self.marker.vertices = [mid, tl, bl] else: self.marker.vertices = [mid, tr, br] if 'labels45' in styleTweaks: for label in self.labelObjs: label.ori = -45 # Legacy if 'whiteOnBlack' in styleTweaks: self.line.color = 'black' self.tickLines.colors = 'black' self.marker.color = 'white' for label in self.labelObjs: label.color = 'white'

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