#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helper functions shared by the visual classes
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
import os
import copy
from packaging.version import Version
from pathlib import Path
from psychopy import logging, colors, prefs
# tools must only be imported *after* event or MovieStim breaks on win32
# (JWP has no idea why!)
from psychopy.alerts import alert
from psychopy.tools import filetools as ft
from psychopy.tools.arraytools import val2array
from psychopy.tools.attributetools import setAttribute
from psychopy.tools.filetools import pathToString
import numpy as np
reportNImageResizes = 5 # stop raising warning after this
# global _nImageResizes
_nImageResizes = 0
import matplotlib
if Version(matplotlib.__version__) > Version('1.2'):
from matplotlib.path import Path as mplPath
from matplotlib import nxutils
haveMatplotlib = True
except Exception:
haveMatplotlib = False
[docs]def pointInPolygon(x, y, poly):
"""Determine if a point is inside a polygon; returns True if inside.
(`x`, `y`) is the point to test. `poly` is a list of 3 or more vertices
as (x,y) pairs. If given an object, such as a `ShapeStim`, will try to
use its vertices and position as the polygon.
Same as the `.contains()` method elsewhere.
try: # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
poly = poly.verticesPix # we want to access this only once
except Exception:
nVert = len(poly)
if nVert < 3:
msg = 'pointInPolygon expects a polygon with 3 or more vertices'
return False
# faster if have matplotlib tools:
if haveMatplotlib:
if Version(matplotlib.__version__) > Version('1.2'):
return mplPath(poly).contains_point([x, y])
return bool(nxutils.pnpoly(x, y, poly))
except Exception:
# fall through to pure python:
# adapted from http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/insidepoly/
# via http://www.ariel.com.au/a/python-point-int-poly.html
inside = False
# trace (horizontal?) rays, flip inside status if cross an edge:
p1x, p1y = poly[-1]
for p2x, p2y in poly:
if y > min(p1y, p2y) and y <= max(p1y, p2y) and x <= max(p1x, p2x):
if p1y != p2y:
xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x
if p1x == p2x or x <= xints:
inside = not inside
p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y
return inside
[docs]def polygonsOverlap(poly1, poly2):
"""Determine if two polygons intersect; can fail for very pointy polygons.
Accepts two polygons, as lists of vertices (x,y) pairs. If given an object
with with (vertices + pos), will try to use that as the polygon.
Checks if any vertex of one polygon is inside the other polygon. Same as
the `.overlaps()` method elsewhere.
We implement special handling for the `Line` stimulus as it is not a
proper polygon.
We do not check for class instances because this would require importing of
`visual.Line`, creating a circular import. Instead, we assume that a
"polygon" with only two vertices is meant to specify a line. Pixels between
the endpoints get interpolated before testing for overlap.
try: # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
if poly1.verticesPix.shape == (2, 2): # Line
# Interpolate pixels.
x = np.arange(poly1.verticesPix[0, 0],
poly1.verticesPix[1, 0] + 1)
y = np.arange(poly1.verticesPix[0, 1],
poly1.verticesPix[1, 1] + 1)
poly1_vert_pix = np.column_stack((x,y))
poly1_vert_pix = poly1.verticesPix
except AttributeError:
poly1_vert_pix = poly1
try: # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
if poly2.verticesPix.shape == (2, 2): # Line
# Interpolate pixels.
x = np.arange(poly2.verticesPix[0, 0],
poly2.verticesPix[1, 0] + 1)
y = np.arange(poly2.verticesPix[0, 1],
poly2.verticesPix[1, 1] + 1)
poly2_vert_pix = np.column_stack((x,y))
poly2_vert_pix = poly2.verticesPix
except AttributeError:
poly2_vert_pix = poly2
# faster if have matplotlib tools:
if haveMatplotlib:
if Version(matplotlib.__version__) > Version('1.2'):
if any(mplPath(poly1_vert_pix).contains_points(poly2_vert_pix)):
return True
return any(mplPath(poly2_vert_pix).contains_points(poly1_vert_pix))
try: # deprecated in matplotlib 1.2
if any(nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly1_vert_pix,
return True
return any(nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly2_vert_pix,
except Exception:
# fall through to pure python:
for p1 in poly1_vert_pix:
if pointInPolygon(p1[0], p1[1], poly2_vert_pix):
return True
for p2 in poly2_vert_pix:
if pointInPolygon(p2[0], p2[1], poly1_vert_pix):
return True
return False
def setTexIfNoShaders(obj):
"""Useful decorator for classes that need to update Texture after
other properties. This doesn't actually perform the update, but sets
a flag so the update occurs at draw time (in case multiple changes all
need updates only do it once).
if hasattr(obj, 'useShaders') and not obj.useShaders:
# we aren't using shaders
if hasattr(obj, '_needTextureUpdate'):
obj._needTextureUpdate = True
def setColor(obj, color, colorSpace=None, operation='',
colorAttrib='color', # or 'fillColor' etc
# legacy
Sets the given color attribute of an object.
Obsolete as of 2021.1.0, as colors are now handled by Color objects, all of the necessary operations are called when
setting directly via obj.color, obj.fillColor or obj.borderColor.
obj : psychopy.visual object
The object whose color you are changing
color : color
The color to use - can be a valid color value (e.g. (1,1,1), '#ffffff', 'white') or a psychopy.colors.Color
colorSpace : str
The color space of the color value. Can be None for hex or named colors, otherwise must be specified.
operation : str
Can be '=', '+' or '-', or left blank for '='. '=' will set the color, '+' will add the color and '-' will
subtract it.
colorAttrib : str
Name of the color attribute you are setting, e.g. 'color', 'fillColor', 'borderColor'
log : bool
Whether to write an update to the log about this change
colorSpaceAttrib : str
PsychoPy used to have a color space for each attribute, but color spaces are now handled by Color objects, so
this input is no longer used.
rgbAttrib : str
PsychoPy used to handle color by converting to RGB and storing in an rgb attribute, now this conversion is done
within Color objects so this input is no longer used.
if colorSpaceAttrib is not None:
alert(8105, strFields={'colorSpaceAttrib': colorSpaceAttrib})
if rgbAttrib is not None:
alert(8110, strFields={'rgbAttrib': rgbAttrib})
# Make a Color object using supplied values
raw = color
color = colors.Color(raw, colorSpace)
assert color.valid, f"Could not create valid Color object from value {raw} in space {colorSpace}"
# Apply new value
if operation in ('=', '', None):
# If no operation, just set color from object
setAttribute(obj, colorAttrib, color, log=log)
elif operation == '+':
# If +, add to old color
setAttribute(obj, colorAttrib, getattr(obj, "_" + colorAttrib) + color, log=log)
elif operation == '-':
# If -, subtract from old color
setAttribute(obj, colorAttrib, getattr(obj, "_" + colorAttrib) - color, log=log)
# Any other operation is not supported
msg = ('Unsupported value "%s" for operation when '
'setting %s in %s')
vals = (operation, colorAttrib, obj.__class__.__name__)
raise ValueError(msg % vals)
# set for groupFlipVert:
immutables = {int, float, str, tuple, int, bool, np.float32, np.float64}
def findImageFile(filename, checkResources=False):
"""Tests whether the filename is an image file. If not will try some common
alternatives (e.g. extensions .jpg .tif...) as well as looking in the
`psychopy/app/Resources` folder
# if user supplied correct path then return quickly
filename = pathToString(filename)
isfile = os.path.isfile
if isfile(filename):
return filename
# alias default names (so it always points to default.png)
if filename in ft.defaultStim:
filename = ft.defaultStim[filename]
# store original
orig = copy.copy(filename)
# search for file using additional extensions
extensions = ('.jpg', '.png', '.tif', '.bmp', '.gif', '.jpeg', '.tiff')
# not supported: 'svg', 'eps'
def logCorrected(orig, actual):
logging.warn("Requested image {!r} not found but similar filename "
"{!r} exists. This will be used instead but changing the "
"filename is advised.".format(orig, actual))
# it already has one but maybe it's wrong? Remove it
if filename.endswith(extensions):
filename = os.path.splitext(orig)[0]
if isfile(filename):
# had an extension but didn't need one (mac?)
logCorrected(orig, filename)
return filename
# try adding the standard set of extensions
for ext in extensions:
if isfile(filename+ext):
filename += ext
logCorrected(orig, filename)
return filename
# try doing the same in the Resources folder
if checkResources:
return findImageFile(Path(prefs.paths['assets']) / orig, checkResources=False)
[docs]def groupFlipVert(flipList, yReflect=0):
"""Reverses the vertical mirroring of all items in list ``flipList``.
Reverses the .flipVert status, vertical (y) positions, and angular
rotation (.ori). Flipping preserves the relations among the group's
visual elements. The parameter ``yReflect`` is the y-value of an
imaginary horizontal line around which to reflect the items;
default = 0 (screen center).
Typical usage is to call once prior to any display; call again to un-flip.
Can be called with a list of all stim to be presented in a given routine.
Will flip a) all psychopy.visual.xyzStim that have a setFlipVert method,
b) the y values of .vertices, and c) items in n x 2 lists that are mutable
(i.e., list, np.array, no tuples): [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]
if type(flipList) != list:
flipList = [flipList]
for item in flipList:
if type(item) in (list, np.ndarray):
if type(item[0]) in (list, np.ndarray) and len(item[0]) == 2:
for i in range(len(item)):
item[i][1] = 2 * yReflect - item[i][1]
msg = 'Cannot vert-flip elements in "{}", type={}'
raise ValueError(msg.format(item, type(item[0])))
elif type(item) in immutables:
raise ValueError('Cannot change immutable item "{}"'.format(item))
if hasattr(item, 'setPos'):
item.setPos([1, -1], '*')
item.setPos([0, 2 * yReflect], '+')
elif hasattr(item, 'pos'): # only if no setPos available
item.pos[1] *= -1
item.pos[1] += 2 * yReflect
if hasattr(item, 'setFlipVert'): # eg TextStim, custom marker
item.setFlipVert(not item.flipVert)
elif hasattr(item, 'vertices'): # and lacks a setFlipVert method
v = item.vertices * [1, -1] # np.array
except Exception:
v = [[item.vertices[i][0], -1 * item.vertices[i][1]]
for i in range(len(item.vertices))]
if hasattr(item, 'setOri') and item.ori:
# non-zero orientation angle
item.setOri(-1, '*')
item._needVertexUpdate = True