Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

"""Functions and classes related to unit conversion respective to a particular

from psychopy import monitors
from psychopy import logging
import numpy as np
import re
from numpy import array, tan, pi, radians, hypot, degrees, arctan
from math import hypot as hypot3d

# Maps supported coordinate unit type names to the function that converts
# the given unit type to PsychoPy OpenGL pix unit space.
_unit2PixMappings = dict()

# the following are to be used by convertToPix

def _pix2pix(vertices, pos, win=None):
    return pos + vertices
_unit2PixMappings['pix'] = _pix2pix
_unit2PixMappings['pixels'] = _pix2pix

def _cm2pix(vertices, pos, win):
    return cm2pix(pos + vertices, win.monitor)
_unit2PixMappings['cm'] = _cm2pix

def _deg2pix(vertices, pos, win):
    return deg2pix(pos + vertices, win.monitor)
_unit2PixMappings['deg'] = _deg2pix
_unit2PixMappings['degs'] = _deg2pix

def _degFlatPos2pix(vertices, pos, win):
    posCorrected = deg2pix(pos, win.monitor, correctFlat=True)
    vertices = deg2pix(vertices, win.monitor, correctFlat=False)
    return posCorrected + vertices
_unit2PixMappings['degFlatPos'] = _degFlatPos2pix

def _degFlat2pix(vertices, pos, win):
    return deg2pix(array(pos) + array(vertices), win.monitor,
_unit2PixMappings['degFlat'] = _degFlat2pix

def _norm2pix(vertices, pos, win):
    if win.useRetina:
        return (pos + vertices) * win.size / 4.0
        return (pos + vertices) * win.size / 2.0

_unit2PixMappings['norm'] = _norm2pix

def _height2pix(vertices, pos, win):
    if win.useRetina:
        return (pos + vertices) * win.size[1] / 2.0
        return (pos + vertices) * win.size[1]

_unit2PixMappings['height'] = _height2pix

def posToPix(stim):
    """Returns the stim's position in pixels,
    based on its pos, units, and win.
    return convertToPix([0, 0], stim.pos,,

[docs]def convertToPix(vertices, pos, units, win): """Takes vertices and position, combines and converts to pixels from any unit The reason that `pos` and `vertices` are provided separately is that it allows the conversion from deg to apply flat-screen correction to each separately. The reason that these use function args rather than relying on self.pos is that some stimuli use other terms (e.g. ElementArrayStim uses fieldPos). """ unit2pixFunc = _unit2PixMappings.get(units) if unit2pixFunc: return unit2pixFunc(vertices, pos, win) else: msg = "The unit type [{0}] is not registered with PsychoPy" raise ValueError(msg.format(units))
def addUnitTypeConversion(unitLabel, mappingFunc): """Add support for converting units specified by unit_label to pixels to be used by convertToPix (therefore a valid unit for your PsychoPy stimuli) mapping_func must have the function prototype: def mapping_func(vertices, pos, win): # Convert the input vertices, pos to pixel positions PsychoPy # will use for OpenGL call. # unit type -> pixel mapping logic here # ..... return pix """ if unitLabel in _unit2PixMappings: msg = "The unit type label [{0}] is already registered with PsychoPy" raise ValueError(msg.format(unitLabel)) _unit2PixMappings[unitLabel] = mappingFunc # Built in conversion functions follow ...
[docs]def cm2deg(cm, monitor, correctFlat=False): """Convert size in cm to size in degrees for a given Monitor object """ # check we have a monitor if not isinstance(monitor, monitors.Monitor): msg = ("cm2deg requires a monitors.Monitor object as the second " "argument but received %s") raise ValueError(msg % str(type(monitor))) # get monitor dimensions dist = monitor.getDistance() # check they all exist if dist is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known distance (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % if correctFlat: return np.degrees(np.arctan(cm / dist)) else: return cm / (dist * 0.017455)
[docs]def deg2cm(degrees, monitor, correctFlat=False): """Convert size in degrees to size in pixels for a given Monitor object. If `correctFlat == False` then the screen will be treated as if all points are equal distance from the eye. This means that each "degree" will be the same size irrespective of its position. If `correctFlat == True` then the `degrees` argument must be an Nx2 matrix for X and Y values (the two cannot be calculated separately in this case). With `correctFlat == True` the positions may look strange because more eccentric vertices will be spaced further apart. """ # check we have a monitor if not hasattr(monitor, 'getDistance'): msg = ("deg2cm requires a monitors.Monitor object as the second " "argument but received %s") raise ValueError(msg % str(type(monitor))) # get monitor dimensions dist = monitor.getDistance() # check they all exist if dist is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known distance (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % if correctFlat: rads = radians(degrees) cmXY = np.zeros(rads.shape, 'd') # must be a double (not float) if rads.shape == (2,): x, y = rads cmXY[0] = hypot(dist, tan(y) * dist) * tan(x) cmXY[1] = hypot(dist, tan(x) * dist) * tan(y) elif len(rads.shape) > 1 and rads.shape[1] == 2: cmXY[:, 0] = hypot(dist, tan(rads[:, 1]) * dist) * tan(rads[:, 0]) cmXY[:, 1] = hypot(dist, tan(rads[:, 0]) * dist) * tan(rads[:, 1]) else: msg = ("If using deg2cm with correctedFlat==True then degrees " "arg must have shape [N,2], not %s") raise ValueError(msg % (repr(rads.shape))) # derivation: # if hypotY is line from eyeball to [x,0] given by # hypot(dist, tan(degX)) # then cmY is distance from [x,0] to [x,y] given by # hypotY * tan(degY) # similar for hypotX to get cmX # alternative: # we could do this by converting to polar coords, converting # deg2cm and then going back to cartesian, # but this would be slower(?) return cmXY else: # the size of 1 deg at screen centre return np.array(degrees) * dist * 0.017455
[docs]def cm2pix(cm, monitor): """Convert size in cm to size in pixels for a given Monitor object. """ # check we have a monitor if not isinstance(monitor, monitors.Monitor): msg = ("cm2pix requires a monitors.Monitor object as the" " second argument but received %s") raise ValueError(msg % str(type(monitor))) # get monitor params and raise error if necess scrWidthCm = monitor.getWidth() scrSizePix = monitor.getSizePix() if scrSizePix is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known size in pixels (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % if scrWidthCm is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known width in cm (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % return cm * scrSizePix[0] / float(scrWidthCm)
[docs]def pix2cm(pixels, monitor): """Convert size in pixels to size in cm for a given Monitor object """ # check we have a monitor if not isinstance(monitor, monitors.Monitor): msg = ("cm2pix requires a monitors.Monitor object as the second" " argument but received %s") raise ValueError(msg % str(type(monitor))) # get monitor params and raise error if necess scrWidthCm = monitor.getWidth() scrSizePix = monitor.getSizePix() if scrSizePix is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known size in pixels (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % if scrWidthCm is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known width in cm (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % return pixels * float(scrWidthCm) / scrSizePix[0]
[docs]def deg2pix(degrees, monitor, correctFlat=False): """Convert size in degrees to size in pixels for a given Monitor object """ # get monitor params and raise error if necess scrWidthCm = monitor.getWidth() scrSizePix = monitor.getSizePix() if scrSizePix is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known size in pixels (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % if scrWidthCm is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known width in cm (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % cmSize = deg2cm(degrees, monitor, correctFlat) return cmSize * scrSizePix[0] / float(scrWidthCm)
[docs]def pix2deg(pixels, monitor, correctFlat=False): """Convert size in pixels to size in degrees for a given Monitor object """ # get monitor params and raise error if necess scrWidthCm = monitor.getWidth() scrSizePix = monitor.getSizePix() if scrSizePix is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known size in pixels (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % if scrWidthCm is None: msg = "Monitor %s has no known width in cm (SEE MONITOR CENTER)" raise ValueError(msg % cmSize = pixels * float(scrWidthCm) / scrSizePix[0] return cm2deg(cmSize, monitor, correctFlat)

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