#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Classes and functions for working with audio data.
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
__all__ = [
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
from psychopy import prefs
from psychopy import logging
from psychopy.tools.audiotools import *
from psychopy.tools import filetools as ft
from .exceptions import *
# constants for specifying the number of channels
# constants for indexing channels
[docs]class AudioClip:
"""Class for storing audio clip data.
This class is used to store and handle raw audio data, such as those
obtained from microphone recordings or loaded from files. PsychoPy stores
audio samples in contiguous arrays of 32-bit floating-point values ranging
between -1 and 1.
The `AudioClip` class provides basic audio editing capabilities too. You can
use operators on `AudioClip` instances to combine audio clips together. For
instance, the ``+`` operator will return a new `AudioClip` instance whose
samples are the concatenation of the two operands::
sndCombined = sndClip1 + sndClip2
Note that audio clips must have the same sample rates in order to be joined
using the addition operator. For online compatibility, use the `append()`
method instead.
There are also numerous static methods available to generate various tones
(e.g., sine-, saw-, and square-waves). Audio samples can also be loaded and
saved to files in various formats (e.g., WAV, FLAC, OGG, etc.)
You can play `AudioClip` by directly passing instances of this object to
the :class:`~psychopy.sound.Sound` class::
import psychopy.core as core
import psychopy.sound as sound
myTone = AudioClip.sine(duration=5.0) # generate a tone
mySound = sound.Sound(myTone)
core.wait(5.0) # wait for sound to finish playing
samples : ArrayLike
Nx1 or Nx2 array of audio samples for mono and stereo, respectively.
Values in the array representing the amplitude of the sound waveform
should vary between -1 and 1. If not, they will be clipped.
sampleRateHz : int
Sampling rate used to obtain `samples` in Hertz (Hz). The sample rate or
frequency is related to the quality of the audio, where higher sample
rates usually result in better sounding audio (albeit a larger memory
footprint and file size). The value specified should match the frequency
the clip was recorded at. If not, the audio may sound distorted when
played back. Usually, a sample rate of 48kHz is acceptable for most
applications (DVD audio quality). For convenience, module level
constants with form ``SAMPLE_RATE_*`` are provided to specify many
common samples rates.
userData : dict or None
Optional user data to associated with the audio clip.
def __init__(self, samples, sampleRateHz=SAMPLE_RATE_48kHz, userData=None):
# samples should be a 2D array where columns represent channels
self._samples = np.atleast_2d(
np.asarray(samples, dtype=np.float32, order='C'))
self._samples.clip(-1, 1) # force values to be clipped
# set the sample rate of the clip
self._sampleRateHz = int(sampleRateHz)
# the duration of the audio clip
self._duration = len(self.samples) / float(self.sampleRateHz)
# user data
self._userData = userData if userData is not None else {}
assert isinstance(self._userData, dict)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading and saving
# These static methods are related to loading and saving audio clips from
# files. The file types supported are those that `libsoundfile` supports.
# Additional codecs such as `mp3` require the pydub package which is
# optional.
[docs] @staticmethod
def _checkCodecSupported(codec, raiseError=False):
"""Check if the audio format string corresponds to a supported codec.
Used internally to check if the user specified a valid codec identifier.
codec: str
Codec identifier (e.g., 'wav', 'mp3', etc.)
raiseError : bool
Raise an error (``) instead of returning a value. Default is
`True` if the format is supported.
if not isinstance(codec, str):
raise ValueError('Codec identifier must be a string.')
hasCodec = codec.lower() in AUDIO_SUPPORTED_CODECS
if raiseError and not hasCodec:
fmtList = ["'{}'".format(s) for s in AUDIO_SUPPORTED_CODECS]
raise AudioUnsupportedCodecError(
"Unsupported audio codec specified, must be either: " +
", ".join(fmtList))
return hasCodec
[docs] @staticmethod
def load(filename, codec=None):
"""Load audio samples from a file. Note that this is a static method!
filename : str
File name to load.
codec : str or None
Codec to use. If `None`, the format will be implied from the file
Audio clip containing samples loaded from the file.
if codec is not None:
AudioClip._checkCodecSupported(codec, raiseError=True)
samples, sampleRateHz = sf.read(
return AudioClip(
[docs] def save(self, filename, codec=None):
"""Save an audio clip to file.
filename : str
File name to write audio clip to.
codec : str or None
Format to save audio clip data as. If `None`, the format will be
implied from the extension at the end of `filename`.
if codec is not None:
AudioClip._checkCodecSupported(codec, raiseError=True)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tone and noise generation methods
# These static methods are used to generate audio samples, such as random
# colored noise (e.g., white) and tones (e.g., sine, square, etc.)
# All of these methods return `AudioClip` objects containing the generated
# samples.
[docs] @staticmethod
def whiteNoise(duration=1.0, sampleRateHz=SAMPLE_RATE_48kHz, channels=2):
"""Generate gaussian white noise.
**New feature, use with caution.**
duration : float or int
Length of the sound in seconds.
sampleRateHz : int
Samples rate of the audio for playback.
channels : int
Number of channels for the output.
samples = whiteNoise(duration, sampleRateHz)
if channels > 1:
samples = np.tile(samples, (1, channels)).astype(np.float32)
return AudioClip(samples, sampleRateHz=sampleRateHz)
[docs] @staticmethod
def silence(duration=1.0, sampleRateHz=SAMPLE_RATE_48kHz, channels=2):
"""Generate audio samples for a silent period.
This is used to create silent periods of a very specific duration
between other audio clips.
duration : float or int
Length of the sound in seconds.
sampleRateHz : int
Samples rate of the audio for playback.
channels : int
Number of channels for the output.
Generate 10 seconds of silence to enjoy::
import psychopy.sound as sound
silence = sound.AudioClip.silence(10.)
Use the silence as a break between two audio clips when concatenating
fullClip = clip1 + sound.AudioClip.silence(10.) + clip2
samples = np.zeros(
(int(duration * sampleRateHz), channels), dtype=np.float32)
return AudioClip(samples, sampleRateHz=sampleRateHz)
[docs] @staticmethod
def sine(duration=1.0, freqHz=440, gain=0.8, sampleRateHz=SAMPLE_RATE_48kHz,
"""Generate audio samples for a tone with a sine waveform.
duration : float or int
Length of the sound in seconds.
freqHz : float or int
Frequency of the tone in Hertz (Hz). Note that this differs from the
gain : float
Gain factor ranging between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is 0.8.
sampleRateHz : int
Samples rate of the audio for playback.
channels : int
Number of channels for the output.
Generate an audio clip of a tone 10 seconds long with a frequency of
import psychopy.sound as sound
tone400Hz = sound.AudioClip.sine(10., 400.)
Create a marker/cue tone and append it to pre-recorded instructions::
import psychopy.sound as sound
voiceInstr = sound.AudioClip.load('/path/to/instructions.wav')
markerTone = sound.AudioClip.sine(
1.0, 440., # duration and freq
sampleRateHz=voiceInstr.sampleRateHz) # must be the same!
fullInstr = voiceInstr + markerTone # create instructions with cue
fullInstr.save('/path/to/instructions_with_tone.wav') # save it
samples = sinetone(duration, freqHz, gain, sampleRateHz)
if channels > 1:
samples = np.tile(samples, (1, channels)).astype(np.float32)
return AudioClip(samples, sampleRateHz=sampleRateHz)
[docs] @staticmethod
def square(duration=1.0, freqHz=440, dutyCycle=0.5, gain=0.8,
sampleRateHz=SAMPLE_RATE_48kHz, channels=2):
"""Generate audio samples for a tone with a square waveform.
duration : float or int
Length of the sound in seconds.
freqHz : float or int
Frequency of the tone in Hertz (Hz). Note that this differs from the
dutyCycle : float
Duty cycle between 0.0 and 1.0.
gain : float
Gain factor ranging between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is 0.8.
sampleRateHz : int
Samples rate of the audio for playback.
channels : int
Number of channels for the output.
samples = squaretone(duration, freqHz, dutyCycle, gain, sampleRateHz)
if channels > 1:
samples = np.tile(samples, (1, channels)).astype(np.float32)
return AudioClip(samples, sampleRateHz=sampleRateHz)
[docs] @staticmethod
def sawtooth(duration=1.0, freqHz=440, peak=1.0, gain=0.8,
sampleRateHz=SAMPLE_RATE_48kHz, channels=2):
"""Generate audio samples for a tone with a sawtooth waveform.
duration : float or int
Length of the sound in seconds.
freqHz : float or int
Frequency of the tone in Hertz (Hz). Note that this differs from the
peak : float
Location of the peak between 0.0 and 1.0. If the peak is at 0.5, the
resulting wave will be triangular. A value of 1.0 will cause the
peak to be located at the very end of a cycle.
gain : float
Gain factor ranging between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is 0.8.
sampleRateHz : int
Samples rate of the audio for playback.
channels : int
Number of channels for the output.
samples = sawtone(duration, freqHz, peak, gain, sampleRateHz)
if channels > 1:
samples = np.tile(samples, (1, channels)).astype(np.float32)
return AudioClip(samples, sampleRateHz=sampleRateHz)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Speech synthesis methods
# These static methods are used to generate audio samples from text using
# text-to-speech (TTS) engines.
[docs] @staticmethod
def synthesizeSpeech(text, engine='gtts', synthConfig=None, outFile=None):
"""Synthesize speech from text using a text-to-speech (TTS) engine.
This method is used to generate audio samples from text using a
text-to-speech (TTS) engine. The synthesized speech can be used for
various purposes, such as generating audio cues for experiments or
creating audio instructions for participants.
This method returns an `AudioClip` object containing the synthesized
speech. The quality and format of the retured audio may vary depending
on the TTS engine used.
Please note that online TTS engines may require an active internet
connection to work. This also may send the text to a remote server for
processing, so be mindful of privacy concerns.
text : str
Text to synthesize into speech.
engine : str
TTS engine to use for speech synthesis. Default is 'gtts'.
synthConfig : dict or None
Additional configuration options for the specified engine. These
are specified using a dictionary (ex.
`synthConfig={'slow': False}`). These paramters vary depending on
the engine in use. Default is `None` which uses the default
configuration for the engine.
outFile : str or None
File name to save the synthesized speech to. This can be used to
save the audio to a file for later use. If `None`, the audio clip
will be returned in memory. If you plan on using the same audio
clip multiple times, it is recommended to save it to a file and load
it later.
Audio clip containing the synthesized speech.
Synthesize speech using the default gTTS engine::
import psychopy.sound as sound
voiceClip = sound.AudioClip.synthesizeSpeech(
'How are you doing today?')
Save the synthesized speech to a file for later use::
voiceClip = sound.AudioClip.synthesizeSpeech(
'How are you doing today?', outFile='/path/to/speech.mp3')
Synthesize speech using the gTTS engine with a specific language,
timeout, and top-level domain::
voiceClip = sound.AudioClip.synthesizeSpeech(
'How are you doing today?',
synthConfig={'lang': 'en', 'timeout': 10, 'tld': 'us'})
if engine not in ['gtts']:
raise ValueError('Unsupported TTS engine specified.')
synthConfig = {} if synthConfig is None else synthConfig
if engine == 'gtts': # google's text-to-speech engine
logging.info('Using Google Text-to-Speech (gTTS) engine.')
import gtts
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
'The gTTS package is required for speech synthesis.')
# set defaults for parameters if not specified
if 'timeout' not in synthConfig:
synthConfig['timeout'] = None
'The gTTS speech-to-text engine has been configured with '
'an infinite timeout. The application may stall if the '
'server is unresponsive. To set a timeout, specify the '
'`timeout` key in `synthConfig`.')
if 'lang' not in synthConfig: # language
synthConfig['lang'] = 'en'
"Language not specified, defaulting to '{}' for speech "
"synthesis engine.".format(synthConfig['lang']))
# check if the value is a valid language code
if synthConfig['lang'] not in gtts.lang.tts_langs():
raise ValueError('Unsupported language code specified.')
if 'tld' not in synthConfig: # top-level domain
synthConfig['tld'] = 'us'
"Top-level domain (TLD) not specified, defaulting to '{}' "
"for synthesis engine.".format(synthConfig['tld']))
if 'slow' not in synthConfig: # slow mode
synthConfig['slow'] = False
"Slow mode not specified, defaulting to '{}' for synthesis "
handle = gtts.gTTS(
except gtts.gTTSError as e:
raise AudioSynthesisError(
'Error occurred during speech synthesis: {}'.format(e))
# this is online and needs a download, so we'll save it to a file
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
# always returns an MP3 file
tmpfile = str(Path(tmpdir) / 'psychopy_tts_output.mp3')
# load audio clip samples to memory
toReturn = AudioClip.load(tmpfile)
# copy the file if we want to save it
import shutil
if outFile is not None:
shutil.copy(tmpfile, outFile)
return toReturn
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Audio editing methods
# Methods related to basic editing of audio samples (operations such as
# splicing clips and signal gain).
def __add__(self, other):
"""Concatenate two audio clips."""
assert other.sampleRateHz == self._sampleRateHz
assert other.channels == self.channels
newSamples = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.vstack((self._samples, other.samples)),
toReturn = AudioClip(
return toReturn
def __iadd__(self, other):
"""Concatenate two audio clips inplace."""
assert other.sampleRateHz == self._sampleRateHz
assert other.channels == self.channels
self._samples = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.vstack((self._samples, other.samples)),
return self
[docs] def append(self, clip):
"""Append samples from another sound clip to the end of this one.
The `AudioClip` object must have the same sample rate and channels as
this object.
clip : AudioClip
Audio clip to append.
This object with samples from `clip` appended.
Join two sound clips together::
# if either clip is empty, just replace it
if len(self.samples) == 0:
return clip
if len(clip.samples) == 0:
return self
assert self.channels == clip.channels
assert self._sampleRateHz == clip.sampleRateHz
self._samples = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.vstack((self._samples, clip.samples)),
# recompute the duration of the new clip
self._duration = len(self.samples) / float(self.sampleRateHz)
return self
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Create an independent copy of this `AudioClip`.
return AudioClip(
[docs] def gain(self, factor, channel=None):
"""Apply gain the audio samples.
This will modify the internal store of samples inplace. Clipping is
automatically applied to samples after applying gain.
factor : float or int
Gain factor to multiply audio samples.
channel : int or None
Channel to apply gain to. If `None`, gain will be applied to all
arrview = self._samples[:, :] \
if channel is None else self._samples[:, channel]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError('Invalid value for `channel`.')
# multiply and clip range
arrview *= float(factor)
arrview.clip(-1, 1)
[docs] def resample(self, targetSampleRateHz, resampleType='default',
equalEnergy=False, copy=False):
"""Resample audio to another sample rate.
This method will resample the audio clip to a new sample rate. The
method used for resampling can be specified using the `method` parameter.
targetSampleRateHz : int
New sample rate.
resampleType : str
Fitler (or method) to use for resampling. The methods available
depend on the packages installed. The 'default' method uses
`scipy.signal.resample` to resample the audio. Other methods require
the user to install `librosa` or `resampy`. Default is 'default'.
equalEnergy : bool
Make the output have similar energy to the input. Option not
available for the 'default' method. Default is `False`.
copy : bool
Return a copy of the resampled audio clip at the new sample rate.
If `False`, the audio clip will be resampled inplace. Default is
Resampled audio clip.
* Resampling audio clip may result in distortion which is exacerbated by
successive resampling.
* When using `librosa` for resampling, the `fix` parameter is set to
* The resampling types 'linear', 'zero_order_hold', 'sinc_best',
'sinc_medium' and 'sinc_fastest' require the `samplerate` package to
be installed in addition to `librosa`.
* Specifying either the 'fft' or 'scipy' method will use the same
resampling method as the 'default' method, howwever it will allow for
the `equalEnergy` option to be used.
Resample an audio clip to 44.1kHz::
Use the 'soxr_vhq' method for resampling::
snd.resample(44100, resampleType='soxr_vhq')
Create a copy of the audio clip resampled to 44.1kHz::
sndResampled = snd.resample(44100, copy=True)
Resample the audio clip to be playable on a certain device::
import psychopy.sound as sound
from psychopy.sound.audioclip import AudioClip
audioClip = sound.AudioClip.load('/path/to/audio.wav')
deviceSampleRateHz = sound.Sound().sampleRate
targetSampleRateHz = int(targetSampleRateHz) # ensure it's an integer
# sample rate is the same, return self
if targetSampleRateHz == self._sampleRateHz:
if copy:
return AudioClip(
logging.info('No resampling needed, sample rate is the same.')
return self # no need to resample
if resampleType == 'default': # scipy
import scipy.signal # hard dep, so we'll import here
# the simplest method to resample audio using the libraries we have
# already
nSamp = round(
len(self._samples) * float(targetSampleRateHz) /
newSamples = scipy.signal.resample(
self._samples, nSamp, axis=0)
if equalEnergy:
'The `equalEnergy` option is not available for the '
'default resampling method.')
elif resampleType in ('kaiser_best', 'kaiser_fast'): # resampy
import resampy
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
'The `resampy` package is required for this resampling '
'method ({}).'.format(resampleType))
newSamples = resampy.resample(
elif resampleType in ('soxr_vhq', 'soxr_hq', 'soxr_mq', 'soxr_lq',
'soxr_qq', 'polyphase', 'linear', 'zero_order_hold', 'fft',
'scipy', 'sinc_best', 'sinc_medium', 'sinc_fastest'): # librosa
import librosa
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
'The `librosa` package is required for this resampling '
'method ({}).'.format(resampleType))
newSamples = librosa.resample(
raise ValueError('Unsupported resampling method specified.')
"Resampled audio from {}Hz to {}Hz using method '{}'.".format(
self._sampleRateHz, targetSampleRateHz, resampleType))
if copy: # return a new object
return AudioClip(newSamples, sampleRateHz=targetSampleRateHz)
# inplace resampling, need to clear the old array since the shape may
# have changed
self._samples = newSamples
self._sampleRateHz = targetSampleRateHz
return self
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Audio analysis methods
# Methods related to basic analysis of audio samples, nothing too advanced
# but still useful.
[docs] def rms(self, channel=None):
"""Compute the root mean square (RMS) of the samples to determine the
average signal level.
channel : int or None
Channel to compute RMS (zero-indexed). If `None`, the RMS of all
channels will be computed.
ndarray or float
An array of RMS values for each channel if ``channel=None`` (even if
there is one channel an array is returned). If `channel` *was*
specified, a `float` will be returned indicating the RMS of that
single channel.
if channel is not None:
assert 0 < channel < self.channels
arr = self._samples if channel is None else self._samples[:, channel]
rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(arr), axis=0))
return rms if len(rms) > 1 else rms[0]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Properties
def samples(self):
"""Nx1 or Nx2 array of audio samples (`~numpy.ndarray`).
Values must range from -1 to 1. Values outside that range will be
clipped, possibly resulting in distortion.
return self._samples
def samples(self, value):
self._samples = np.asarray(value, dtype=float) # convert to array
self._samples.clip(-1., 1.) # do clipping to keep samples in range
# recompute duration after updating samples
self._duration = len(self._samples) / float(self._sampleRateHz)
def sampleRateHz(self):
"""Sample rate of the audio clip in Hz (`int`). Should be the same
value as the rate `samples` was captured at.
return self._sampleRateHz
def sampleRateHz(self, value):
self._sampleRateHz = int(value)
# recompute duration after updating sample rate
self._duration = len(self._samples) / float(self._sampleRateHz)
def duration(self):
"""The duration of the audio in seconds (`float`).
This value is computed using the specified sampling frequency and number
of samples.
return self._duration
def channels(self):
"""Number of audio channels in the clip (`int`).
If `channels` > 1, the audio clip is in stereo.
return self._samples.shape[1]
def isStereo(self):
"""`True` if there are two channels of audio samples.
Usually one for each ear. The first channel is usually the left ear, and
the second the right.
return not self.isMono # are we moving in stereo? ;)
def isMono(self):
"""`True` if there is only one channel of audio data.
return self._samples.shape[1] == 1
def userData(self):
"""User data associated with this clip (`dict`). Can be used for storing
additional data related to the clip. Note that `userData` is not saved
with audio files!
Adding fields to `userData`. For instance, we want to associated the
start time the clip was recorded at with it::
myClip.userData['date_recorded'] = t_start
We can access that field later by::
thisRecordingStartTime = myClip.userData['date_recorded']
return self._userData
def userData(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, dict)
self._userData = value
[docs] def convertToWAV(self):
"""Get a copy of stored audio samples in WAV PCM format.
Array with the same shapes as `.samples` but in 16-bit WAV PCM
return np.asarray(
self._samples * ((1 << 15) - 1), dtype=np.int16).tobytes()
[docs] def asMono(self, copy=True):
"""Convert the audio clip to mono (single channel audio).
copy : bool
If `True` an :class:`~psychopy.sound.AudioClip` containing a copy
of the samples will be returned. If `False`, channels will be
mixed inplace resulting in the same object being returned. User data
is not copied.
Mono version of this object.
samples = np.atleast_2d(self._samples) # enforce 2D
if samples.shape[1] > 1:
samplesMixed = np.atleast_2d(
np.sum(samples, axis=1, dtype=np.float32) / np.float32(2.)).T
samplesMixed = samples.copy()
if copy:
return AudioClip(samplesMixed, self.sampleRateHz)
self._samples = samplesMixed # overwrite
return self
[docs] def asStereo(self, copy=True):
"""Convert the audio clip to stereo (two channel audio).
copy : bool
If `True` an :class:`~psychopy.sound.AudioClip` containing a copy
of the samples will be returned. If `False`, channels will be
mixed inplace resulting in the same object being returned. User data
is not copied.
Stereo version of this object.
if self.channels == 2:
return self
samples = np.atleast_2d(self._samples) # enforce 2D
samples = np.hstack((samples, samples))
if copy:
return AudioClip(samples, self.sampleRateHz)
self._samples = samples # overwrite
return self
[docs] def transcribe(self, engine='whisper', language='en-US', expectedWords=None,
"""Convert speech in audio to text.
This function accepts an audio clip and returns a transcription of the
speech in the clip. The efficacy of the transcription depends on the
engine selected, audio quality, and language support.
Speech-to-text conversion blocks the main application thread when used
on Python. Don't transcribe audio during time-sensitive parts of your
experiment! Instead, initialize the transcriber before the experiment
begins by calling this function with `audioClip=None`.
engine : str
Speech-to-text engine to use.
language : str
BCP-47 language code (eg., 'en-US'). Note that supported languages
vary between transcription engines.
expectedWords : list or tuple
List of strings representing expected words or phrases. This will
constrain the possible output words to the ones specified which
constrains the model for better accuracy. Note not all engines
support this feature (only Sphinx and Google Cloud do at this time).
A warning will be logged if the engine selected does not support this
feature. CMU PocketSphinx has an additional feature where the
sensitivity can be specified for each expected word. You can
indicate the sensitivity level to use by putting a ``:`` after each
word in the list (see the Example below). Sensitivity levels range
between 0 and 100. A higher number results in the engine being more
conservative, resulting in a higher likelihood of false rejections.
The default sensitivity is 80% for words/phrases without one
config : dict or None
Additional configuration options for the specified engine. These
are specified using a dictionary (ex. `config={'pfilter': 1}` will
enable the profanity filter when using the `'google'` engine).
Transcription result.
* The recommended transcriber is OpenAI Whisper which can be used locally
without an internet connection once a model is downloaded to cache. It
can be selected by passing `engine='whisper'` to this function.
* Online transcription services (eg., Google) provide robust and accurate
speech recognition capabilities with broader language support than
offline solutions. However, these services may require a paid
subscription to use, reliable broadband internet connections, and may
not respect the privacy of your participants as their responses are
being sent to a third-party. Also consider that a track of audio data
being sent over the network can be large, users on metered connections
may incur additional costs to run your experiment. Offline
transcription services (eg., CMU PocketSphinx and OpenAI Whisper) do not
require an internet connection after the model has been downloaded and
* If the audio clip has multiple channels, they will be combined prior to
being passed to the transcription service if needed.
# avoid circular import
from psychopy.sound.transcribe import (
# get the active transcriber
transcriber = getActiveTranscriber()
if transcriber is None:
'No active transcriber, creating one now! If this happens in '
'a time sensitive part of your experiment, consider creating '
'the transcriber before the experiment begins by calling '
'`psychopy.sound.transcribe.setupTranscriber()` function.'
setupTranscriber(engine=engine, config=config)
transcriber = getActiveTranscriber() # get again
return transcriber.transcribe(
def load(filename, codec=None):
"""Load an audio clip from file.
filename : str
File name to load.
codec : str or None
Codec to use. If `None`, the format will be implied from the file name.
Audio clip containing samples loaded from the file.
# alias default names (so it always points to default.png)
if filename in ft.defaultStim:
filename = Path(prefs.paths['assets']) / ft.defaultStim[filename]
return AudioClip.load(filename, codec)
def save(filename, clip, codec=None):
"""Save an audio clip to file.
filename : str
File name to write audio clip to.
clip : AudioClip
The clip with audio samples to write.
codec : str or None
Format to save audio clip data as. If `None`, the format will be
implied from the extension at the end of `filename`.
clip.save(filename, codec)
if __name__ == "__main__":