# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 iSolver Software Solutions (C) 2021 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
import os
from . import ioHubConnection
from ..util import yload, yLoader, readConfig
from psychopy import logging
[docs]def launchHubServer(**kwargs):
Starts the ioHub Server subprocess, and return a
:class:`psychopy.iohub.client.ioHubConnection` object that is used to
access enabled iohub device's events, get events, and control the
ioHub process during the experiment.
By default (no kwargs specified), the ioHub server does not create an
ioHub HDF5 file, events are available to the experiment program at runtime.
The following Devices are enabled by default:
- Keyboard: named 'keyboard', with runtime event reporting enabled.
- Mouse: named 'mouse', with runtime event reporting enabled.
- Monitor: named 'monitor'.
- Experiment: named 'experiment'.
To customize how the ioHub Server is initialized when started, use
one or more of the following keyword arguments when calling the function:
experiment_code : str, <= 256 char
If experiment_code is provided, an ioHub HDF5 file will be created for the session.
session_code : str, <= 256 char
When specified, used as the name of the ioHub HDF5 file created for the session.
experiment_info : dict
Can be used to save the following experiment metadata fields:
code (<=256 chars), title (<=256 chars), description (<=4096 chars), version (<=32 chars)
session_info : dict
Can be used to save the following session metadata fields:
code (<=256 chars), name (<=256 chars), comments (<=4096 chars), user_variables (dict)
datastore_name : str
Used to provide an ioHub HDF5 file name different than the session_code.
window : :class:`psychopy.visual.Window`
The psychoPy experiment window being used. Information like display size, viewing distance,
coord / color type is used to update the ioHub Display device.
iohub_config_name : str
Specifies the name of the iohub_config.yaml file that contains the ioHub Device
list to be used by the ioHub Server. i.e. the 'device_list' section of the yaml file.
iohub.device.path : str
Add an ioHub Device by using the device class path as the key, and the device's configuration
in a dict value.
psychopy_monitor : (deprecated)
The path to a Monitor Center config file
A. Wait for the 'q' key to be pressed::
from psychopy.iohub.client import launchHubServer
# Start the ioHub process. 'io' can now be used during the
# experiment to access iohub devices and read iohub device events.
print("Press any Key to Exit Example.....")
# Wait until a keyboard event occurs
keys = io.devices.keyboard.waitForKeys(keys=['q',])
print("Key press detected: {}".format(keys))
print("Exiting experiment....")
# Stop the ioHub Server
Please see the psychopy/demos/coder/iohub/launchHub.py demo for examples
of different ways to use the launchHubServer function.
# if already running, return extant connection object
if ioHubConnection.ACTIVE_CONNECTION is not None:
return ioHubConnection.ACTIVE_CONNECTION
# otherwise, make a new one
experiment_code = kwargs.get('experiment_code', None)
if experiment_code:
del kwargs['experiment_code']
experiment_info = kwargs.get('experiment_info')
if experiment_info:
del kwargs['experiment_info']
for k, v in list(experiment_info.items()):
if k in ['code', 'title', 'description', 'version']:
experiment_info[k] = u"{}".format(v)
if experiment_info.get('code'):
experiment_code = experiment_info['code']
elif experiment_code:
experiment_info['code'] = experiment_code
elif experiment_code:
experiment_info = dict(code=experiment_code)
session_code = kwargs.get('session_code', None)
if session_code:
del kwargs['session_code']
session_info = kwargs.get('session_info')
if session_info:
del kwargs['session_info']
for k, v in list(session_info.items()):
if k in ['code', 'name', 'comments']:
session_info[k] = u"{}".format(v)
elif k == 'user_variables':
session_info[k] = v
if session_info.get('code'):
session_code = session_info['code']
elif session_code:
session_info['code'] = session_code
elif session_code:
session_info = dict(code=session_code)
session_info = {}
if experiment_code and not session_code:
# this means we should auto_generate a session code
import datetime
dtstr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M')
session_info['code'] = session_code = u"S_{0}".format(dtstr)
datastore_name = None
datastore_name = kwargs.get('datastore_name')
if datastore_name:
del kwargs['datastore_name']
elif session_code:
datastore_name = session_code
monitor_devices_config = None
iohub_conf_file_name = kwargs.get('iohub_config_name')
if iohub_conf_file_name:
# Load the specified iohub configuration file,
# converting it to apython dict.
with open(iohub_conf_file_name, 'r') as iohub_conf_file:
_temp_conf_read = yload(iohub_conf_file, Loader=yLoader)
monitor_devices_config = _temp_conf_read.get('monitor_devices')
del kwargs['iohub_config_name']
device_dict = {}
if monitor_devices_config:
device_dict = monitor_devices_config
if isinstance(device_dict, (list, tuple)):
tempdict_ = {}
for ddict in device_dict:
tempdict_[list(ddict.keys())[0]] = list(ddict.values())[0]
device_dict = tempdict_
# PsychoPy Window & Monitor integration
# Get default iohub display config settings for experiment
display_config = device_dict.get('Display', {})
if display_config:
del device_dict['Display']
# Check for a psychopy_monitor_name name
monitor_name = kwargs.get('psychopy_monitor_name', kwargs.get('monitor_name'))
if monitor_name:
if kwargs.get('psychopy_monitor_name'):
del kwargs['psychopy_monitor_name']
del kwargs['monitor_name']
window = kwargs.get('window')
if window:
kwargs['window'] = None
del kwargs['window']
# PsychoPy Window has been provided, so read all info needed for iohub Display from Window
if window.units:
display_config['reporting_unit_type'] = window.units
if window.colorSpace:
display_config['color_space'] = window.colorSpace
display_config['device_number'] = window.screen
if window.monitor.name == "__blank__":
logging.warning("launchHubServer: window.monitor.name is '__blank__'. "
"Create the PsychoPy window with a valid Monitor name.")
elif window.monitor.name:
display_config['psychopy_monitor_name'] = window.monitor.name
display_config['override_using_psycho_settings'] = True
if not window._isFullScr:
logging.warning("launchHubServer: If using the iohub mouse or eyetracker devices, fullScr should be True.")
elif monitor_name:
display_config['psychopy_monitor_name'] = monitor_name
display_config['override_using_psycho_settings'] = True
logging.warning("launchHubServer: Use of psychopy_monitor_name is deprecated. "
"Please use window= and provide a psychopy window that has a .monitor.")
device_list = []
def isFunction(func):
import types
return isinstance(func, types.FunctionType)
def func2str(func):
return '%s.%s' % (func.__module__, func.__name__)
def configfuncs2str(config):
for key, val in list(config.items()):
if isinstance(val, dict):
if isFunction(val):
config[key] = func2str(val)
# Add Display device as first in list of devices to be sent to iohub
# Ensure a Experiment, Keyboard, and Mouse Devices have been defined.
# If not, create them.
check_for_devs = ['Experiment', 'Keyboard', 'Mouse']
for adev_name in check_for_devs:
if adev_name not in device_dict:
device_list.append({adev_name: {}})
device_list.append({adev_name: device_dict[adev_name]})
del device_dict[adev_name]
iohub_config = dict()
def_ioconf = readConfig(os.path.join(IOHUB_DIRECTORY, u'default_config.yaml'))
# Add remaining defined devices to the device list.
for class_name, device_config in device_dict.items():
if class_name in def_ioconf:
# not a device, a top level iohub config param
iohub_config[class_name] = device_config
device_list.append({class_name: device_config})
# Create an ioHub configuration dictionary.
iohub_config['monitor_devices'] = device_list
if _DATA_STORE_AVAILABLE and (datastore_name or session_code):
# If datastore_name kwarg or experiment code has been provided,
# then enable saving of device events to the iohub datastore hdf5 file.
# If datastore_name kwarg was provided, it is used for the hdf5 file
# name, otherwise the session code is used. This avoids different
# experiments / sessions running in the same directory from using
# the same hdf5 file name.
if datastore_name is None:
datastore_name = session_code
parent_dir, datastore_name = os.path.split(datastore_name)
iohub_config['data_store'] = dict(enable=True,
if parent_dir:
iohub_config['data_store']['parent_dir'] = parent_dir
return ioHubConnection(iohub_config)