Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import os
import sys
import copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from psychopy import logging
from import (openOutputFile, genDelimiter,
from .utils import importConditions
from .base import _BaseTrialHandler, DataHandler

class TrialType(dict):
    """This is just like a dict, except that you can access keys with obj.key
    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        try:  # to get attr from dict in normal way (passing self)
            return dict.__getattribute__(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
                return self[name]
            except KeyError:
                msg = "TrialType has no attribute (or key) \'%s\'"
                raise AttributeError(msg % name)

[docs]class TrialHandler(_BaseTrialHandler): """Class to handle trial sequencing and data storage. Calls to .next() will fetch the next trial object given to this handler, according to the method specified (random, sequential, fullRandom). Calls will raise a StopIteration error if trials have finished. See The psydat file format is literally just a pickled copy of the TrialHandler object that saved it. You can open it with:: from import fromFile dat = fromFile(path) Then you'll find that `dat` has the following attributes that """ def __init__(self, trialList, nReps, method='random', dataTypes=None, extraInfo=None, seed=None, originPath=None, name='', autoLog=True): """ :Parameters: trialList: a simple list (or flat array) of dictionaries specifying conditions. This can be imported from an excel/csv file using :func:`` nReps: number of repeats for all conditions method: *'random',* 'sequential', or 'fullRandom' 'sequential' obviously presents the conditions in the order they appear in the list. 'random' will result in a shuffle of the conditions on each repeat, but all conditions occur once before the second repeat etc. 'fullRandom' fully randomises the trials across repeats as well, which means you could potentially run all trials of one condition before any trial of another. dataTypes: (optional) list of names for data storage. e.g. ['corr','rt','resp']. If not provided then these will be created as needed during calls to :func:`` extraInfo: A dictionary This will be stored alongside the data and usually describes the experiment and subject ID, date etc. seed: an integer If provided then this fixes the random number generator to use the same pattern of trials, by seeding its startpoint originPath: a string describing the location of the script / experiment file path. The psydat file format will store a copy of the experiment if possible. If `originPath==None` is provided here then the TrialHandler will still store a copy of the script where it was created. If `OriginPath==-1` then nothing will be stored. :Attributes (after creation): .data - a dictionary (or more strictly, a `DataHandler` sub- class of a dictionary) of numpy arrays, one for each data type stored .trialList - the original list of dicts, specifying the conditions .thisIndex - the index of the current trial in the original conditions list .nTotal - the total number of trials that will be run .nRemaining - the total number of trials remaining .thisN - total trials completed so far .thisRepN - which repeat you are currently on .thisTrialN - which trial number *within* that repeat .thisTrial - a dictionary giving the parameters of the current trial .finished - True/False for have we finished yet .extraInfo - the dictionary of extra info as given at beginning .origin - the contents of the script or builder experiment that created the handler """ = name self.autoLog = autoLog if trialList in (None, []): # user wants an empty trialList # which corresponds to a list with a single empty entry self.trialList = [None] # user has hopefully specified a filename elif isinstance(trialList, str) and os.path.isfile(trialList): # import conditions from that file self.trialList = importConditions(trialList) else: self.trialList = trialList # convert any entry in the TrialList into a TrialType object (with # obj.key or obj[key] access) for n, entry in enumerate(self.trialList): if type(entry) == dict: self.trialList[n] = TrialType(entry) self.nReps = int(nReps) self.nTotal = self.nReps * len(self.trialList) self.nRemaining = self.nTotal # subtract 1 each trial self.method = method self.thisRepN = 0 # records which repetition or pass we are on self.thisTrialN = -1 # records trial number within this repetition self.thisN = -1 self.thisIndex = 0 # index of current trial in the conditions list self.thisTrial = [] self.finished = False self.extraInfo = extraInfo self.seed = seed # create dataHandler = DataHandler(trials=self) if dataTypes != None:'ran')['ran'].mask = False # this is a bool; all entries are valid'order') # generate stimulus sequence if self.method in ['random', 'sequential', 'fullRandom']: self.sequenceIndices = self._createSequence() else: self.sequenceIndices = [] self.originPath, self.origin = self.getOriginPathAndFile(originPath) self._exp = None # the experiment handler that owns me! def __iter__(self): return self def __repr__(self): """prints a more verbose version of self as string """ return self.__str__(verbose=True) def __str__(self, verbose=False): """string representation of the object """ strRepres = '{}(\n'.format(self.__class__.__name__) attribs = dir(self) # data first, then all others try: data = except Exception: data = None if data: strRepres += str('\tdata=') strRepres += str(data) + '\n' method_string = "<class 'method'>" for thisAttrib in attribs: # can handle each attribute differently if method_string in str(type(getattr(self, thisAttrib))): # this is a method continue elif thisAttrib[0] == '_': # the attrib is private continue elif thisAttrib == 'data': # we handled this first continue elif len(str(getattr(self, thisAttrib))) > 20 and not verbose: # just give type of LONG public attribute strRepres += str('\t' + thisAttrib + '=') strRepres += str(type(getattr(self, thisAttrib))) + '\n' else: # give the complete contents of attribute strRepres += str('\t' + thisAttrib + '=') strRepres += str(getattr(self, thisAttrib)) + '\n' strRepres += ')' return strRepres
[docs] def _createSequence(self): """Pre-generates the sequence of trial presentations (for non-adaptive methods). This is called automatically when the TrialHandler is initialised so doesn't need an explicit call from the user. The returned sequence has form indices[stimN][repN] Example: sequential with 6 trialtypes (rows), 5 reps (cols), returns:: [[0 0 0 0 0] [1 1 1 1 1] [2 2 2 2 2] [3 3 3 3 3] [4 4 4 4 4] [5 5 5 5 5]] These 30 trials will be returned by .next() in the order: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, ... ... 3, 4, 5 To add a new type of sequence (as of v1.65.02): - add the sequence generation code here - adjust "if self.method in [ ...]:" in both __init__ and .next() - adjust allowedVals in -> shows up in DlgLoopProperties Note that users can make any sequence whatsoever outside of PsychoPy, and specify sequential order; any order is possible this way. """ # create indices for a single rep indices = np.asarray(self._makeIndices(self.trialList), dtype=int) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=self.seed) if self.method == 'random': sequenceIndices = [] for thisRep in range(self.nReps): thisRepSeq = rng.permutation(indices.flat).tolist() sequenceIndices.append(thisRepSeq) sequenceIndices = np.transpose(sequenceIndices) elif self.method == 'sequential': sequenceIndices = np.repeat(indices, self.nReps, 1) elif self.method == 'fullRandom': # indices*nReps, flatten, shuffle, unflatten; only use seed once sequential = np.repeat(indices, self.nReps, 1) # = sequential randomFlat = rng.permutation(sequential.flat) sequenceIndices = np.reshape( randomFlat, (len(indices), self.nReps)) if self.autoLog: msg = 'Created sequence: %s, trialTypes=%d, nReps=%i, seed=%s' vals = (self.method, len(indices), self.nReps, str(self.seed)) logging.exp(msg % vals) return sequenceIndices
[docs] def _makeIndices(self, inputArray): """ Creates an array of tuples the same shape as the input array where each tuple contains the indices to itself in the array. Useful for shuffling and then using as a reference. """ # make sure its an array of objects (can be strings etc) inputArray = np.asarray(inputArray, 'O') # get some simple variables for later dims = inputArray.shape dimsProd = np.product(dims) dimsN = len(dims) dimsList = list(range(dimsN)) listOfLists = [] # this creates space for an array of any objects arrayOfTuples = np.ones(dimsProd, 'O') # for each dimension create list of its indices (using modulo) for thisDim in dimsList: prevDimsProd = np.product(dims[:thisDim]) # NB this means modulus in python thisDimVals = np.arange(dimsProd) / prevDimsProd % dims[thisDim] listOfLists.append(thisDimVals) # convert to array indexArr = np.asarray(listOfLists) for n in range(dimsProd): arrayOfTuples[n] = tuple((indexArr[:, n])) return (np.reshape(arrayOfTuples, dims)).tolist()
def __next__(self): """Advances to next trial and returns it. Updates attributes; thisTrial, thisTrialN and thisIndex If the trials have ended this method will raise a StopIteration error. This can be handled with code such as:: trials = data.TrialHandler(.......) for eachTrial in trials: # automatically stops when done # do stuff or:: trials = data.TrialHandler(.......) while True: # ie forever try: thisTrial = except StopIteration: # we got a StopIteration error break #break out of the forever loop # do stuff here for the trial """ # update pointer for next trials self.thisTrialN += 1 # number of trial this pass self.thisN += 1 # number of trial in total self.nRemaining -= 1 if self.thisTrialN == len(self.trialList): # start a new repetition self.thisTrialN = 0 self.thisRepN += 1 if self.thisRepN >= self.nReps: # all reps complete self.thisTrial = [] self.finished = True if self.finished == True: self._terminate() # fetch the trial info if self.method in ('random', 'sequential', 'fullRandom'): self.thisIndex = self.sequenceIndices[ self.thisTrialN][self.thisRepN] self.thisTrial = self.trialList[self.thisIndex]'ran', 1)'order', self.thisN) if self.autoLog: msg = 'New trial (rep=%i, index=%i): %s' vals = (self.thisRepN, self.thisTrialN, self.thisTrial) logging.exp(msg % vals, obj=self.thisTrial) return self.thisTrial next = __next__ # allows user to call without a loop `val =`
[docs] def getCurrentTrial(self): """Returns the condition for the current trial, without advancing the trials. """ return self.trialList[self.thisIndex]
[docs] def getFutureTrial(self, n=1): """Returns the condition for n trials into the future, without advancing the trials. A negative n returns a previous (past) trial. Returns 'None' if attempting to go beyond the last trial. """ # check that we don't go out of bounds for either positive or negative if n > self.nRemaining or self.thisN + n < 0: return None seqs = np.array(self.sequenceIndices).transpose().flat condIndex = seqs[self.thisN + n] return self.trialList[condIndex]
[docs] def getEarlierTrial(self, n=-1): """Returns the condition information from n trials previously. Useful for comparisons in n-back tasks. Returns 'None' if trying to access a trial prior to the first. """ # treat positive offset values as equivalent to negative ones: return self.getFutureTrial(-abs(n))
[docs] def _createOutputArray(self, stimOut, dataOut, delim=None, matrixOnly=False): """Does the leg-work for saveAsText and saveAsExcel. Combines stimOut with ._parseDataOutput() """ if (stimOut == [] and len(self.trialList) and hasattr(self.trialList[0], 'keys')): stimOut = list(self.trialList[0].keys()) # these get added somewhere (by DataHandler?) if 'n' in stimOut: stimOut.remove('n') if 'float' in stimOut: stimOut.remove('float') lines = [] # parse the dataout section of the output dataOut, dataAnal, dataHead = self._createOutputArrayData(dataOut) if not matrixOnly: thisLine = [] lines.append(thisLine) # write a header line for heading in list(stimOut) + dataHead: if heading == 'ran_sum': heading = 'n' elif heading == 'order_raw': heading = 'order' thisLine.append(heading) # loop through stimuli, writing data for stimN in range(len(self.trialList)): thisLine = [] lines.append(thisLine) # first the params for this stim (from self.trialList) for heading in stimOut: thisLine.append(self.trialList[stimN][heading]) # then the data for this stim (from for thisDataOut in dataOut: # make a string version of the data and then format it tmpData = dataAnal[thisDataOut][stimN] replaceNone = False if hasattr(tmpData, 'tolist'): # is a numpy array strVersion = str(tmpData.tolist()) # for numeric data replace None with a blank cell if tmpData.dtype.kind not in 'SaUV': replaceNone = True strVersion = strVersion.replace('None', '') elif tmpData in [None, 'None']: strVersion = '' else: strVersion = str(tmpData) if strVersion == '()': # 'no data' in masked array should show as "--" strVersion = "--" # handle list of values (e.g. rt_raw ) if (len(strVersion) and strVersion[0] in '[(' and strVersion[-1] in '])'): strVersion = strVersion[1:-1] # skip first and last chars # handle lists of lists (e.g. raw of multiple key presses) if (len(strVersion) and strVersion[0] in '[(' and strVersion[-1] in '])'): if replaceNone: # Add None back so that the str is valid for eval strVersion = strVersion.replace('[,', '[None,') strVersion = strVersion.replace(', ,', ', None,') tup = eval(strVersion) # convert back to a tuple for entry in tup: # contents of each entry is a list or tuple so keep in # quotes to avoid probs with delim currentEntry = str(entry) if replaceNone: currentEntry = currentEntry.replace('None', '') thisLine.append(currentEntry) else: thisLine.extend(strVersion.split(',')) # add self.extraInfo if (self.extraInfo != None) and not matrixOnly: lines.append([]) # give a single line of space and then a heading lines.append(['extraInfo']) for key, value in list(self.extraInfo.items()): lines.append([key, value]) return lines
[docs] def _createOutputArrayData(self, dataOut): """This just creates the dataOut part of the output matrix. It is called by _createOutputArray() which creates the header line and adds the stimOut columns """ dataHead = [] # will store list of data headers dataAnal = dict([]) # will store data that has been analyzed if type(dataOut) == str: # don't do list convert or we get a list of letters dataOut = [dataOut] elif type(dataOut) != list: dataOut = list(dataOut) # expand any 'all' dataTypes to be full list of available dataTypes allDataTypes = list( # treat these separately later allDataTypes.remove('ran') # ready to go through standard data types dataOutNew = [] for thisDataOut in dataOut: if thisDataOut == 'n': # n is really just the sum of the ran trials dataOutNew.append('ran_sum') continue # no need to do more with this one # then break into dataType and analysis dataType, analType = thisDataOut.rsplit('_', 1) if dataType == 'all': dataOutNew.extend( [key + "_" + analType for key in allDataTypes]) if 'order_mean' in dataOutNew: dataOutNew.remove('order_mean') if 'order_std' in dataOutNew: dataOutNew.remove('order_std') else: dataOutNew.append(thisDataOut) dataOut = dataOutNew # sort so all datatypes come together, rather than all analtypes dataOut.sort() # do the various analyses, keeping track of fails (e.g. mean of a # string) dataOutInvalid = [] # add back special data types (n and order) if 'ran_sum' in dataOut: # move n to the first column dataOut.remove('ran_sum') dataOut.insert(0, 'ran_sum') if 'order_raw' in dataOut: # move order_raw to the second column dataOut.remove('order_raw') dataOut.append('order_raw') # do the necessary analysis on the data for thisDataOutN, thisDataOut in enumerate(dataOut): dataType, analType = thisDataOut.rsplit('_', 1) if not dataType in # that analysis can't be done dataOutInvalid.append(thisDataOut) continue thisData =[dataType] # set the header dataHead.append(dataType + '_' + analType) # analyse thisData using numpy module if analType in dir(np): try: # will fail if we try to take mean of a string for example if analType == 'std': thisAnal = np.std(thisData, axis=1, ddof=0) # normalise by N-1 instead. This should work by # setting ddof=1 but doesn't as of 08/2010 (because # of using a masked array?) N = thisData.shape[1] if N == 1: thisAnal *= 0 # prevent a divide-by-zero error else: sqrt = np.sqrt thisAnal = thisAnal * sqrt(N) / sqrt(N - 1) else: thisAnal = eval("np.%s(thisData,1)" % analType) except Exception: # that analysis doesn't work dataHead.remove(dataType + '_' + analType) dataOutInvalid.append(thisDataOut) continue # to next analysis elif analType == 'raw': thisAnal = thisData else: raise AttributeError('You can only use analyses from numpy') # add extra cols to header if necess if len(thisAnal.shape) > 1: for n in range(thisAnal.shape[1] - 1): dataHead.append("") dataAnal[thisDataOut] = thisAnal # remove invalid analyses (e.g. average of a string) for invalidAnal in dataOutInvalid: dataOut.remove(invalidAnal) return dataOut, dataAnal, dataHead
[docs] def saveAsWideText(self, fileName, delim=None, matrixOnly=False, appendFile=True, encoding='utf-8-sig', fileCollisionMethod='rename'): """Write a text file with the session, stimulus, and data values from each trial in chronological order. Also, return a pandas DataFrame containing same information as the file. That is, unlike 'saveAsText' and 'saveAsExcel': - each row comprises information from only a single trial. - no summarizing is done (such as collapsing to produce mean and standard deviation values across trials). This 'wide' format, as expected by R for creating dataframes, and various other analysis programs, means that some information must be repeated on every row. In particular, if the trialHandler's 'extraInfo' exists, then each entry in there occurs in every row. In builder, this will include any entries in the 'Experiment info' field of the 'Experiment settings' dialog. In Coder, this information can be set using something like:: myTrialHandler.extraInfo = {'SubjID': 'Joan Smith', 'Group': 'Control'} :Parameters: fileName: if extension is not specified, '.csv' will be appended if the delimiter is ',', else '.tsv' will be appended. Can include path info. delim: allows the user to use a delimiter other than the default tab ("," is popular with file extension ".csv") matrixOnly: outputs the data with no header row. appendFile: will add this output to the end of the specified file if it already exists. fileCollisionMethod: Collision method passed to :func:`` encoding: The encoding to use when saving a the file. Defaults to `utf-8-sig`. """ if self.thisTrialN < 0 and self.thisRepN < 0: # if both are < 1 we haven't started'TrialHandler.saveAsWideText called but no ' 'trials completed. Nothing saved') return -1 # set default delimiter if none given if delim is None: delim = genDelimiter(fileName) # create the file or send to stdout fileName = genFilenameFromDelimiter(fileName, delim) f = openOutputFile(fileName, append=appendFile, fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod, encoding=encoding) # collect parameter names related to the stimuli: if self.trialList[0]: header = list(self.trialList[0].keys()) else: header = [] # and then add parameter names related to data (e.g. RT) header.extend( # get the extra 'wide' parameter names into the header line: header.insert(0, "TrialNumber") # this is wide format, so we want fixed information # (e.g. subject ID, date, etc) repeated every line if it exists: if self.extraInfo is not None: for key in self.extraInfo: header.insert(0, key) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=header) # loop through each trial, gathering the actual values: dataOut = [] trialCount = 0 # total number of trials = number of trialtypes * number of # repetitions: repsPerType = {} entriesList = [] for rep in range(self.nReps): for trialN in range(len(self.trialList)): # find out what trial type was on this trial trialTypeIndex = self.sequenceIndices[trialN, rep] # determine which repeat it is for this trial if trialTypeIndex not in repsPerType: repsPerType[trialTypeIndex] = 0 else: repsPerType[trialTypeIndex] += 1 # what repeat are we on for this trial type? trep = repsPerType[trialTypeIndex] # create a dictionary representing each trial: nextEntry = {} # add a trial number so the original order of the data can # always be recovered if sorted during analysis: trialCount += 1 # now collect the value from each trial of vars in header: for prmName in header: # the header includes both trial and data variables, so # need to check before accessing: tti = trialTypeIndex if self.trialList[tti] and prmName in self.trialList[tti]: nextEntry[prmName] = self.trialList[tti][prmName] elif prmName in nextEntry[prmName] =[prmName][tti][trep] elif self.extraInfo != None and prmName in self.extraInfo: nextEntry[prmName] = self.extraInfo[prmName] else: # allow a null value if this parameter wasn't # explicitly stored on this trial: if prmName == "TrialNumber": nextEntry[prmName] = trialCount else: nextEntry[prmName] = '' # store this trial's data dataOut.append(nextEntry) # df = df.append(nextEntry, ignore_index=True) entriesList.append(nextEntry) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(entriesList)]) if not matrixOnly: # write the header row: nextLine = '' for prmName in header: nextLine = nextLine + prmName + delim # remove the final orphaned tab character f.write(nextLine[:-1] + '\n') # write the data matrix: for trial in dataOut: nextLine = '' for prmName in header: nextLine = nextLine + str(trial[prmName]) + delim # remove the final orphaned tab character nextLine = nextLine[:-1] f.write(nextLine + '\n') if f != sys.stdout: f.close()'saved wide-format data to %s' % # Converts numbers to numeric, such as float64, boolean to bool. # Otherwise they all are "object" type, i.e. strings # df = df.convert_objects() return df
[docs] def saveAsJson(self, fileName=None, encoding='utf-8', fileCollisionMethod='rename'): raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented for TrialHandler.')
[docs] def addData(self, thisType, value, position=None): """Add data for the current trial """, value, position=None) if self.getExp() != None: # update the experiment handler too self.getExp().addData(thisType, value)
class Trial(dict): def __init__(self, parent, thisN, thisRepN, thisTrialN, thisIndex, data=None): dict.__init__(self) # TrialHandler containing this trial self.parent = parent # state information about this trial self.thisN = thisN self.thisRepN = thisRepN self.thisTrialN = thisTrialN self.thisIndex = thisIndex # data for this trial if data is None: data = {} else: data = data.copy() = data def __repr__(self): return ( f"<Trial {self.thisN} ({self.thisTrialN} in rep {self.thisRepN}) " f"data={ {key: val for key,val in self.items()} }>" ) @property def data(self): # return self when getting data (so it's modified by modifying data) return self @data.setter def data(self, value: dict): # when setting data, clear self... self.clear() # ... and set each value from the given dict for key, val in value.items(): self[key] = val def getDict(self): """ Get this Trial as a dict. Returns ------- dict Dict containing information for this Trial. """ return { 'type': "trial_data", 'thisN': self.thisN, 'thisRepN': self.thisRepN, 'thisTrialN': self.thisTrialN, 'thisIndex': self.thisIndex, 'data': {key: val for key, val in self.items()}, } def getJSON(self): """ Serialize this Trial to a JSON format. Returns ------- str The results of Trial.getDict expressed as a JSON string """ return json.dumps( self.getDict() )
[docs]class TrialHandler2(_BaseTrialHandler): """Class to handle trial sequencing and data storage. Calls to .next() will fetch the next trial object given to this handler, according to the method specified (random, sequential, fullRandom). Calls will raise a StopIteration error if trials have finished. See The psydat file format is literally just a pickled copy of the TrialHandler object that saved it. You can open it with:: from import fromFile dat = fromFile(path) Then you'll find that `dat` has the following attributes that """ def __init__(self, trialList, nReps, method='random', dataTypes=None, extraInfo=None, seed=None, originPath=None, name='', autoLog=True): """ :Parameters: trialList: filename or a simple list (or flat array) of dictionaries specifying conditions nReps: number of repeats for all conditions method: *'random',* 'sequential', or 'fullRandom' 'sequential' obviously presents the conditions in the order they appear in the list. 'random' will result in a shuffle of the conditions on each repeat, but all conditions occur once before the second repeat etc. 'fullRandom' fully randomises the trials across repeats as well, which means you could potentially run all trials of one condition before any trial of another. dataTypes: (optional) list of names for data storage. e.g. ['corr','rt','resp']. If not provided then these will be created as needed during calls to :func:`` extraInfo: A dictionary This will be stored alongside the data and usually describes the experiment and subject ID, date etc. seed: an integer If provided then this fixes the random number generator to use the same pattern of trials, by seeding its startpoint. originPath: a string describing the location of the script / experiment file path. The psydat file format will store a copy of the experiment if possible. If `originPath==None` is provided here then the TrialHandler will still store a copy of the script where it was created. If `OriginPath==-1` then nothing will be stored. :Attributes (after creation): .data - a dictionary of numpy arrays, one for each data type stored .trialList - the original list of dicts, specifying the conditions .thisIndex - the index of the current trial in the original conditions list .nTotal - the total number of trials that will be run .nRemaining - the total number of trials remaining .thisN - total trials completed so far .thisRepN - which repeat you are currently on .thisTrialN - which trial number *within* that repeat .thisTrial - a dictionary giving the parameters of the current trial .finished - True/False for have we finished yet .extraInfo - the dictionary of extra info as given at beginning .origin - the contents of the script or builder experiment that created the handler """ = name self.autoLog = autoLog if trialList in [None, [None], []]: # user wants an empty trialList # which corresponds to a list with a single empty entry self.trialList = [None] self.columns = [] # user has hopefully specified a filename elif isinstance(trialList, str) and os.path.isfile(trialList): # import conditions from that file self.trialList, self.columns = importConditions( trialList, returnFieldNames=True) else: self.trialList = trialList self.columns = list(trialList[0].keys()) # convert any entry in the TrialList into a TrialType object (with # obj.key or obj[key] access) for n, entry in enumerate(self.trialList): if type(entry) == dict: self.trialList[n] = TrialType(entry) self.nReps = int(nReps) self.nTotal = self.nReps * len(self.trialList) self.nRemaining = self.nTotal # subtract 1 each trial self.remainingIndices = [] self.prevIndices = [] self.method = method self.extraInfo = extraInfo self.seed = seed self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) self._trialAborted = False # store a list of dicts, convert to pandas DataFrame on access self.elapsedTrials = [] self.upcomingTrials = None self.thisTrial = None self.originPath, self.origin = self.getOriginPathAndFile(originPath) self._exp = None # the experiment handler that owns me! def __iter__(self): return self def __repr__(self): """prints a more verbose version of self as string """ return self.__str__(verbose=True) def __str__(self, verbose=False): """string representation of the object """ strRepres = '{}(\n'.format(self.__class__.__name__) attribs = dir(self) # data first, then all others try: data = except Exception: strRepres += '\t(no data)\n' else: strRepres += str('\tdata=') strRepres += str(data) + '\n' method_string = "<class 'method'>" for thisAttrib in attribs: # can handle each attribute differently if method_string in str(type(getattr(self, thisAttrib))): # this is a method continue elif thisAttrib[0] == '_': # the attrib is private continue elif thisAttrib == 'data': # we handled this first continue elif (len(str(getattr(self, thisAttrib))) > 20 and not verbose): # just give type of LONG public attribute strRepres += str('\t' + thisAttrib + '=') strRepres += str(type(getattr(self, thisAttrib))) + '\n' else: # give the complete contents of attribute strRepres += str('\t' + thisAttrib + '=') strRepres += str(getattr(self, thisAttrib)) + '\n' strRepres += ')' return strRepres def __eq__(self, other): # We want to ignore the RNG object when doing the comparison. self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) other_copy = copy.deepcopy(other) del self_copy._rng, other_copy._rng result = super(TrialHandler2, self_copy).__eq__(other_copy) return result @property def data(self): """Returns a pandas DataFrame of the trial data so far Read only attribute - you can't directly modify Note that data are stored internally as a list of dictionaries, one per trial. These are converted to a DataFrame on access. """ return pd.DataFrame(self.elapsedTrials) def __next__(self): """Advances to next trial and returns it. Updates attributes; thisTrial, thisTrialN and thisIndex If the trials have ended this method will raise a StopIteration error. This can be handled with code such as:: trials = data.TrialHandler(.......) for eachTrial in trials: # automatically stops when done # do stuff or:: trials = data.TrialHandler(.......) while True: # ie forever try: thisTrial = except StopIteration: # we got a StopIteration error break # break out of the forever loop # do stuff here for the trial """ # mark previous trial as elapsed if self.thisTrial is not None: self.elapsedTrials.append(self.thisTrial) # if upcoming is None, recaculate if self.upcomingTrials is None: self.calculateUpcoming() # if upcoming is empty, finish if not self.upcomingTrials: self.finished = True self.thisTrial = None self._terminate() raise StopIteration # get first upcoming trial self.thisTrial = self.upcomingTrials.pop(0) # update data structure with new info self.addData('thisN', self.thisN) self.addData('thisTrialN', self.thisTrialN) self.addData('thisRepN', self.thisRepN) if self.autoLog: msg = 'New trial (rep=%i, index=%i): %s' vals = (self.thisRepN, self.thisTrialN, self.thisTrial) logging.exp(msg % vals, obj=self.thisTrial) # update experiment handler entry exp = self.getExp() if exp is not None: exp.updateEntryFromLoop(self) return self.thisTrial next = __next__ # allows user to call without a loop `val =` @property def thisIndex(self): if self.thisTrial is None: if len(self.elapsedTrials): return self.elapsedTrials[-1].thisIndex else: return -1 return self.thisTrial.thisIndex @property def thisN(self): if self.thisTrial is None: if len(self.elapsedTrials): return self.elapsedTrials[-1].thisN else: return -1 return self.thisTrial.thisN @property def thisTrialN(self): if self.thisTrial is None: if len(self.elapsedTrials): return self.elapsedTrials[-1].thisTrialN else: return -1 return self.thisTrial.thisTrialN @property def thisRepN(self): if self.thisTrial is None: if len(self.elapsedTrials): return self.elapsedTrials[-1].thisRepN else: return -1 return self.thisTrial.thisRepN
[docs] def calculateUpcoming(self, fromIndex=-1): """Rebuild the sequence of trial/state info as if running the trials Args: fromIndex (int, optional): the point in the sequnce from where to rebuild. Defaults to -1. """ # clear upcoming self.upcomingTrials = [] # start off at 0 trial thisTrialN = 0 thisN = 0 thisRepN = -1 # empty array to store indices once taken prevIndices = [] # empty array to store remaining indices remainingIndices = [] # iterate a while loop until we run out of trials while thisN < (self.nReps * len(self.trialList)): if not remainingIndices: # we've just started, or just starting a new repeat sequence = list(range(len(self.trialList))) if (self.method == 'fullRandom' and thisN < (self.nReps * len(self.trialList))): # we've only just started on a fullRandom sequence sequence *= self.nReps # NB permutation *returns* a shuffled array remainingIndices = list(self._rng.permutation(sequence)) elif (self.method in ('sequential', 'random') and thisRepN < self.nReps): thisTrialN = 0 thisRepN += 1 if self.method == 'random': self._rng.shuffle(sequence) # shuffle (is in-place) remainingIndices = list(sequence) else: # we've finished break if thisN < len(self.elapsedTrials): # trial has already happened - get its value thisTrial = self.elapsedTrials[thisN] # remove from remaining remainingIndices.pop(remainingIndices.index(thisTrial.thisIndex)) else: # fetch the trial info if len(self.trialList) == 0: thisIndex = 0 thisTrial = {} else: thisIndex = remainingIndices.pop(0) # if None then use empty dict thisTrial = self.trialList[thisIndex] or {} thisTrial = copy.copy(thisTrial) # make Trial object thisTrial = Trial( self, thisN=thisN, thisRepN=thisRepN, thisTrialN=thisTrialN, thisIndex=thisIndex, data=thisTrial ) # otherwise, append trial self.upcomingTrials.append(thisTrial) # for fullRandom check how many times this has come up before if self.method == 'fullRandom': thisTrial.thisRepN = prevIndices.count(thisTrial.thisIndex) # update prev indices prevIndices.append(thisTrial.thisIndex) # update pointer for next trials thisTrialN += 1 # number of trial this pass thisN += 1 # number of trial in total
[docs] def abortCurrentTrial(self, action='random'): """Abort the current trial. Calling this during an experiment replace this trial. The condition related to the aborted trial will be replaced elsewhere in the session depending on the `method` in use for sampling conditions. Parameters ---------- action : str Action to take with the aborted trial. Can be either of `'random'`, or `'append'`. The default action is `'random'`. Notes ----- * When using `action='random'`, the RNG state for the trial handler is not used. """ # clear this trial so it's not appended to elapsed self.thisTrial = None # clear upcoming trials so they're recalculated on next iteration self.upcomingTrials = None
@property def finished(self): """ Whether this loop has finished or not. Will be True if there are no upcoming trials and False if there are any. Set `.finished = True` to skip all remaining trials (equivalent to calling `.skipTrials()` with a value larger than the number of trials remaining) Returns ------- bool True if there are no upcoming trials, False otherwise. """ return not bool(self.upcomingTrials) @finished.setter def finished(self, value): # when setting finished to True, skip all remaining trials if value: self.upcomingTrials = [] else: self.calculateUpcoming()
[docs] def skipTrials(self, n=1): """ Skip ahead n trials - the trials inbetween will be marked as "skipped". If you try to skip past the last trial, will log a warning and skip *to* the last trial. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of trials to skip ahead """ # if skipping past last trial, print warning and skip to last trial if n > len(self.upcomingTrials): logging.warn( f"Requested skip of {n} trials when only {len(self.elapsedTrials)} trials are upcoming. " f"Skipping to the last upcoming trial." ) n = len(self.upcomingTrials) # iterate n times for i in range(n): # before iterating, add "skipped" to data self.addData("skipped", True) # advance row in data file if self.getExp() is not None: self.getExp().nextEntry() # iterate self.__next__()
[docs] def rewindTrials(self, n=1): """ Rewind back n trials - previously elapsed trials will return to being upcoming. If you try to rewind before the first trial, will log a warning and rewind *to* the first trial. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of trials to rewind back """ # treat -n as n n = abs(n) # if rewinding past first trial, print warning and rewind to first trial if n > len(self.elapsedTrials): logging.warn( f"Requested rewind of {n} trials when only {len(self.elapsedTrials)} trials have " f"elapsed. Rewinding to the first trial." ) n = len(self.elapsedTrials) # start with no trials rewound = [self.thisTrial] # pop the last n values from elapsed trials for i in range(n): rewound = [self.elapsedTrials.pop(-1)] + rewound # set thisTrial from first rewound value self.thisTrial = rewound.pop(0) # prepend rewound trials to upcoming array self.upcomingTrials = rewound + self.upcomingTrials
[docs] def getCurrentTrial(self): """ Returns the current trial (`.thisTrial`) Returns ------- Trial The current trial """ return self.thisTrial
[docs] def getAllTrials(self): """ Returns all trials (elapsed, current and upcoming) with an index indicating which trial is the current trial. Returns ------- list[Trial] List of trials, in order (oldest to newest) int Index of the current trial in this list """ return (self.elapsedTrials or []) + [self.thisTrial] + (self.upcomingTrials or []), len(self.elapsedTrials)
[docs] def getFutureTrial(self, n=1): """ Returns the condition for n trials into the future, without advancing the trials. Returns 'None' if attempting to go beyond the last trial. Returns ------- Trial or None Trial object for n trials into the future. """ # make sure n is an integer if isinstance(n, str) and n.isnumeric(): n = int(n) # return None if requesting beyond last trial if self.upcomingTrials is None or n > len(self.upcomingTrials): return None # return the corresponding trial from upcoming trials array return self.upcomingTrials[n-1]
[docs] def getFutureTrials(self, n=None, start=0): """ Returns Trial objects for a given range in the future. Will start looking at `start` trials in the future and will return n trials from then, so e.g. to get all trials from 2 in the future to 5 in the future you would use `start=2` and `n=3`. Parameters ---------- n : int, optional How many trials into the future to look, by default None. Leave as None to show all future trials start : int, optional How many trials into the future to start looking at, by default 0 Returns ------- list[Trial or None] List of Trial objects n long. Any trials beyond the last trial are None. """ # if there are no future trials, return a blank list if self.upcomingTrials is None: return [] # if None, get all future trials if n is None: n = len(self.upcomingTrials) - start # blank list to store trials in trials = [] # iterate through n trials for i in range(n): # add each to the list trials.append( self.getFutureTrial(start + i + 1) ) return trials
[docs] def getEarlierTrial(self, n=-1): """Returns the condition information from n trials previously. Useful for comparisons in n-back tasks. Returns 'None' if trying to access a trial prior to the first. """ # treat positive offset values as equivalent to negative ones: if n > 0: n = n * -1 # return None if requesting before first trial if self.upcomingTrials is None or abs(n) > len(self.upcomingTrials): return None # return the corresponding trial from elapsed trials array return self.elapsedTrials[n]
[docs] def _createOutputArray(self, stimOut, dataOut, delim=None, matrixOnly=False): """Does the leg-work for saveAsText and saveAsExcel. Combines stimOut with ._parseDataOutput() """ if (stimOut == [] and len(self.trialList) and hasattr(self.trialList[0], 'keys')): stimOut = list(self.trialList[0].keys()) # these get added somewhere (by DataHandler?) if 'n' in stimOut: stimOut.remove('n') if 'float' in stimOut: stimOut.remove('float') lines = [] # parse the dataout section of the output dataOut, dataAnal, dataHead = self._createOutputArrayData(dataOut) if not matrixOnly: thisLine = [] lines.append(thisLine) # write a header line for heading in list(stimOut) + dataHead: if heading == 'ran_sum': heading = 'n' elif heading == 'order_raw': heading = 'order' thisLine.append(heading) # loop through stimuli, writing data for stimN in range(len(self.trialList)): thisLine = [] lines.append(thisLine) # first the params for this stim (from self.trialList) for heading in stimOut: thisLine.append(self.trialList[stimN][heading]) # then the data for this stim (from for thisDataOut in dataOut: # make a string version of the data and then format it tmpData = dataAnal[thisDataOut][stimN] if hasattr(tmpData, 'tolist'): # is a numpy array strVersion = str(tmpData.tolist()) # for numeric data replace None with a blank cell if tmpData.dtype.kind not in ['SaUV']: strVersion = strVersion.replace('None', '') elif tmpData in [None, 'None']: strVersion = '' else: strVersion = str(tmpData) if strVersion == '()': # 'no data' in masked array should show as "--" strVersion = "--" # handle list of values (e.g. rt_raw ) if (len(strVersion) and strVersion[0] in '[(' and strVersion[-1] in '])'): strVersion = strVersion[1:-1] # skip first and last chars # handle lists of lists (e.g. raw of multiple key presses) if (len(strVersion) and strVersion[0] in '[(' and strVersion[-1] in '])'): tup = eval(strVersion) # convert back to a tuple for entry in tup: # contents of each entry is a list or tuple so keep in # quotes to avoid probs with delim thisLine.append(str(entry)) else: thisLine.extend(strVersion.split(',')) # add self.extraInfo if (self.extraInfo != None) and not matrixOnly: lines.append([]) # give a single line of space and then a heading lines.append(['extraInfo']) for key, value in list(self.extraInfo.items()): lines.append([key, value]) return lines
[docs] def _createOutputArrayData(self, dataOut): """This just creates the dataOut part of the output matrix. It is called by _createOutputArray() which creates the header line and adds the stimOut columns """ dataHead = [] # will store list of data headers dataAnal = dict([]) # will store data that has been analyzed if type(dataOut) == str: # don't do list convert or we get a list of letters dataOut = [dataOut] elif type(dataOut) != list: dataOut = list(dataOut) # expand any 'all' dataTypes to be full list of available dataTypes allDataTypes = list( # ready to go through standard data types dataOutNew = [] for thisDataOut in dataOut: if thisDataOut == 'n': # n is really just the sum of the ran trials dataOutNew.append('ran_sum') continue # no need to do more with this one # then break into dataType and analysis dataType, analType = thisDataOut.rsplit('_', 1) if dataType == 'all': dataOutNew.extend( [key + "_" + analType for key in allDataTypes]) if 'order_mean' in dataOutNew: dataOutNew.remove('order_mean') if 'order_std' in dataOutNew: dataOutNew.remove('order_std') else: dataOutNew.append(thisDataOut) dataOut = dataOutNew # sort so all datatypes come together, rather than all analtypes dataOut.sort() # do the various analyses, keeping track of fails (e.g. mean of a # string) dataOutInvalid = [] # add back special data types (n and order) if 'ran_sum' in dataOut: # move n to the first column dataOut.remove('ran_sum') dataOut.insert(0, 'ran_sum') if 'order_raw' in dataOut: # move order_raw to the second column dataOut.remove('order_raw') dataOut.append('order_raw') # do the necessary analysis on the data for thisDataOutN, thisDataOut in enumerate(dataOut): dataType, analType = thisDataOut.rsplit('_', 1) if not dataType in # that analysis can't be done dataOutInvalid.append(thisDataOut) continue thisData =[dataType] # set the header dataHead.append(dataType + '_' + analType) # analyse thisData using numpy module if analType in dir(np): try: # will fail if we try to take mean of a string for example if analType == 'std': thisAnal = np.std(thisData, axis=1, ddof=0) # normalise by N-1 instead. This should work by # setting ddof=1 but doesn't as of 08/2010 (because # of using a masked array?) N = thisData.shape[1] if N == 1: thisAnal *= 0 # prevent a divide-by-zero error else: sqrt = np.sqrt thisAnal = thisAnal * sqrt(N) / sqrt(N - 1) else: thisAnal = eval("np.%s(thisData,1)" % analType) except Exception: # that analysis doesn't work dataHead.remove(dataType + '_' + analType) dataOutInvalid.append(thisDataOut) continue # to next analysis elif analType == 'raw': thisAnal = thisData else: raise AttributeError('You can only use analyses from numpy') # add extra cols to header if necess if len(thisAnal.shape) > 1: for n in range(thisAnal.shape[1] - 1): dataHead.append("") dataAnal[thisDataOut] = thisAnal # remove invalid analyses (e.g. average of a string) for invalidAnal in dataOutInvalid: dataOut.remove(invalidAnal) return dataOut, dataAnal, dataHead
[docs] def saveAsWideText(self, fileName, delim=None, matrixOnly=False, appendFile=True, encoding='utf-8-sig', fileCollisionMethod='rename'): """Write a text file with the session, stimulus, and data values from each trial in chronological order. Also, return a pandas DataFrame containing same information as the file. That is, unlike 'saveAsText' and 'saveAsExcel': - each row comprises information from only a single trial. - no summarising is done (such as collapsing to produce mean and standard deviation values across trials). This 'wide' format, as expected by R for creating dataframes, and various other analysis programs, means that some information must be repeated on every row. In particular, if the trialHandler's 'extraInfo' exists, then each entry in there occurs in every row. In builder, this will include any entries in the 'Experiment info' field of the 'Experiment settings' dialog. In Coder, this information can be set using something like:: myTrialHandler.extraInfo = {'SubjID': 'Joan Smith', 'Group': 'Control'} :Parameters: fileName: if extension is not specified, '.csv' will be appended if the delimiter is ',', else '.tsv' will be appended. Can include path info. delim: allows the user to use a delimiter other than the default tab ("," is popular with file extension ".csv") matrixOnly: outputs the data with no header row. appendFile: will add this output to the end of the specified file if it already exists. fileCollisionMethod: Collision method passed to :func:`` encoding: The encoding to use when saving a the file. Defaults to `utf-8-sig`. """ if self.thisTrialN < 0 and self.thisRepN < 0: # if both are < 1 we haven't started'TrialHandler.saveAsWideText called but no ' 'trials completed. Nothing saved') return -1 # set default delimiter if none given if delim is None: delim = genDelimiter(fileName) # create the file or send to stdout fileName = genFilenameFromDelimiter(fileName, delim) with openOutputFile(fileName=fileName, append=appendFile, fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod, encoding=encoding) as f: csvData =, encoding=encoding, columns=self.columns, # sets the order header=(not matrixOnly), index=False) f.write(csvData) if (fileName is not None) and (fileName != 'stdout'):'saved wide-format data to %s' %
[docs] def saveAsJson(self, fileName=None, encoding='utf-8', fileCollisionMethod='rename'): """ Serialize the object to the JSON format. Parameters ---------- fileName: string, or None the name of the file to create or append. Can include a relative or absolute path. If `None`, will not write to a file, but return an in-memory JSON object. encoding : string, optional The encoding to use when writing the file. fileCollisionMethod : string Collision method passed to :func:``. Can be either of `'rename'`, `'overwrite'`, or `'fail'`. Notes ----- Currently, a copy of the object is created, and the copy's .origin attribute is set to an empty string before serializing because loading the created JSON file would sometimes fail otherwise. The RNG self._rng cannot be serialized as-is, so we store its state in self._rng_state so we can restore it when loading. """ self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) self_copy._rng_state = self_copy._rng.bit_generator.state del self_copy._rng r = (super(TrialHandler2, self_copy) .saveAsJson(fileName=fileName, encoding=encoding, fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod)) if fileName is None: return r
[docs] def addData(self, thisType, value): """Add a piece of data to the current trial """ # store in the columns list to help ordering later if thisType not in self.columns: self.columns.append(thisType) # make sure we have a thisTrial if self.thisTrial is None: if self.upcomingTrials: self.thisTrial = self.upcomingTrials.pop(0) else: self.thisTrial = Trial( self, thisN=0, thisRepN=0, thisTrialN=0, thisIndex=0, data={} ) # save the actual value in a data dict self.thisTrial[thisType] = value if self.getExp() is not None: # update the experiment handler too self.getExp().addData(f"{}.{thisType}", value)
[docs]class TrialHandlerExt(TrialHandler): """A class for handling trial sequences in a *non-counterbalanced design* (i.e. *oddball paradigms*). Its functions are a superset of the class TrialHandler, and as such, can also be used for normal trial handling. TrialHandlerExt has the same function names for data storage facilities. To use non-counterbalanced designs, all TrialType dict entries in the trial list must have a key called "weight". For example, if you want trial types A, B, C, and D to have 10, 5, 3, and 2 repetitions per block, then the trialList can look like: [{Name:'A', ..., weight:10}, {Name:'B', ..., weight:5}, {Name:'C', ..., weight:3}, {Name:'D', ..., weight:2}] For experimenters using an excel or csv file for trial list, a column called weight is appropriate for this purpose. Calls to .next() will fetch the next trial object given to this handler, according to the method specified (random, sequential, fullRandom). Calls will raise a StopIteration error when all trials are exhausted. *Authored by Suddha Sourav at BPN, Uni Hamburg - heavily borrowing from the TrialHandler class* """ def __init__(self, trialList, nReps, method='random', dataTypes=None, extraInfo=None, seed=None, originPath=None, name='', autoLog=True): """ :Parameters: trialList: a simple list (or flat array) of dictionaries specifying conditions. This can be imported from an excel / csv file using :func:`` For non-counterbalanced designs, each dict entry in trialList must have a key called weight! nReps: number of repeats for all conditions. When using a non-counterbalanced design, nReps is analogous to the number of blocks. method: *'random',* 'sequential', or 'fullRandom' When the weights are not specified: 'sequential' presents the conditions in the order they appear in the list. 'random' will result in a shuffle of the conditions on each repeat, but all conditions occur once before the second repeat etc. 'fullRandom' fully randomises the trials across repeats as well, which means you could potentially run all trials of one condition before any trial of another. In the presence of weights: 'sequential' presents each trial type the number of times specified by its weight, before moving on to the next type. 'random' randomizes the presentation order within block. 'fulLRandom' shuffles trial order across weights an nRep, that is, a full shuffling. dataTypes: (optional) list of names for data storage. e.g. ['corr','rt','resp']. If not provided then these will be created as needed during calls to :func:`` extraInfo: A dictionary This will be stored alongside the data and usually describes the experiment and subject ID, date etc. seed: an integer If provided then this fixes the random number generator to use the same pattern of trials, by seeding its startpoint originPath: a string describing the location of the script / experiment file path. The psydat file format will store a copy of the experiment if possible. If `originPath==None` is provided here then the TrialHandler will still store a copy of the script where it was created. If `OriginPath==-1` then nothing will be stored. :Attributes (after creation): .data - a dictionary of numpy arrays, one for each data type stored .trialList - the original list of dicts, specifying the conditions .thisIndex - the index of the current trial in the original conditions list .nTotal - the total number of trials that will be run .nRemaining - the total number of trials remaining .thisN - total trials completed so far .thisRepN - which repeat you are currently on .thisTrialN - which trial number *within* that repeat .thisTrial - a dictionary giving the parameters of the current trial .finished - True/False for have we finished yet .extraInfo - the dictionary of extra info as given at beginning .origin - the contents of the script or builder experiment that created the handler .trialWeights - None if all weights are not specified. If all weights are specified, then a list containing the weights of the trial types. """ = name self.autoLog = autoLog if trialList in (None, []): # user wants an empty trialList # which corresponds to a list with a single empty entry self.trialList = [None] # user has hopefully specified a filename elif isinstance(trialList, str) and os.path.isfile(trialList): # import conditions from that file self.trialList = importConditions(trialList) else: self.trialList = trialList # convert any entry in the TrialList into a TrialType object (with # obj.key or obj[key] access) for n, entry in enumerate(self.trialList): if type(entry) == dict: self.trialList[n] = TrialType(entry) self.nReps = nReps # Add Su if not trialList or not all('weight' in d for d in trialList): self.trialWeights = None self.nTotal = self.nReps * len(self.trialList) else: self.trialWeights = [d['weight'] for d in trialList] self.nTotal = self.nReps * sum(self.trialWeights) self.nRemaining = self.nTotal # subtract 1 each trial self.method = method self.thisRepN = 0 # records which repetition or pass we are on self.thisTrialN = -1 # records trial number within this repetition self.thisN = -1 self.thisIndex = 0 # index of current trial in the conditions list self.thisTrial = [] self.finished = False self.extraInfo = extraInfo self.seed = seed # create dataHandler if self.trialWeights is None: = DataHandler(trials=self) else: = DataHandler(trials=self, dataShape=[sum(self.trialWeights), nReps]) if dataTypes is not None:'ran')['ran'].mask = False # bool - all entries are valid'order') # generate stimulus sequence if self.method in ('random', 'sequential', 'fullRandom'): self.sequenceIndices = self._createSequence() else: self.sequenceIndices = [] self.originPath, self.origin = self.getOriginPathAndFile(originPath) self._exp = None # the experiment handler that owns me!
[docs] def _createSequence(self): """Pre-generates the sequence of trial presentations (for non-adaptive methods). This is called automatically when the TrialHandler is initialised so doesn't need an explicit call from the user. The returned sequence has form indices[stimN][repN] Example: sequential with 6 trialtypes (rows), 5 reps (cols), returns:: [[0 0 0 0 0] [1 1 1 1 1] [2 2 2 2 2] [3 3 3 3 3] [4 4 4 4 4] [5 5 5 5 5]] These 30 trials will be returned by .next() in the order: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, ... ... 3, 4, 5 Example: random, with 3 trialtypes, where the weights of conditions 0,1, and 2 are 3,2, and 1 respectively, and a rep value of 5, might return:: [[0 1 2 0 1] [1 0 1 1 1] [0 2 0 0 0] [0 0 0 1 0] [2 0 1 0 2] [1 1 0 2 0]] These 30 trials will be returned by .next() in the order: 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, ... ... 0, 2, 0 *stopIteration* To add a new type of sequence (as of v1.65.02): - add the sequence generation code here - adjust "if self.method in [ ...]:" in both __init__ and .next() - adjust allowedVals in -> shows up in DlgLoopProperties Note that users can make any sequence whatsoever outside of PsychoPy, and specify sequential order; any order is possible this way. """ # create indices for a single rep indices = np.asarray(self._makeIndices(self.trialList), dtype=int) repeat = np.repeat reshape = np.reshape rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=self.seed) if self.method == 'random': seqIndices = [] if self.trialWeights is None: thisRepSeq = indices.flat # take a fresh copy else: thisRepSeq = repeat(indices, self.trialWeights) for thisRep in range(self.nReps): seqIndices.append(rng.permutation(thisRepSeq)) seqIndices = np.transpose(seqIndices) elif self.method == 'sequential': if self.trialWeights is None: seqIndices = repeat(indices, self.nReps, 1) else: _base = repeat(indices, self.trialWeights, 0) seqIndices = repeat(_base, self.nReps, 1) elif self.method == 'fullRandom': if self.trialWeights is None: # indices * nReps, flatten, shuffle, unflatten; # only use seed once sequential = np.repeat(indices, self.nReps, 1) # = sequential randomFlat = rng.permutation(sequential.flat) seqIndices = np.reshape( randomFlat, (len(indices), self.nReps)) else: _base = repeat(indices, self.trialWeights, 0) sequential = repeat(_base, self.nReps, 1) randomFlat = rng.permutation(sequential.flat) seqIndices = reshape(randomFlat, (sum(self.trialWeights), self.nReps)) if self.autoLog: # Change msg = 'Created sequence: %s, trialTypes=%d, nReps=%d, seed=%s' vals = (self.method, len(indices), self.nReps, str(self.seed)) logging.exp(msg % vals) return seqIndices
def __next__(self): """Advances to next trial and returns it. Updates attributes; thisTrial, thisTrialN and thisIndex If the trials have ended this method will raise a StopIteration error. This can be handled with code such as:: trials = data.TrialHandler(.......) for eachTrial in trials: # automatically stops when done # do stuff or:: trials = data.TrialHandler(.......) while True: # ie forever try: thisTrial = except StopIteration: # we got a StopIteration error break # break out of the forever loop # do stuff here for the trial """ # update pointer for next trials self.thisTrialN += 1 # number of trial this pass self.thisN += 1 # number of trial in total self.nRemaining -= 1 if self.trialWeights is None: if self.thisTrialN == len(self.trialList): # start a new repetition self.thisTrialN = 0 self.thisRepN += 1 else: if self.thisTrialN == sum(self.trialWeights): # start a new repetition self.thisTrialN = 0 self.thisRepN += 1 if self.thisRepN >= self.nReps: # all reps complete self.thisTrial = [] self.finished = True if self.finished == True: self._terminate() # fetch the trial info if self.method in ('random', 'sequential', 'fullRandom'): if self.trialWeights is None: idx = self.sequenceIndices[self.thisTrialN] self.thisIndex = idx[self.thisRepN] self.thisTrial = self.trialList[self.thisIndex]'ran', 1)'order', self.thisN) else: idx = self.sequenceIndices[self.thisTrialN] self.thisIndex = idx[self.thisRepN] self.thisTrial = self.trialList[self.thisIndex]'ran', 1, position=self.getNextTrialPosInDataHandler()) # The last call already adds a ran to this trial, so get the # current pos now'order', self.thisN, position=self.getCurrentTrialPosInDataHandler()) if self.autoLog: msg = 'New trial (rep=%i, index=%i): %s' vals = (self.thisRepN, self.thisTrialN, self.thisTrial) logging.exp(msg % vals, obj=self.thisTrial) return self.thisTrial next = __next__ # allows user to call without a loop `val =`
[docs] def getCurrentTrialPosInDataHandler(self): # if there's no trial weights, then the current position is simply # [trialIndex, nRepetition] if self.trialWeights is None: repN = sum(self['ran'][self.trials.thisIndex]) - 1 position = [self.trials.thisIndex, repN] else: # if there are trial weights, the situation is slightly more # involved, because the same index can be repeated for a number # of times. If we had a sequential array, then the rows in # DataHandler for that trialIndex would be from # sum(trialWeights[begin:trialIndex]) to # sum(trialWeights[begin:trialIndex+1]). # if we haven't begun the experiment yet, then the last row # of the first column is used as the current position, # emulating what TrialHandler does. The following two lines # also prevents calculating garbage position values in case # the first row has a null weight if self.thisN < 0: return [0, -1] firstRowIndex = sum(self.trialWeights[:self.thisIndex]) lastRowIndex = sum(self.trialWeights[:self.thisIndex + 1]) # get the number of the trial presented by summing in ran for the # rows above and all columns # BF-Sourav-29032021: numpy returns float, so cast to int nThisTrialPresented = int(round(np.sum(['ran'][firstRowIndex:lastRowIndex, :]))) _tw = self.trialWeights[self.thisIndex] dataRowThisTrial = firstRowIndex + (nThisTrialPresented - 1) % _tw dataColThisTrial = int((nThisTrialPresented - 1) // _tw) position = [dataRowThisTrial, dataColThisTrial] return position
[docs] def getNextTrialPosInDataHandler(self): # if there's no trial weights, then the current position is # simply [trialIndex, nRepetition] if self.trialWeights is None: repN = sum(self['ran'][self.trials.thisIndex]) position = [self.trials.thisIndex, repN] else: # if there are trial weights, the situation is slightly more # involved, because the same index can be repeated for a # number of times. If we had a sequential array, then the # rows in DataHandler for that trialIndex would # be from sum(trialWeights[begin:trialIndex]) to # sum(trialWeights[begin:trialIndex+1]). firstRowIndex = sum(self.trialWeights[:self.thisIndex]) lastRowIndex = sum(self.trialWeights[:self.thisIndex + 1]) # get the number of the trial presented by summing in ran for the # rows above and all columns # BF-Sourav-29032021: numpy returns float, so cast to int nThisTrialPresented = int(round(np.sum(['ran'][firstRowIndex:lastRowIndex, :]))) _tw = self.trialWeights[self.thisIndex] dataRowThisTrial = firstRowIndex + nThisTrialPresented % _tw dataColThisTrial = int(nThisTrialPresented // _tw) position = [dataRowThisTrial, dataColThisTrial] return position
[docs] def addData(self, thisType, value, position=None): """Add data for the current trial """ if self.trialWeights is None: pos = None else: pos = self.getCurrentTrialPosInDataHandler(), value, position=pos) # change this! if self.getExp() is not None: # update the experiment handler too: self.getExp().addData(thisType, value)
[docs] def _createOutputArrayData(self, dataOut): """This just creates the dataOut part of the output matrix. It is called by _createOutputArray() which creates the header line and adds the stimOut columns """ if self.trialWeights is not None: # remember to use other array instead of _vals = np.arange(len(self.trialList)) idx_data = np.repeat(_vals, self.trialWeights) # list of data headers dataHead = [] # will store data that has been analyzed dataAnal = dict([]) if type(dataOut) == str: # don't do list convert or we get a list of letters dataOut = [dataOut] elif type(dataOut) != list: dataOut = list(dataOut) # expand any 'all' dataTypes to the full list of available dataTypes allDataTypes = list( # treat these separately later allDataTypes.remove('ran') # ready to go through standard data types dataOutNew = [] for thisDataOut in dataOut: if thisDataOut == 'n': # n is really just the sum of the ran trials dataOutNew.append('ran_sum') continue # no need to do more with this one # then break into dataType and analysis dataType, analType = thisDataOut.rsplit('_', 1) if dataType == 'all': keyType = [key + "_" + analType for key in allDataTypes] dataOutNew.extend(keyType) if 'order_mean' in dataOutNew: dataOutNew.remove('order_mean') if 'order_std' in dataOutNew: dataOutNew.remove('order_std') else: dataOutNew.append(thisDataOut) dataOut = dataOutNew # sort so that all datatypes come together, rather than all analtypes dataOut.sort() # do the various analyses, keeping track of fails (e.g. mean of a # string) dataOutInvalid = [] # add back special data types (n and order) if 'ran_sum' in dataOut: # move n to the first column dataOut.remove('ran_sum') dataOut.insert(0, 'ran_sum') if 'order_raw' in dataOut: # move order_raw to the second column dataOut.remove('order_raw') dataOut.append('order_raw') # do the necessary analysis on the data for thisDataOutN, thisDataOut in enumerate(dataOut): dataType, analType = thisDataOut.rsplit('_', 1) if not dataType in # that analysis can't be done dataOutInvalid.append(thisDataOut) continue if self.trialWeights is None: thisData =[dataType] else: # BF_202302210_trialHandlerExt_save_nonnumeric_excel # Allow saving non-numeric data to the excel format # Previous case: masked arrays for numeric data if[dataType]: resizedData = np.zeros((len(self.trialList), max(self.trialWeights) * self.nReps)), np.ones((len(self.trialList), max(self.trialWeights) * self.nReps), dtype=bool)) for curTrialIndex in range(len(self.trialList)): thisDataChunk =[dataType][ idx_data == curTrialIndex, :] padWidth = (max(self.trialWeights) * self.nReps - thisDataChunkRowPadded = np.pad( thisDataChunk.transpose().flatten().data, (0, padWidth), mode='constant', constant_values=(0, 0)) thisDataChunkRowPaddedMask = np.pad( thisDataChunk.transpose().flatten().mask, (0, padWidth), mode='constant', constant_values=(0, True)) thisDataChunkRow = thisDataChunkRowPadded, mask=thisDataChunkRowPaddedMask) resizedData[curTrialIndex, :] = thisDataChunkRow # For non-numeric data, Psychopy uses typical object arrays in- # stead of masked arrays. Adjust accordingly, filling with '--' # instead of masks else: resizedData = np.array(np.zeros((len(self.trialList), max(self.trialWeights) * self.nReps)), dtype='O') for curTrialIndex in range(len(self.trialList)): thisDataChunk =[dataType][ idx_data == curTrialIndex, :] padWidth = (max(self.trialWeights) * self.nReps - thisDataChunkRowPadded = np.pad( thisDataChunk.transpose().flatten().data, (0, padWidth), mode='constant', constant_values=('--', '--')) resizedData[curTrialIndex, :] = thisDataChunkRowPadded thisData = resizedData # set the header dataHead.append(dataType + '_' + analType) # analyse thisData using numpy module if analType in dir(np): try: # this will fail if we try to take mean of a string if analType == 'std': thisAnal = np.std(thisData, axis=1, ddof=0) # normalise by N-1 instead. This should work by # setting ddof=1 but doesn't as of 08/2010 # (because of using a masked array?) N = thisData.shape[1] if N == 1: thisAnal *= 0 # prevent a divide-by-zero error else: sqrt = np.sqrt thisAnal = thisAnal * sqrt(N) / sqrt(N - 1) else: thisAnal = eval("np.%s(thisData,1)" % analType) except Exception: # that analysis doesn't work dataHead.remove(dataType + '_' + analType) dataOutInvalid.append(thisDataOut) continue # to next analysis elif analType == 'raw': thisAnal = thisData else: raise AttributeError('You can only use analyses from numpy') # add extra cols to header if necess if len(thisAnal.shape) > 1: for n in range(thisAnal.shape[1] - 1): dataHead.append("") dataAnal[thisDataOut] = thisAnal # remove invalid analyses (e.g. average of a string) for invalidAnal in dataOutInvalid: dataOut.remove(invalidAnal) return dataOut, dataAnal, dataHead
[docs] def saveAsWideText(self, fileName, delim='\t', matrixOnly=False, appendFile=True, encoding='utf-8-sig', fileCollisionMethod='rename'): """Write a text file with the session, stimulus, and data values from each trial in chronological order. That is, unlike 'saveAsText' and 'saveAsExcel': - each row comprises information from only a single trial. - no summarizing is done (such as collapsing to produce mean and standard deviation values across trials). This 'wide' format, as expected by R for creating dataframes, and various other analysis programs, means that some information must be repeated on every row. In particular, if the trialHandler's 'extraInfo' exists, then each entry in there occurs in every row. In builder, this will include any entries in the 'Experiment info' field of the 'Experiment settings' dialog. In Coder, this information can be set using something like:: myTrialHandler.extraInfo = {'SubjID':'Joan Smith', 'Group':'Control'} :Parameters: fileName: if extension is not specified, '.csv' will be appended if the delimiter is ',', else '.txt' will be appended. Can include path info. delim: allows the user to use a delimiter other than the default tab ("," is popular with file extension ".csv") matrixOnly: outputs the data with no header row. appendFile: will add this output to the end of the specified file if it already exists. fileCollisionMethod: Collision method passed to :func:`` encoding: The encoding to use when saving a the file. Defaults to `utf-8-sig`. """ if self.thisTrialN < 0 and self.thisRepN < 0: # if both are < 1 we haven't started'TrialHandler.saveAsWideText called but no trials' ' completed. Nothing saved') return -1 # set default delimiter if none given if delim is None: delim = genDelimiter(fileName) # create the file or send to stdout fileName = genFilenameFromDelimiter(fileName, delim) f = openOutputFile(fileName=fileName, append=appendFile, fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod, encoding=encoding) # collect parameter names related to the stimuli: if self.trialList[0]: header = list(self.trialList[0].keys()) else: header = [] # and then add parameter names related to data (e.g. RT) header.extend( # loop through each trial, gathering the actual values: dataOut = [] trialCount = 0 # total number of trials = number of trialtypes * number of # repetitions: repsPerType = {} for rep in range(self.nReps): if self.trialWeights is None: nRows = len(self.trialList) else: nRows = sum(self.trialWeights) for trialN in range(nRows): # find out what trial type was on this trial trialTypeIndex = self.sequenceIndices[trialN, rep] # determine which repeat it is for this trial if trialTypeIndex not in repsPerType: repsPerType[trialTypeIndex] = 0 else: repsPerType[trialTypeIndex] += 1 # create a dictionary representing each trial: # this is wide format, so we want fixed information (e.g. # subject ID, date, etc) repeated every line if it exists: if self.extraInfo != None: nextEntry = self.extraInfo.copy() else: nextEntry = {} # add a trial number so the original order of the data can # always be recovered if sorted during analysis: trialCount += 1 nextEntry["TrialNumber"] = trialCount # what repeat are we on for this trial type? trep = repsPerType[trialTypeIndex] # collect the value from each trial of the vars in the header: tti = trialTypeIndex for prmName in header: # the header includes both trial and data variables, so # need to check before accessing: if self.trialList[tti] and prmName in self.trialList[tti]: nextEntry[prmName] = self.trialList[tti][prmName] elif prmName in if self.trialWeights is None: nextEntry[prmName] =[prmName][tti][trep] else: firstRowIndex = sum(self.trialWeights[:tti]) _tw = self.trialWeights[tti] row = firstRowIndex + rep % _tw col = int(rep // _tw) nextEntry[prmName] =[prmName][row][col] else: # allow a null value if this parameter wasn't # explicitly stored on this trial: nextEntry[prmName] = '' # store this trial's data dataOut.append(nextEntry) # get the extra 'wide' parameter names into the header line: header.insert(0, "TrialNumber") if self.extraInfo is not None: for key in self.extraInfo: header.insert(0, key) # write a header row: if not matrixOnly: f.write(delim.join(header) + '\n') # write the data matrix: for trial in dataOut: line = delim.join([str(trial[prm]) for prm in header]) f.write(line + '\n') if (fileName is not None) and (fileName != 'stdout'): f.close()'saved wide-format data to %s' %
[docs] def saveAsJson(self, fileName=None, encoding='utf-8', fileCollisionMethod='rename'): raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented for TrialHandlerExt.')

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