#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import pickle
import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
from packaging.version import Version
import psychopy
from psychopy import logging
from psychopy.tools.filetools import openOutputFile, genDelimiter
from psychopy.tools.fileerrortools import handleFileCollision
from psychopy.contrib.quest import QuestObject
from psychopy.contrib.psi import PsiObject
from .base import _BaseTrialHandler, _ComparisonMixin
from .utils import _getExcelCellName
from collections.abc import Iterable
except ImportError:
from collections import Iterable
# import openpyxl
import openpyxl
if Version(openpyxl.__version__) >= Version('2.4.0'):
# openpyxl moved get_column_letter to utils.cell
from openpyxl.utils.cell import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbook
haveOpenpyxl = True
except ImportError:
haveOpenpyxl = False
[docs]class StairHandler(_BaseTrialHandler):
"""Class to handle smoothly the selection of the next trial
and report current values etc.
Calls to next() will fetch the next object given to this
handler, according to the method specified.
See ``Demos >> ExperimentalControl >> JND_staircase_exp.py``
The staircase will terminate when *nTrials* AND *nReversals* have
been exceeded. If *stepSizes* was an array and has been exceeded
before nTrials is exceeded then the staircase will continue
to reverse.
*nUp* and *nDown* are always considered as 1 until the first reversal
is reached. The values entered as arguments are then used.
def __init__(self,
stepSizes=4, # dB stepsize
nDown=3, # correct responses before stim goes down
The initial value for the staircase.
The minimum number of reversals permitted.
If `stepSizes` is a list, but the minimum number of
reversals to perform, `nReversals`, is less than the
length of this list, PsychoPy will automatically increase
the minimum number of reversals and emit a warning.
This minimum number of reversals is always set to be
greater than 0.
The size of steps as a single value or a list (or array).
For a single value the step size is fixed. For an array or
list the step size will progress to the next entry
at each reversal.
The minimum number of trials to be conducted. If the
staircase has not reached the required number of reversals
then it will continue.
The number of 'incorrect' (or 0) responses before the
staircase level increases.
The number of 'correct' (or 1) responses before the
staircase level decreases.
applyInitialRule : bool
Whether to apply a 1-up/1-down rule until the first reversal
point (if `True`), before switching to the specified up/down
A dictionary (typically) that will be stored along with
collected data using
:func:`~psychopy.data.StairHandler.saveAsPickle` or
:func:`~psychopy.data.StairHandler.saveAsText` methods.
Not used and may be deprecated in future releases.
stepType: *'db'*, 'lin', 'log'
The type of steps that should be taken each time. 'lin'
will simply add or subtract that amount each step, 'db'
and 'log' will step by a certain number of decibels or
log units (note that this will prevent your value ever
reaching zero or less)
minVal: *None*, or a number
The smallest legal value for the staircase, which can be
used to prevent it reaching impossible contrast values,
for instance.
maxVal: *None*, or a number
The largest legal value for the staircase, which can be
used to prevent it reaching impossible contrast values,
for instance.
Additional keyword arguments will be ignored.
The additional keyword arguments `**kwargs` might for example be
passed by the `MultiStairHandler`, which expects a `label` keyword
for each staircase. These parameters are to be ignored by the
self.name = name
self.startVal = startVal
self.nUp = nUp
self.nDown = nDown
self.applyInitialRule = applyInitialRule
self.extraInfo = extraInfo
self.method = method
self.stepType = stepType
self.stepSizes = list(stepSizes)
except TypeError:
# stepSizes is not array-like / iterable, i.e., a scalar.
self.stepSizes = [stepSizes]
self._variableStep = True if len(self.stepSizes) > 1 else False
self.stepSizeCurrent = self.stepSizes[0]
if nReversals is None:
self.nReversals = len(self.stepSizes)
elif len(self.stepSizes) > nReversals:
msg = ('Increasing number of minimum required reversals to the '
'number of step sizes, (%i).' % len(self.stepSizes))
self.nReversals = len(self.stepSizes)
self.nReversals = nReversals
# to terminate the nTrials must be exceeded and either
self.nTrials = nTrials
self.finished = False
self.thisTrialN = -1
# a dict of lists where each should have the same length as the main
# data:
self.otherData = {}
self.data = []
self.intensities = []
self.reversalPoints = []
self.reversalIntensities = []
# initially it goes down but on every step:
self.currentDirection = 'start'
# correct since last stim change (minus are incorrect):
self.correctCounter = 0
self.intensity = self.startVal
self.minVal = minVal
self.maxVal = maxVal
self.autoLog = autoLog
# a flag for the 1-up 1-down initial rule:
self.initialRule = False
# self.originPath and self.origin (the contents of the origin file)
self.originPath, self.origin = self.getOriginPathAndFile(originPath)
self._exp = None # the experiment handler that owns me!
def __iter__(self):
return self
def intensity(self):
"""The intensity (level) of the current staircase"""
return self._nextIntensity
def intensity(self, intensity):
"""The intensity (level) of the current staircase"""
self._nextIntensity = intensity
[docs] def addResponse(self, result, intensity=None):
"""Add a 1 or 0 to signify a correct / detected or
incorrect / missed trial.
This is essential to advance the staircase to a new intensity level!
Supplying an `intensity` value here indicates that you did not use
the recommended intensity in your last trial and the staircase will
replace its recorded value with the one you supplied here.
# if needed replace the existing intensity with this custom one
if intensity != None:
# increment the counter of correct scores
if result == 1:
if len(self.data) > 1 and self.data[-2] == result:
# increment if on a run
self.correctCounter += 1
# or reset
self.correctCounter = 1
if len(self.data) > 1 and self.data[-2] == result:
# increment if on a run
self.correctCounter -= 1
# or reset
self.correctCounter = -1
# add the current data to experiment if poss
if self.getExp() is not None: # update the experiment handler too
self.getExp().addData(self.name + ".response", result)
[docs] def addOtherData(self, dataName, value):
"""Add additional data to the handler, to be tracked alongside
the result data but not affecting the value of the staircase
if not dataName in self.otherData: # init the list
if self.thisTrialN > 0:
# might have run trials already
self.otherData[dataName] = [None] * (self.thisTrialN - 1)
self.otherData[dataName] = []
# then add current value
# add the current data to experiment if poss
if self.getExp() != None: # update the experiment handler too
self.getExp().addData(dataName, value)
[docs] def addData(self, result, intensity=None):
"""Deprecated since 1.79.00: This function name was ambiguous.
Please use one of these instead:
* .addResponse(result, intensity)
* .addOtherData('dataName', value')
self.addResponse(result, intensity)
[docs] def calculateNextIntensity(self):
"""Based on current intensity, counter of correct responses, and
current direction.
if not self.reversalIntensities and self.applyInitialRule:
# always using a 1-down, 1-up rule initially
if self.data[-1] == 1: # last answer correct
# got it right
if self.currentDirection == 'up':
reversal = True
# direction is 'down' or 'start'
reversal = False
self.currentDirection = 'down'
# got it wrong
if self.currentDirection == 'down':
reversal = True
# direction is 'up' or 'start'
reversal = False
# now:
self.currentDirection = 'up'
elif self.correctCounter >= self.nDown:
# n right, time to go down!
# 'start' covers `applyInitialRule=False`.
if self.currentDirection not in ['start', 'down']:
reversal = True
reversal = False
self.currentDirection = 'down'
elif self.correctCounter <= -self.nUp:
# n wrong, time to go up!
# note current direction
# 'start' covers `applyInitialRule=False`.
if self.currentDirection not in ['start', 'up']:
reversal = True
reversal = False
self.currentDirection = 'up'
# same as previous trial
reversal = False
# add reversal info
if reversal:
if not self.reversalIntensities and self.applyInitialRule:
self.initialRule = True
# test if we're done
if (len(self.reversalIntensities) >= self.nReversals and
len(self.intensities) >= self.nTrials):
self.finished = True
# new step size if necessary
if reversal and self._variableStep:
if len(self.reversalIntensities) >= len(self.stepSizes):
# we've gone beyond the list of step sizes
# so just use the last one
self.stepSizeCurrent = self.stepSizes[-1]
_sz = len(self.reversalIntensities)
self.stepSizeCurrent = self.stepSizes[_sz]
# apply new step size
if ((not self.reversalIntensities or self.initialRule) and
self.initialRule = False # reset the flag
if self.data[-1] == 1:
elif self.correctCounter >= self.nDown:
# n right, so going down
elif self.correctCounter <= -self.nUp:
# n wrong, so going up
def __next__(self):
"""Advances to next trial and returns it.
Updates attributes; `thisTrial`, `thisTrialN` and `thisIndex`.
If the trials have ended, calling this method will raise a
StopIteration error. This can be handled with code such as::
staircase = data.StairHandler(.......)
for eachTrial in staircase: # automatically stops when done
# do stuff
staircase = data.StairHandler(.......)
while True: # ie forever
thisTrial = staircase.next()
except StopIteration: # we got a StopIteration error
break # break out of the forever loop
# do stuff here for the trial
if not self.finished:
# check that all 'otherData' is aligned with current trialN
for key in self.otherData:
while len(self.otherData[key]) < self.thisTrialN:
# update pointer for next trial
self.thisTrialN += 1
return self._nextIntensity
next = __next__ # allows user to call without a loop `val = trials.next()`
[docs] def _intensityInc(self):
"""increment the current intensity and reset counter
if self.stepType == 'db':
self._nextIntensity *= 10.0**(self.stepSizeCurrent/20.0)
elif self.stepType == 'log':
self._nextIntensity *= 10.0**self.stepSizeCurrent
elif self.stepType == 'lin':
self._nextIntensity += self.stepSizeCurrent
# check we haven't gone out of the legal range
if (self.maxVal is not None) and (self._nextIntensity > self.maxVal):
self._nextIntensity = self.maxVal
self.correctCounter = 0
[docs] def _intensityDec(self):
"""decrement the current intensity and reset counter
if self.stepType == 'db':
self._nextIntensity /= 10.0**(self.stepSizeCurrent/20.0)
if self.stepType == 'log':
self._nextIntensity /= 10.0**self.stepSizeCurrent
elif self.stepType == 'lin':
self._nextIntensity -= self.stepSizeCurrent
self.correctCounter = 0
# check we haven't gone out of the legal range
if (self.minVal is not None) and (self._nextIntensity < self.minVal):
self._nextIntensity = self.minVal
[docs] def saveAsText(self, fileName,
"""Write a text file with the data
fileName: a string
The name of the file, including path if needed. The extension
`.tsv` will be added if not included.
delim: a string
the delimitter to be used (e.g. '\t' for tab-delimitted,
',' for csv files)
matrixOnly: True/False
If True, prevents the output of the `extraInfo` provided
at initialisation.
Collision method passed to
The encoding to use when saving a the file.
Defaults to `utf-8-sig`.
if self.thisTrialN < 1:
if self.autoLog:
logging.debug('StairHandler.saveAsText called but no '
'trials completed. Nothing saved')
return -1
# set default delimiter if none given
if delim is None:
delim = genDelimiter(fileName)
# create the file or send to stdout
f = openOutputFile(
fileName, append=False,
fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod, encoding=encoding)
# write the data
reversalStr = str(self.reversalIntensities)
reversalStr = reversalStr.replace(',', delim)
reversalStr = reversalStr.replace('[', '')
reversalStr = reversalStr.replace(']', '')
f.write('\nreversalIntensities=\t%s\n' % reversalStr)
reversalPts = str(self.reversalPoints)
reversalPts = reversalPts.replace(',', delim)
reversalPts = reversalPts.replace('[', '')
reversalPts = reversalPts.replace(']', '')
f.write('reversalIndices=\t%s\n' % reversalPts)
rawIntens = str(self.intensities)
rawIntens = rawIntens.replace(',', delim)
rawIntens = rawIntens.replace('[', '')
rawIntens = rawIntens.replace(']', '')
f.write('\nintensities=\t%s\n' % rawIntens)
responses = str(self.data)
responses = responses.replace(',', delim)
responses = responses.replace('[', '')
responses = responses.replace(']', '')
f.write('responses=\t%s\n' % responses)
# add self.extraInfo
if self.extraInfo is not None and not matrixOnly:
strInfo = str(self.extraInfo)
# dict begins and ends with {} - remove
# strInfo.replace('{','')
# strInfo = strInfo.replace('}','')
strInfo = strInfo[1:-1]
# separate value from keyname
strInfo = strInfo.replace(strInfo, ': ', ':\n')
# separate values from each other
strInfo = strInfo.replace(',', '\n')
strInfo = strInfo.replace('array([ ', '')
strInfo = strInfo.replace('])', '')
f.write('\n%s\n' % strInfo)
if f != sys.stdout:
if self.autoLog:
logging.info('saved data to %s' % f.name)
[docs] def saveAsExcel(self, fileName, sheetName='data',
matrixOnly=False, appendFile=True,
"""Save a summary data file in Excel OpenXML format workbook
(:term:`xlsx`) for processing in most spreadsheet packages.
This format is compatible with versions of Excel (2007 or greater)
and and with OpenOffice (>=3.0).
It has the advantage over the simpler text files
(see :func:`TrialHandler.saveAsText()` ) that data can be stored
in multiple named sheets within the file. So you could have a
single file named after your experiment and then have one worksheet
for each participant. Or you could have one file for each participant
and then multiple sheets for repeated sessions etc.
The file extension `.xlsx` will be added if not given already.
The file will contain a set of values specifying the staircase level
('intensity') at each reversal, a list of reversal indices
(trial numbers), the raw staircase / intensity level on *every*
trial and the corresponding responses of the participant on every
fileName: string
the name of the file to create or append. Can include
relative or absolute path.
sheetName: string
the name of the worksheet within the file
matrixOnly: True or False
If set to True then only the data itself will be output
(no additional info)
appendFile: True or False
If False any existing file with this name will be
overwritten. If True then a new worksheet will be appended.
If a worksheet already exists with that name a number will
be added to make it unique.
fileCollisionMethod: string
Collision method passed to
This is ignored if ``appendFile`` is ``True``.
if self.thisTrialN < 1:
if self.autoLog:
logging.debug('StairHandler.saveAsExcel called but no '
'trials completed. Nothing saved')
return -1
# NB this was based on the limited documentation for openpyxl v1.0
if not haveOpenpyxl:
raise ImportError('openpyxl is required for saving files in '
'Excel (xlsx) format, but was not found.')
# return -1
# import necessary subpackages - they are small so won't matter to do
# it here
from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbook
if not fileName.endswith('.xlsx'):
fileName += '.xlsx'
# create or load the file
if appendFile and os.path.isfile(fileName):
wb = load_workbook(fileName)
newWorkbook = False
if not appendFile:
# the file exists but we're not appending, will be overwritten
fileName = handleFileCollision(fileName,
wb = Workbook()
wb.properties.creator = 'PsychoPy' + psychopy.__version__
newWorkbook = True
if newWorkbook:
ws = wb.worksheets[0]
ws.title = sheetName
ws = wb.create_sheet()
ws.title = sheetName
# write the data
# reversals data
ws['A1'] = 'Reversal Intensities'
ws['B1'] = 'Reversal Indices'
for revN, revIntens in enumerate(self.reversalIntensities):
ws.cell(column=1, row=revN+2,
ws.cell(column=2, row=revN+2,
# trials data
ws['C1'] = 'All Intensities'
ws['D1'] = 'All Responses'
for intenN, intensity in enumerate(self.intensities):
ws.cell(column=3, row=intenN+2,
ws.cell(column=4, row=intenN+2,
# add other data
col = 5
if self.otherData is not None:
# for varName in self.otherData:
for key, val in list(self.otherData.items()):
ws.cell(column=col, row=1,
for oDatN in range(len(self.otherData[key])):
ws.cell(column=col, row=oDatN+2,
col += 1
# add self.extraInfo
if self.extraInfo is not None and not matrixOnly:
ws.cell(column=col, row=1,
rowN = 2
for key, val in list(self.extraInfo.items()):
ws.cell(column=col, row=rowN,
_cell = _getExcelCellName(col=col+1, row=rowN)
ws.cell(column=col+2, row=rowN+1,
rowN += 1
if self.autoLog:
logging.info('saved data to %s' % fileName)
[docs] def saveAsPickle(self, fileName, fileCollisionMethod='rename'):
"""Basically just saves a copy of self (with data) to a pickle file.
This can be reloaded if necessary and further analyses carried out.
fileCollisionMethod: Collision method passed to
if self.thisTrialN < 1:
if self.autoLog:
logging.debug('StairHandler.saveAsPickle called but no '
'trials completed. Nothing saved')
return -1
# otherwise use default location
if not fileName.endswith('.psydat'):
fileName += '.psydat'
with openOutputFile(fileName=fileName, append=False,
fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod) as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
if (fileName is not None) and (fileName != 'stdout'):
logging.info('saved data to %s' % f.name)
class QuestObject_(QuestObject, _ComparisonMixin):
"""A QuestObject that implements the == and != operators.
[docs]class QuestHandler(StairHandler):
r"""Class that implements the Quest algorithm for quick measurement of
psychophysical thresholds.
Uses Andrew Straw's `QUEST <http://www.visionegg.org/Quest>`_, which is a
Python port of Denis Pelli's Matlab code.
Measures threshold using a Weibull psychometric function. Currently, it is
not possible to use a different psychometric function.
The Weibull psychometric function is given by the formula
:math:`\Psi(x) = \delta \gamma + (1 - \delta) [1 - (1 - \gamma)\, \exp(-10^{\\beta (x - T + \epsilon)})]`
Here, :math:`x` is an intensity or a contrast (in log10 units), and :math:`T` is estimated threshold.
Quest internally shifts the psychometric function such that intensity at the user-specified
threshold performance level ``pThreshold`` (e.g., 50% in a yes-no or 75% in a 2-AFC task) is euqal to 0.
The parameter :math:`\epsilon` is responsible for this shift, and is determined automatically based on the
specified ``pThreshold`` value. It is the parameter Watson & Pelli (1983) introduced to perform measurements
at the "optimal sweat factor". Assuming your ``QuestHandler`` instance is called ``q``, you can retrieve this
value via ``q.epsilon``.
# setup display/window
# create stimulus
stimulus = visual.RadialStim(win=win, tex='sinXsin', size=1,
pos=[0,0], units='deg')
# create staircase object
# trying to find out the contrast where subject gets 63% correct
# if wanted to do a 2AFC then the defaults for pThreshold and gamma
# are good. As start value, we'll use 50% contrast, with SD = 20%
staircase = data.QuestHandler(0.5, 0.2,
pThreshold=0.63, gamma=0.01,
nTrials=20, minVal=0, maxVal=1)
while thisContrast in staircase:
# setup stimulus
# get response
# inform QUEST of the response, needed to calculate next level
# can now access 1 of 3 suggested threshold levels
staircase.quantile(0.5) # gets the median
def __init__(self,
Typical values for pThreshold are:
* 0.82 which is equivalent to a 3 up 1 down standard staircase
* 0.63 which is equivalent to a 1 up 1 down standard staircase
(and might want gamma=0.01)
The variable(s) nTrials and/or stopSd must be specified.
`beta`, `delta`, and `gamma` are the parameters of the Weibull
psychometric function.
Prior threshold estimate or your initial guess threshold.
Standard deviation of your starting guess threshold.
Be generous with the sd as QUEST will have trouble finding
the true threshold if it's more than one sd from your
initial guess.
Your threshold criterion expressed as probability of
response==1. An intensity offset is introduced into the
psychometric function so that the threshold (i.e.,
the midpoint of the table) yields pThreshold.
nTrials: *None* or a number
The maximum number of trials to be conducted.
stopInterval: *None* or a number
The minimum 5-95% confidence interval required in the
threshold estimate before stopping. If both this and
nTrials is specified, whichever happens first will
determine when Quest will stop.
method: *'quantile'*, 'mean', 'mode'
The method used to determine the next threshold to test.
If you want to get a specific threshold level at the end
of your staircasing, please use the quantile, mean, and
mode methods directly.
beta: *3.5* or a number
Controls the steepness of the psychometric function.
delta: *0.01* or a number
The fraction of trials on which the observer presses blindly.
gamma: *0.5* or a number
The fraction of trials that will generate response 1 when
grain: *0.01* or a number
The quantization of the internal table.
range: *None*, or a number
The intensity difference between the largest and smallest
intensity that the internal table can store. This interval
will be centered on the initial guess tGuess. QUEST assumes
that intensities outside of this range have zero prior
probability (i.e., they are impossible).
A dictionary (typically) that will be stored along with
collected data using
:func:`~psychopy.data.StairHandler.saveAsPickle` or
:func:`~psychopy.data.StairHandler.saveAsText` methods.
minVal: *None*, or a number
The smallest legal value for the staircase, which can be
used to prevent it reaching impossible contrast values,
for instance.
maxVal: *None*, or a number
The largest legal value for the staircase, which can be
used to prevent it reaching impossible contrast values,
for instance.
staircase: *None* or StairHandler
Can supply a staircase object with intensities and results.
Might be useful to give the quest algorithm more information
if you have it. You can also call the importData function
Additional keyword arguments will be ignored.
The additional keyword arguments `**kwargs` might for example be
passed by the `MultiStairHandler`, which expects a `label` keyword
for each staircase. These parameters are to be ignored by the
self, startVal, nTrials=nTrials, extraInfo=extraInfo,
method=method, stepType='lin', minVal=minVal,
maxVal=maxVal, name=name, autoLog=autoLog)
self.startVal = startVal
self.startValSd = startValSd
self.pThreshold = pThreshold
self.stopInterval = stopInterval
# NB there is also _nextIntensity
self._questNextIntensity = startVal
self._range = range
# Create Quest object
self._quest = QuestObject_(
startVal, startValSd, pThreshold, beta, delta, gamma,
grain=grain, range=self._range)
# Import any old staircase data
if staircase is not None:
self.importData(staircase.intensities, staircase.data)
# store the origin file and its path
self.originPath, self.origin = self.getOriginPathAndFile(originPath)
self._exp = None
self.autoLog = autoLog
# NB we inherit self.intensity from StairHandler
def beta(self):
return self._quest.beta
def gamma(self):
return self._quest.gamma
def delta(self):
return self._quest.delta
def epsilon(self):
return self._quest.xThreshold
def grain(self):
return self._quest.grain
def range(self):
return self._range
[docs] def addResponse(self, result, intensity=None):
"""Add a 1 or 0 to signify a correct / detected or
incorrect / missed trial
Supplying an `intensity` value here indicates that you did not use the
recommended intensity in your last trial and the staircase will
replace its recorded value with the one you supplied here.
# Process user supplied intensity
if intensity is None:
intensity = self._questNextIntensity
# Update the intensity.
# During the first trial, self.intensities will be of length 0,
# so pop() would not work.
if len(self.intensities) != 0:
self.intensities.pop() # remove the auto-generated one
# Update quest
self._quest.update(intensity, result)
# Update other things
# add the current data to experiment if poss
if self.getExp() != None: # update the experiment handler too
self.getExp().addData(self.name + ".response", result)
if not self.finished:
[docs] def importData(self, intensities, results):
"""import some data which wasn't previously given to the quest
if len(intensities) != len(results):
raise AttributeError("length of intensities and results input "
"must be the same")
for intensity, result in zip(intensities, results):
self.addResponse(result, intensity)
except StopIteration:
# would get a stop iteration if stopInterval set
pass # TODO: might want to check if nTrials is still good
[docs] def calculateNextIntensity(self):
"""based on current intensity and counter of correct responses
# Check we haven't gone out of the legal range
if self.maxVal is not None and self._nextIntensity > self.maxVal:
self._nextIntensity = self.maxVal
elif self.minVal is not None and self._nextIntensity < self.minVal:
self._nextIntensity = self.minVal
self._questNextIntensity = self._nextIntensity
[docs] def _intensity(self):
"""assigns the next intensity level"""
if self.method == 'mean':
self._questNextIntensity = self._quest.mean()
elif self.method == 'mode':
self._questNextIntensity = self._quest.mode()[0]
elif self.method == 'quantile':
self._questNextIntensity = self._quest.quantile()
raise TypeError(f"Requested method for QUEST: {self.method} is not a valid method. Please use mean, mode or quantile")
self._nextIntensity = self._questNextIntensity
[docs] def mean(self):
"""mean of Quest posterior pdf
return self._quest.mean()
[docs] def sd(self):
"""standard deviation of Quest posterior pdf
return self._quest.sd()
[docs] def mode(self):
"""mode of Quest posterior pdf
return self._quest.mode()[0]
[docs] def quantile(self, p=None):
"""quantile of Quest posterior pdf
return self._quest.quantile(quantileOrder=p)
[docs] def confInterval(self, getDifference=False):
Return estimate for the 5%--95% confidence interval (CI).
getDifference (bool)
If ``True``, return the width of the confidence interval
(95% - 5% percentiles). If ``False``, return an NumPy array
with estimates for the 5% and 95% boundaries.
scalar or array of length 2.
interval = [self.quantile(0.05), self.quantile(0.95)]
if getDifference:
return abs(interval[0] - interval[1])
return interval
[docs] def incTrials(self, nNewTrials):
"""increase maximum number of trials
Updates attribute: `nTrials`
self.nTrials += nNewTrials
[docs] def simulate(self, tActual):
"""returns a simulated user response to the next intensity level
presented by Quest, need to supply the actual threshold level
# Current estimated intensity level
if self.method == 'mean':
tTest = self._quest.mean()
elif self.method == 'mode':
tTest = self._quest.mode()
elif self.method == 'quantile':
tTest = self._quest.quantile()
return self._quest.simulate(tTest, tActual)
def __next__(self):
"""Advances to next trial and returns it.
Updates attributes; `thisTrial`, `thisTrialN`, `thisIndex`,
`finished`, `intensities`
If the trials have ended, calling this method will raise a
StopIteration error. This can be handled with code such as::
staircase = data.QuestHandler(.......)
for eachTrial in staircase: # automatically stops when done
# do stuff
staircase = data.QuestHandler(.......)
while True: # i.e. forever
thisTrial = staircase.next()
except StopIteration: # we got a StopIteration error
break # break out of the forever loop
# do stuff here for the trial
if self.finished == False:
# update pointer for next trial
self.thisTrialN += 1
return self._nextIntensity
next = __next__ # allows user to call without a loop `val = trials.next()`
[docs] def _checkFinished(self):
"""checks if we are finished
Updates attribute: `finished`
if self.nTrials is not None and len(self.intensities) >= self.nTrials:
self.finished = True
elif (self.stopInterval is not None and
self.confInterval(True) < self.stopInterval):
self.finished = True
self.finished = False
class PsiObject_(PsiObject, _ComparisonMixin):
"""A PsiObject that implements the == and != operators.
[docs]class PsiHandler(StairHandler):
"""Handler to implement the "Psi" adaptive psychophysical method
(Kontsevich & Tyler, 1999).
This implementation assumes the form of the psychometric function
to be a cumulative Gaussian. Psi estimates the two free parameters
of the psychometric function, the location (alpha) and slope (beta),
using Bayes' rule and grid approximation of the posterior distribution.
It chooses stimuli to present by minimizing the entropy of this grid.
Because this grid is represented internally as a 4-D array, one must
choose the intensity, alpha, and beta ranges carefully so as to avoid
a Memory Error. Maximum likelihood is used to estimate Lambda, the most
likely location/slope pair. Because Psi estimates the entire
psychometric function, any threshold defined on the function may be
estimated once Lambda is determined.
It is advised that Lambda estimates are examined after completion of
the Psi procedure. If the estimated alpha or beta values equal your
specified search bounds, then the search range most likely did not
contain the true value. In this situation the procedure should be
repeated with appropriately adjusted bounds.
Because Psi is a Bayesian method, it can be initialized with a prior
from existing research. A function to save the posterior over Lambda
as a Numpy binary file is included.
Kontsevich & Tyler (1999) specify their psychometric function in terms
of d'. PsiHandler avoids this and treats all parameters with respect
to stimulus intensity. Specifically, the forms of the psychometric
function assumed for Yes/No and Two Alternative Forced Choice (2AFC)
are, respectively:
_normCdf = norm.cdf(x, mean=alpha, sd=beta)
Y(x) = .5 * delta + (1 - delta) * _normCdf
Y(x) = .5 * delta + (1 - delta) * (.5 + .5 * _normCdf)
def __init__(self,
intensRange, alphaRange, betaRange,
intensPrecision, alphaPrecision, betaPrecision,
"""Initializes the handler and creates an internal Psi Object for
grid approximation.
nTrials (int)
The number of trials to run.
intensRange (list)
Two element list containing the (inclusive) endpoints of
the stimuli intensity range.
alphaRange (list)
Two element list containing the (inclusive) endpoints of
the alpha (location parameter) range.
betaRange (list)
Two element list containing the (inclusive) endpoints of
the beta (slope parameter) range.
intensPrecision (float or int)
If stepType == 'lin', this specifies the step size of the
stimuli intensity range. If stepType == 'log', this specifies
the number of steps in the stimuli intensity range.
alphaPrecision (float)
The step size of the alpha (location parameter) range.
betaPrecision (float)
The step size of the beta (slope parameter) range.
delta (float)
The guess rate.
stepType (str)
The type of steps to be used when constructing the stimuli
intensity range. If 'lin' then evenly spaced steps are used.
If 'log' then logarithmically spaced steps are used.
Defaults to 'lin'.
expectedMin (float)
The expected lower asymptote of the psychometric function
For a Yes/No task, the PMF usually extends across the
interval [0, 1]; here, `expectedMin` should be set to `0`.
For a 2-AFC task, the PMF spreads out across [0.5, 1.0].
Therefore, `expectedMin` should be set to `0.5` in this
case, and the 2-AFC psychometric function described above
going to be is used.
Currently, only Yes/No and 2-AFC designs are supported.
Defaults to 0.5, or a 2-AFC task.
prior (numpy ndarray or str)
Optional prior distribution with which to initialize the
Psi Object. This can either be a numpy ndarray object or
the path to a numpy binary file (.npy) containing the ndarray.
fromFile (str)
Flag specifying whether prior is a file pathname or not.
extraInfo (dict)
Optional dictionary object used in PsychoPy's built-in
logging system.
name (str)
Optional name for the PsiHandler used in PsychoPy's built-in
logging system.
If the supplied `minVal` parameter implies an experimental
design other than Yes/No or 2-AFC.
if expectedMin not in [0, 0.5]:
raise NotImplementedError(
'Currently, only Yes/No and 2-AFC designs are '
'supported. Please specify either `expectedMin=0` '
'(Yes/No) or `expectedMin=0.5` (2-AFC).')
self, startVal=None, nTrials=nTrials, extraInfo=extraInfo,
stepType=stepType, minVal=intensRange[0],
maxVal=intensRange[1], name=name
# Create Psi object
if prior is not None and fromFile:
prior = np.load(prior)
except IOError:
logging.warning("The specified pickle file could not be "
"read. Using a uniform prior instead.")
prior = None
twoAFC = True if expectedMin == 0.5 else False
self._psi = PsiObject_(
intensRange, alphaRange, betaRange, intensPrecision,
alphaPrecision, betaPrecision, delta=delta,
stepType=stepType, TwoAFC=twoAFC, prior=prior)
[docs] def addResponse(self, result, intensity=None):
"""Add a 1 or 0 to signify a correct / detected or
incorrect / missed trial. Supplying an `intensity` value here
indicates that you did not use the
recommended intensity in your last trial and the staircase will
replace its recorded value with the one you supplied here.
# if needed replace the existing intensity with this custom one
if intensity is not None:
# add the current data to experiment if possible
if self.getExp() is not None:
# update the experiment handler too
self.getExp().addData(self.name + ".response", result)
def __next__(self):
"""Advances to next trial and returns it.
if self.finished == False:
# update pointer for next trial
self.thisTrialN += 1
return self._psi.nextIntensity
next = __next__ # allows user to call without a loop `val = trials.next()`
[docs] def _checkFinished(self):
"""checks if we are finished.
Updates attribute: `finished`
if self.nTrials is not None and len(self.intensities) >= self.nTrials:
self.finished = True
self.finished = False
[docs] def estimateLambda(self):
"""Returns a tuple of (location, slope)
return self._psi.estimateLambda()
[docs] def estimateThreshold(self, thresh, lamb=None):
"""Returns an intensity estimate for the provided probability.
The optional argument 'lamb' allows thresholds to be estimated
without having to recompute the maximum likelihood lambda.
if lamb is not None:
if len(lamb) != 2:
msg = ("Invalid user-specified lambda pair. A "
"new estimate of lambda will be computed.")
warnings.warn(msg, SyntaxWarning)
lamb = None
except TypeError:
msg = ("Invalid user-specified lambda pair. A new "
"estimate of lambda will be computed.")
warnings.warn(msg, SyntaxWarning)
lamb = None
return self._psi.estimateThreshold(thresh, lamb)
[docs] def savePosterior(self, fileName, fileCollisionMethod='rename'):
"""Saves the posterior array over probLambda as a pickle file
with the specified name.
fileCollisionMethod : string
Collision method passed to :func:`~psychopy.tools.fileerrortools.handleFileCollision`
if os.path.exists(fileName):
fileName = handleFileCollision(
except IOError:
warnings.warn("An error occurred while trying to save the "
"posterior array. Continuing without saving...")
[docs]class QuestPlusHandler(StairHandler):
def __init__(self,
intensityVals, thresholdVals, slopeVals,
lowerAsymptoteVals, lapseRateVals,
responseVals=('Yes', 'No'), prior=None,
psychometricFunc='weibull', stimScale='log10',
stimSelectionOptions=None, paramEstimationMethod='mean',
extraInfo=None, name='', label='', **kwargs):
QUEST+ implementation. Currently only supports parameter estimation of
a Weibull-shaped psychometric function.
The parameter estimates can be retrieved via the `.paramEstimate`
attribute, which returns a dictionary whose keys correspond to the
names of the estimated parameters (i.e., `QuestPlusHandler.paramEstimate['threshold']`
will provide the threshold estimate). Retrieval of the marginal posterior distributions works
similarly: they can be accessed via the `.posterior` dictionary.
nTrials : int
Number of trials to run.
intensityVals : collection of floats
The complete set of possible stimulus levels. Note that the
stimulus levels are not necessarily limited to intensities (as the
name of this parameter implies), but they could also be contrasts,
durations, weights, etc.
thresholdVals : float or collection of floats
The complete set of possible threshold values.
slopeVals : float or collection of floats
The complete set of possible slope values.
lowerAsymptoteVals : float or collection of floats
The complete set of possible values of the lower asymptote. This
corresponds to false-alarm rates in yes-no tasks, and to the
guessing rate in n-AFC tasks. Therefore, when performing an n-AFC
experiment, the collection should consists of a single value only
(e.g., `[0.5]` for 2-AFC, `[0.33]` for 3-AFC, `[0.25]` for 4-AFC,
lapseRateVals : float or collection of floats
The complete set of possible lapse rate values. The lapse rate
defines the upper asymptote of the psychometric function, which
will be at `1 - lapse rate`.
responseVals : collection
The complete set of possible response outcomes. Currently, only
two outcomes are supported: the first element must correspond to
a successful response / stimulus detection, and the second one to
an unsuccessful or incorrect response. For example, in a yes-no
task, one would use `['Yes', 'No']`, and in an n-AFC task,
`['Correct', 'Incorrect']`; or, alternatively, the less verbose
`[1, 0]` in both cases.
prior : dict of floats
The prior probabilities to assign to the parameter values. The
dictionary keys correspond to the respective parameters:
``threshold``, ``slope``, ``lowerAsymptote``, ``lapseRate``.
startIntensity : float
The very first intensity (or stimulus level) to present.
psychometricFunc : {'weibull'}
The psychometric function to fit. Currently, only the Weibull
function is supported.
stimScale : {'log10', 'dB', 'linear'}
The scale on which the stimulus intensities (or stimulus levels)
are provided. Currently supported are the decadic logarithm,
`log10`; decibels, `dB`; and a linear scale, `linear`.
stimSelectionMethod : {'minEntropy', 'minNEntropy'}
How to select the next stimulus. `minEntropy` will select the
stimulus that will minimize the expected entropy. `minNEntropy`
will randomly pick pick a stimulus from the set of stimuli that
will produce the smallest, 2nd-smallest, ..., N-smallest entropy.
This can be used to ensure some variation in the stimulus selection
(and subsequent presentation) procedure. The number `N` will then
have to be specified via the `stimSelectionOption` parameter.
stimSelectionOptions : dict
This parameter further controls how to select the next stimulus in
case `stimSelectionMethod=minNEntropy`.
The dictionary supports two keys:
`N` and `maxConsecutiveReps`.
`N` defines the number of "best" stimuli (i.e., those which
produce the smallest `N` expected entropies) from which to randomly
select a stimulus for presentation in the next trial.
`maxConsecutiveReps` defines how many times the exact same stimulus
can be presented on consecutive trials.
For example, to randomly pick a stimulus from those which will
produce the 4 smallest expected entropies, and to allow the same
stimulus to be presented on two consecutive trials max, use
`stimSelectionOptions=dict(N=4, maxConsecutiveReps=2)`.
To achieve reproducible results, you may pass a seed to the
random number generator via the `randomSeed` key.
paramEstimationMethod : {'mean', 'mode'}
How to calculate the final parameter estimate. `mean` returns the
mean of each parameter, weighted by their respective posterior
probabilities. `mode` returns the parameters at the peak of
the posterior distribution.
extraInfo : dict
Additional information to store along the actual QUEST+ staircase
name : str
The name of the QUEST+ staircase object. This will appear in the
PsychoPy logs.
label : str
Only used by :class:`MultiStairHandler`, and otherwise ignored.
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments. These might be passed, for example,
through a :class:`MultiStairHandler`, and will be ignored. A
warning will be emitted whenever additional keyword arguments
have been passed.
If an unknown keyword argument was passed.
The QUEST+ algorithm was first described by [1]_.
.. [1] Andrew B. Watson (2017). QUEST+: A general multidimensional
Bayesian adaptive psychometric method.
Journal of Vision, 17(3):10. doi: 10.1167/17.3.10.
if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 6:
import questplus as qp
msg = 'QUEST+ implementation requires Python 3.6 or newer'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
msg = ('The QUEST+ staircase implementation is currently being '
'tested and may be subject to change.')
if kwargs:
msg = ('The following keyword arguments are unknown to '
'QuestPlusHandler and will be ignored: \n')
for k in kwargs.keys():
msg += '\n - %s' % k
msg += ('\n\nIf you are using QuestPlusHandler through a '
'MultiStairHandler, it may be safe to ignore this '
# Ensure we get a proper unit-testable warning too (not just a
# logfile entry)
msg = 'Unknown keyword argument(s) passed to QuestPlusHandler'
warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
super().__init__(startVal=startIntensity, nTrials=nTrials,
stepType=stimScale, extraInfo=extraInfo, name=name)
# We don't use these attributes that were inherited from StairHandler.
self.currentDirection = None
self.stepSizeCurrent = None
# Note that self.stepType is not used either: we use self.stimScale
# instead (which is defined below).
self.intensityVals = intensityVals
self.thresholdVals = thresholdVals
self.slopeVals = slopeVals
self.lowerAsymptoteVals = lowerAsymptoteVals
self.lapseRateVals = lapseRateVals
self.responseVals = responseVals
self.psychometricFunc = psychometricFunc
self.stimScale = stimScale
self.stimSelectionMethod = stimSelectionMethod
self.stimSelectionOptions = stimSelectionOptions
self.paramEstimationMethod = paramEstimationMethod
self._prior = prior
# questplus uses different parameter names.
if self.stimSelectionMethod == 'minEntropy':
stimSelectionMethod_ = 'min_entropy'
elif self.stimSelectionMethod == 'minNEntropy':
stimSelectionMethod_ = 'min_n_entropy'
raise ValueError('Unknown stimSelectionMethod requested.')
if self.stimSelectionOptions is not None:
valid = ('N', 'maxConsecutiveReps', 'randomSeed')
if any([o not in valid for o in self.stimSelectionOptions]):
msg = ('Unknown stimSelectionOptions requested. '
'Valid options are: %s' % ', '.join(valid))
raise ValueError(msg)
stimSelectionOptions_ = dict()
if 'N' in self.stimSelectionOptions:
stimSelectionOptions_['n'] = self.stimSelectionOptions['N']
if 'maxConsecutiveReps' in self.stimSelectionOptions:
stimSelectionOptions_['max_consecutive_reps'] = self.stimSelectionOptions['maxConsecutiveReps']
if 'randomSeed' in self.stimSelectionOptions:
stimSelectionOptions_['random_seed'] = self.stimSelectionOptions['randomSeed']
stimSelectionOptions_ = self.stimSelectionOptions
if self._prior is not None:
valid = ('threshold', 'slope', 'lapseRate', 'lowerAsymptote')
if any([p not in valid for p in self._prior]):
msg = ('Invalid prior parameter(s) specified. '
'Valid parameter names are: %s' % ', '.join(valid))
raise ValueError(msg)
prior_ = dict()
if 'threshold' in self._prior:
prior_['threshold'] = self._prior['threshold']
if 'slope' in self._prior:
prior_['slope'] = self._prior['slope']
if 'lapseRate' in self._prior:
prior_['lapse_rate'] = self._prior['lapseRate']
if 'lowerAsymptote' in self._prior:
prior_['lower_asymptote'] = self._prior['lowerAsymptote']
prior_ = self._prior
if self.psychometricFunc == 'weibull':
self._qp = qp.QuestPlusWeibull(
msg = ('Currently only the Weibull psychometric function is '
raise ValueError(msg)
# Ensure self._nextIntensity is set in case the `startIntensity` kwarg
# was supplied. We never actually use self._nextIntensity in the
# QuestPlusHandler; it's mere purpose here is to make the
# MultiStairHandler happy.
if self.startIntensity is not None:
self._nextIntensity = self.startIntensity
self._nextIntensity = self._qp.next_intensity
def startIntensity(self):
return self.startVal
[docs] def addResponse(self, response, intensity=None):
# if needed replace the existing intensity with this custom one
if intensity is not None:
if len(self.intensities) != 0: # avoid error during the first trial where self.intensities will be of length 0, so pop does not work
self.intensities.pop() # remove the auto-generated one
# add the current data to experiment if possible
if self.getExp() is not None:
# update the experiment handler too
self.getExp().addData(self.name + ".response", response)
def __next__(self):
if not self.finished:
# update pointer for next trial
self.thisTrialN += 1
if self.thisTrialN == 0 and self.startIntensity is not None:
# We never actually use self._nextIntensity in the
# QuestPlusHandler; it's mere purpose here is to make the
# MultiStairHandler happy.
self._nextIntensity = self.intensities[-1]
return self.intensities[-1]
next = __next__
def _checkFinished(self):
if self.nTrials is not None and len(self.intensities) >= self.nTrials:
self.finished = True
self.finished = False
def paramEstimate(self):
The estimated parameters of the psychometric function.
dict of floats
A dictionary whose keys correspond to the names of the estimated
qp_estimate = self._qp.param_estimate
estimate = dict(threshold=qp_estimate['threshold'],
return estimate
def prior(self):
The marginal prior distributions.
dict of np.ndarrays
A dictionary whose keys correspond to the names of the parameters.
qp_prior = self._qp.prior
threshold = qp_prior.sum(dim=('slope', 'lower_asymptote', 'lapse_rate'))
slope = qp_prior.sum(dim=('threshold', 'lower_asymptote', 'lapse_rate'))
lowerAsymptote = qp_prior.sum(dim=('threshold', 'slope', 'lapse_rate'))
lapseRate = qp_prior.sum(dim=('threshold', 'slope', 'lower_asymptote'))
qp_prior = dict(threshold=threshold.values,
return qp_prior
def posterior(self):
The marginal posterior distributions.
dict of np.ndarrays
A dictionary whose keys correspond to the names of the estimated
qp_posterior = self._qp.posterior
threshold = qp_posterior.sum(dim=('slope', 'lower_asymptote', 'lapse_rate'))
slope = qp_posterior.sum(dim=('threshold', 'lower_asymptote', 'lapse_rate'))
lowerAsymptote = qp_posterior.sum(dim=('threshold', 'slope', 'lapse_rate'))
lapseRate = qp_posterior.sum(dim=('threshold', 'slope', 'lower_asymptote'))
posterior = dict(threshold=threshold.values,
return posterior
[docs] def saveAsJson(self,
self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self)
# Convert questplus.QuestPlus to JSON using questplus's built-in
# functionality. questplus uses xarray, which cannot be easily
# serialized directly using json_tricks (yet).
self_copy._qp_json = self_copy._qp.to_json()
del self_copy._qp
r = (super(QuestPlusHandler, self_copy)
if fileName is None:
return r
[docs]class MultiStairHandler(_BaseTrialHandler):
def __init__(self, stairType='simple', method='random',
conditions=None, nTrials=50, randomSeed=None,
originPath=None, name='', autoLog=True):
"""A Handler to allow easy interleaved staircase procedures
(simple or QUEST).
Parameters for the staircases, as used by the relevant
:class:`StairHandler` or
:class:`QuestHandler` (e.g. the `startVal`, `minVal`, `maxVal`...)
should be specified in the `conditions` list and may vary between
each staircase. In particular, the conditions **must** include
a `startVal` (because this is a required argument to the above
handlers), a `label` to tag the staircase and a `startValSd`
(only for QUEST staircases). Any parameters not specified in the
conditions file will revert to the default for that individual
If you need to customize the behaviour further you may want to
look at the recipe on :ref:`interleavedStairs`.
stairType: 'simple', 'quest', or 'questplus'
Use a :class:`StairHandler`, a :class:`QuestHandler`, or a
method: 'random', 'fullRandom', or 'sequential'
If `random`, stairs are shuffled in each repeat but not
randomized more than that (so you can't have 3 repeats of the
same staircase in a row unless it's the only one still
running). If `fullRandom`, the staircase order is "fully"
randomized, meaning that, theoretically, a large number of
subsequent trials could invoke the same staircase repeatedly.
If `sequential`, don't perform any randomization.
conditions: a list of dictionaries specifying conditions
Can be used to control parameters for the different staircases.
Can be imported from an Excel file using
MUST include keys providing, 'startVal', 'label' and
'startValSd' (QUEST only).
The 'label' will be used in data file saving so should
be unique.
See Example Usage below.
Minimum trials to run (but may take more if the staircase
hasn't also met its minimal reversals.
See :class:`~psychopy.data.StairHandler`
randomSeed : int or None
The seed with which to initialize the random number generator
(RNG). If `None` (default), do not initialize the RNG with
a specific value.
Example usage::
{'label':'low', 'startVal': 0.1, 'ori':45},
{'label':'high','startVal': 0.8, 'ori':45},
{'label':'low', 'startVal': 0.1, 'ori':90},
{'label':'high','startVal': 0.8, 'ori':90},
stairs = data.MultiStairHandler(conditions=conditions, nTrials=50)
for thisIntensity, thisCondition in stairs:
thisOri = thisCondition['ori']
# do something with thisIntensity and thisOri
stairs.addResponse(correctIncorrect) # this is ESSENTIAL
# save data as multiple formats
stairs.saveDataAsExcel(fileName) # easy to browse
stairs.saveAsPickle(fileName) # contains more info
If an unknown randomization option was passed via the `method`
keyword argument.
self.name = name
self.autoLog = autoLog
self.type = stairType
self.method = method
self.randomSeed = randomSeed
self._rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=randomSeed)
self.conditions = conditions
self.nTrials = nTrials
self.finished = False
self.totalTrials = 0
# create staircases
self.staircases = [] # all staircases
self.runningStaircases = [] # staircases that haven't finished yet
self.thisPassRemaining = [] # staircases to run this pass
# fetch first staircase/value (without altering/advancing it)
self.currentStaircase = self.thisPassRemaining[0] # take the first
# gets updated by self.addData()
self._nextIntensity = self.currentStaircase._nextIntensity
# store the origin file and its path
self.originPath, self.origin = self.getOriginPathAndFile(originPath)
self._exp = None # the experiment handler that owns me!
def _checkArguments(self):
# Did we get a `conditions` parameter, correctly formatted?
if not isinstance(self.conditions, Iterable):
raise TypeError(
'`conditions` parameter passed to MultiStairHandler '
'should be a list, not a %s.' % type(self.conditions))
c0 = self.conditions[0]
if not isinstance(c0, dict):
raise TypeError(
'`conditions` passed to MultiStairHandler should be a '
'list of python dictionaries, not a list of %ss.' %
# Did `conditions` contain the things we need?
params = list(c0.keys())
if self.type not in ['simple', 'quest', 'QUEST', 'questplus']:
raise ValueError(
'MultiStairHandler `stairType` should be \'simple\', '
'\'QUEST\' or \'quest\', not \'%s\'' % self.type)
if self.type != 'questplus' and 'startVal' not in params:
raise AttributeError('MultiStairHandler needs a parameter called '
'`startVal` in conditions')
if 'label' not in params:
raise AttributeError('MultiStairHandler needs a parameter called'
' `label` in conditions')
if self.type in ['QUEST', 'quest'] and 'startValSd' not in params:
raise AttributeError(
'MultiStairHandler needs a parameter called '
'`startValSd` in conditions for QUEST staircases.')
def _createStairs(self):
for condition in self.conditions:
# We create a copy, because we are going to remove items from
# this dictionary in this loop, but don't want these
# changes to alter the originals in self.conditions.
args = dict(condition)
# If no individual `nTrials` parameter was supplied for this
# staircase, use the `nTrials` that were passed to
# the MultiStairHandler on instantiation.
if 'nTrials' not in args:
args['nTrials'] = self.nTrials
if self.type == 'simple':
startVal = args.pop('startVal')
thisStair = StairHandler(startVal, **args)
elif self.type in ['QUEST', 'quest']:
startVal = args.pop('startVal')
startValSd = args.pop('startValSd')
thisStair = QuestHandler(startVal, startValSd, **args)
elif self.type == 'questplus':
thisStair = QuestPlusHandler(**args)
# This isn't normally part of handler.
thisStair.condition = condition
# And finally, add it to the list.
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
"""Advances to next trial and returns it.
This can be handled with code such as::
staircase = data.MultiStairHandler(.......)
for eachTrial in staircase: # automatically stops when done
# do stuff here for the trial
staircase = data.MultiStairHandler(.......)
while True: # ie forever
thisTrial = staircase.next()
except StopIteration: # we got a StopIteration error
break # break out of the forever loop
# do stuff here for the trial
# create a new set for this pass if needed
if (not hasattr(self, 'thisPassRemaining') or
not self.thisPassRemaining):
if self.runningStaircases:
self.finished = True
raise StopIteration
# fetch next staircase/value
self.currentStaircase = self.thisPassRemaining.pop(
0) # take the first and remove it
# if staircase.next() not called, staircaseHandler would not
# save the first intensity,
# Error: miss align intensities and responses
# gets updated by self.addResponse()
self._nextIntensity = next(self.currentStaircase)
# return value
if not self.finished:
# inform experiment of the condition (but not intensity,
# that might be overridden by user)
if self.getExp() != None:
exp = self.getExp()
stair = self.currentStaircase
for key, value in list(stair.condition.items()):
exp.addData("%s.%s" % (self.name, key), value)
exp.addData(self.name + '.thisIndex',
exp.addData(self.name + '.thisRepN', stair.thisTrialN + 1)
exp.addData(self.name + '.thisN', self.totalTrials)
if self.type != 'questplus':
exp.addData(self.name + '.direction', stair.currentDirection)
exp.addData(self.name + '.stepSize', stair.stepSizeCurrent)
exp.addData(self.name + '.stepType', stair.stepType)
exp.addData(self.name + '.intensity', self._nextIntensity)
self._trialAborted = False # reset this flag
return self._nextIntensity, self.currentStaircase.condition
raise StopIteration
next = __next__ # allows user to call without a loop `val = trials.next()`
[docs] def _startNewPass(self):
"""Create a new iteration of the running staircases for this pass.
This is not normally needed by the user - it gets called at __init__
and every time that next() runs out of trials for this pass.
if self.method == 'sequential':
self.thisPassRemaining = copy.copy(self.runningStaircases)
elif self.method == 'random':
# np.random.shuffle() works in-place!
self.thisPassRemaining = copy.copy(self.runningStaircases)
elif self.method == 'fullRandom':
n = len(self.runningStaircases)
self.thisPassRemaining = self._rng.choice(self.runningStaircases,
size=n, replace=True)
# np.random.choice() returns an ndarray, so convert back to a list
# again.
self.thisPassRemaining = list(self.thisPassRemaining)
raise ValueError('Unknown randomization method requested.')
def intensity(self):
"""The intensity (level) of the current staircase"""
return self.currentStaircase._nextIntensity
def intensity(self, intensity):
"""The intensity (level) of the current staircase"""
self.currentStaircase._nextIntensity = intensity
[docs] def abortCurrentTrial(self, action='random'):
"""Abort the current trial (staircase).
Calling this during an experiment abort the current staircase used this
trial. The current staircase will be reshuffled into available
staircases depending on the `action` parameter.
action : str
Action to take with the aborted trial. Can be either of `'random'`,
or `'append'`. The default action is `'random'`.
* When using `action='random'`, the RNG state for the trial handler is
not used.
# check if value for parameter `action` is valid
if not isinstance(action, str): # type checks for params
raise TypeError(
"Parameter `action` specified incorrect type, must be `str`.")
# reinsert the current staircase into the list of running staircases
if action == 'append':
elif action == 'random':
# shuffle using the numpy RNG to preserve state
raise ValueError(
"Value for parameter `action` must be either 'random' or "
# set flag to indicate that the trial was aborted
self._trialAborted = True
[docs] def addResponse(self, result, intensity=None):
"""Add a 1 or 0 to signify a correct / detected or
incorrect / missed trial
This is essential to advance the staircase to a new intensity level!
self.currentStaircase.addResponse(result, intensity)
if self.currentStaircase.finished:
# add the current data to experiment if poss
if self.getExp() != None: # update the experiment handler too
self.getExp().addData(self.name + ".response", result)
self.totalTrials += 1
[docs] def addOtherData(self, name, value):
"""Add some data about the current trial that will not be used to
control the staircase(s) such as reaction time data
self.currentStaircase.addOtherData(name, value)
[docs] def addData(self, result, intensity=None):
"""Deprecated 1.79.00: It was ambiguous whether you were adding
the response (0 or 1) or some other data concerning the trial so
there is now a pair of explicit methods:
* addResponse(corr,intensity) #some data that alters the next
trial value
* addOtherData('RT', reactionTime) #some other data that won't
control staircase
self.addResponse(result, intensity)
if isinstance(result, str):
raise TypeError("MultiStairHandler.addData should only receive "
"corr / incorr. Use .addOtherData('datName',val)")
[docs] def saveAsPickle(self, fileName, fileCollisionMethod='rename'):
"""Saves a copy of self (with data) to a pickle file.
This can be reloaded later and further analyses carried out.
fileCollisionMethod: Collision method passed to
if self.totalTrials < 1:
if self.autoLog:
logging.debug('StairHandler.saveAsPickle called but no '
'trials completed. Nothing saved')
return -1
# otherwise use default location
if not fileName.endswith('.psydat'):
fileName += '.psydat'
with openOutputFile(fileName=fileName, append=False,
fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod) as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
if (fileName is not None) and (fileName != 'stdout'):
logging.info('saved data to %s' % f.name)
[docs] def saveAsExcel(self, fileName, matrixOnly=False, appendFile=False,
"""Save a summary data file in Excel OpenXML format workbook
(:term:`xlsx`) for processing in most spreadsheet packages.
This format is compatible with versions of Excel (2007 or greater)
and with OpenOffice (>=3.0).
It has the advantage over the simpler text files (see
:func:`TrialHandler.saveAsText()` )
that the data from each staircase will be save in the same file, with
the sheet name coming from the 'label' given in the dictionary of
conditions during initialisation of the Handler.
The file extension `.xlsx` will be added if not given already.
The file will contain a set of values specifying the staircase level
('intensity') at each reversal, a list of reversal indices
(trial numbers), the raw staircase/intensity level on *every* trial
and the corresponding responses of the participant on every trial.
fileName: string
the name of the file to create or append. Can include
relative or absolute path
matrixOnly: True or False
If set to True then only the data itself will be output
(no additional info)
appendFile: True or False
If False any existing file with this name will be overwritten.
If True then a new worksheet will be appended.
If a worksheet already exists with that name a number will
be added to make it unique.
fileCollisionMethod: string
Collision method passed to
This is ignored if ``append`` is ``True``.
if self.totalTrials < 1:
if self.autoLog:
logging.debug('StairHandler.saveAsExcel called but no'
' trials completed. Nothing saved')
return -1
append = appendFile
for thisStair in self.staircases:
# make a filename
label = thisStair.condition['label']
fileName, sheetName=label, matrixOnly=matrixOnly,
appendFile=append, fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod)
append = True
[docs] def saveAsText(self, fileName,
"""Write out text files with the data.
For MultiStairHandler this will output one file for each staircase
that was run, with _label added to the fileName that you specify above
(label comes from the condition dictionary you specified when you
created the Handler).
fileName: a string
The name of the file, including path if needed. The extension
`.tsv` will be added if not included.
delim: a string
the delimiter to be used (e.g. '\t' for tab-delimited,
',' for csv files)
matrixOnly: True/False
If True, prevents the output of the `extraInfo` provided
at initialisation.
Collision method passed to
The encoding to use when saving a the file.
Defaults to `utf-8-sig`.
if self.totalTrials < 1:
if self.autoLog:
logging.debug('StairHandler.saveAsText called but no trials'
' completed. Nothing saved')
return -1
for thisStair in self.staircases:
# make a filename
label = thisStair.condition['label']
thisFileName = fileName + "_" + label
fileName=thisFileName, delim=delim, matrixOnly=matrixOnly,
fileCollisionMethod=fileCollisionMethod, encoding=encoding
[docs] def printAsText(self,
"""Write the data to the standard output stream
delim: a string
the delimitter to be used (e.g. '\t' for tab-delimitted,
',' for csv files)
matrixOnly: True/False
If True, prevents the output of the `extraInfo` provided
at initialisation.
nStairs = len(self.staircases)
for stairN, thisStair in enumerate(self.staircases):
if stairN < nStairs - 1:
thisMatrixOnly = True # no header info for first files
thisMatrixOnly = matrixOnly
# make a filename
label = thisStair.condition['label']
thisStair.saveAsText(fileName='stdout', delim=delim,
if __name__ == "__main__":