#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
# from scipy import optimize # DON'T. It's slow and crashes on some machines
class _baseFunctionFit():
"""Not needed by most users except as a superclass for developing
your own functions
Derived classes must have _eval and _inverse methods with @staticmethods
def __init__(self, xx, yy, sems=1.0, guess=None, display=1,
expectedMin=0.5, optimize_kws=None):
super(_baseFunctionFit, self).__init__()
self.xx = np.array(xx)
self.yy = np.array(yy)
self.sems = np.array(sems)
if not hasattr(sems, "__len__"):
# annoyingly in numpy 1.13 len(numpy.array(1)) gives an error
self.sems.shape = (1,) # otherwise we can't get len (in numpy 1.13)
self.expectedMin = expectedMin
self.guess = guess
self.optimize_kws = {}
if optimize_kws is not None:
self.optimize_kws = optimize_kws
# for holding error calculations:
self.ssq = 0
self.rms = 0
self.chi = 0
# do the calculations:
def _doFit(self):
"""The Fit class that derives this needs to specify its _evalFunction
# get some useful variables to help choose starting fit vals
# self.params = optimize.fmin_powell(self._getErr, self.params,
# (self.xx,self.yy,self.sems),disp=self.display)
# self.params = optimize.fmin_bfgs(self._getErr, self.params, None,
# (self.xx,self.yy,self.sems),disp=self.display)
from scipy import optimize
# don't import optimize at top of script. Slow and not always present!
global _chance
_chance = self.expectedMin
if len(self.sems) == 1:
sems = None
sems = self.sems
self.params, self.covar = optimize.curve_fit(
self._eval, self.xx, self.yy, p0=self.guess, sigma=sems,
self.ssq = self._getErr(self.params, self.xx, self.yy, 1.0)
self.chi = self._getErr(self.params, self.xx, self.yy, self.sems)
self.rms = self.ssq/len(self.xx)
def _getErr(self, params, xx, yy, sems):
mod = self.eval(xx, params)
err = sum((yy - mod)**2 / sems)
return err
def eval(self, xx, params=None):
"""Evaluate xx for the current parameters of the model, or for
arbitrary params if these are given.
if params is None:
params = self.params
global _chance
_chance = self.expectedMin
#_eval is a static method - must be done this way because the
# curve_fit function doesn't want to have any `self` object as
# first arg
yy = self._eval(xx, *params)
return yy
def inverse(self, yy, params=None):
"""Evaluate yy for the current parameters of the model,
or for arbitrary params if these are given.
if params is None:
# so the user can set params for this particular inv
params = self.params
xx = self._inverse(yy, *params)
return xx
[docs]class FitWeibull(_baseFunctionFit):
"""Fit a Weibull function (either 2AFC or YN)
of the form::
y = chance + (1.0-chance)*(1-exp( -(xx/alpha)**(beta) ))
and with inverse::
x = alpha * (-log((1.0-y)/(1-chance)))**(1.0/beta)
After fitting the function you can evaluate an array of x-values
with ``fit.eval(x)``, retrieve the inverse of the function with
``fit.inverse(y)`` or retrieve the parameters from ``fit.params``
(a list with ``[alpha, beta]``)
# static methods have no `self` and this is important for
# optimise.curve_fit
def _eval(xx, alpha, beta):
global _chance
xx = np.asarray(xx)
yy = _chance + (1.0 - _chance) * (1 -
return yy
def _inverse(yy, alpha, beta):
global _chance
xx = alpha * (-np.log((1.0 - yy)/(1 - _chance))) ** (1.0/beta)
return xx
[docs]class FitNakaRushton(_baseFunctionFit):
"""Fit a Naka-Rushton function
of the form::
yy = rMin + (rMax-rMin) * xx**n/(xx**n+c50**n)
After fitting the function you can evaluate an array of x-values
with ``fit.eval(x)``, retrieve the inverse of the function with
``fit.inverse(y)`` or retrieve the parameters from ``fit.params``
(a list with ``[rMin, rMax, c50, n]``)
Note that this differs from most of the other functions in
not using a value for the expected minimum. Rather, it fits this
as one of the parameters of the model."""
# static methods have no `self` and this is important for
# optimise.curve_fit
def _eval(xx, c50, n, rMin, rMax):
xx = np.asarray(xx)
if c50 <= 0:
c50 = 0.001
if n <= 0:
n = 0.001
if rMax <= 0:
n = 0.001
if rMin <= 0:
n = 0.001
yy = rMin + (rMax - rMin) * (xx**n / (xx**n + c50**n))
return yy
def _inverse(yy, c50, n, rMin, rMax):
yScaled = (yy - rMin) / (rMax - rMin) # remove baseline and scale
# do we need to shift while fitting?
yScaled[yScaled < 0] = 0
xx = (yScaled * c50**n / (1 - yScaled))**(1 / n)
return xx
[docs]class FitLogistic(_baseFunctionFit):
"""Fit a Logistic function (either 2AFC or YN)
of the form::
y = chance + (1-chance)/(1+exp((PSE-xx)*JND))
and with inverse::
x = PSE - log((1-chance)/(yy-chance) - 1)/JND
After fitting the function you can evaluate an array of x-values
with ``fit.eval(x)``, retrieve the inverse of the function with
``fit.inverse(y)`` or retrieve the parameters from ``fit.params``
(a list with ``[PSE, JND]``)
# static methods have no `self` and this is important for
# optimise.curve_fit
def _eval(xx, PSE, JND):
global _chance
chance = _chance
xx = np.asarray(xx)
yy = chance + (1 - chance) / (1 + np.exp((PSE - xx) * JND))
return yy
def _inverse(yy, PSE, JND):
global _chance
yy = np.asarray(yy)
xx = PSE - np.log((1 - _chance) / (yy - _chance) - 1) / JND
return xx
[docs]class FitCumNormal(_baseFunctionFit):
"""Fit a Cumulative Normal function (aka error function or erf)
of the form::
y = chance + (1-chance)*((special.erf((xx-xShift)/(sqrt(2)*sd))+1)*0.5)
and with inverse::
x = xShift+sqrt(2)*sd*(erfinv(((yy-chance)/(1-chance)-.5)*2))
After fitting the function you can evaluate an array of x-values
with fit.eval(x), retrieve the inverse of the function with
fit.inverse(y) or retrieve the parameters from fit.params (a list
with [centre, sd] for the Gaussian distribution forming the cumulative)
NB: Prior to version 1.74 the parameters had different meaning, relating
to xShift and slope of the function (similar to 1/sd). Although that is
more in with the parameters for the Weibull fit, for instance, it is less
in keeping with standard expectations of normal (Gaussian distributions)
so in version 1.74.00 the parameters became the [centre,sd] of the normal
# static methods have no `self` and this is important for
# optimise.curve_fit
def _eval(xx, xShift, sd):
from scipy import special
global _chance
xx = np.asarray(xx)
# NB np.special.erf() goes from -1:1
yy = (_chance + (1 - _chance) *
((special.erf((xx - xShift) / (np.sqrt(2) * sd)) + 1) * 0.5))
return yy
def _inverse(yy, xShift, sd):
from scipy import special
global _chance
yy = np.asarray(yy)
# xx = (special.erfinv((yy-chance)/(1-chance)*2.0-1)+xShift)/xScale
# NB: np.special.erfinv() goes from -1:1
xx = (xShift + np.sqrt(2) * sd *
special.erfinv(((yy - _chance) / (1 - _chance) - 0.5) * 2))
return xx
class FitFunction():
"""Deprecated: - use the specific functions; FitWeibull, FitLogistic...
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise DeprecationWarning("FitFunction is now fully DEPRECATED: use"
" FitLogistic, FitWeibull etc instead")